Parent Orientation?

<p>Do I NEED to go to this? I would love to, but some other issues have come up ($$, time, coordinating care for a child w/ special needs…). What will I be missing? In other words, do I need to move Heaven and earth to get there?</p>

<p>Thanks for all the great advice given on this forum!</p>

<p>What exactly are you talking about when you say Parent Orientation? I am not familiar w/ a program called that specifically, other than what is offered at BamaBound during the summer. Have you yourself been to the campus to visit? Are you entirely comfortable w/ your student’s decision to attend UA? If needed, can your student get to the campus on own and navigate whatever needs to be done on campus alone? Is your student willing to ask for help, if needed, when they are alone? I’d say, ‘no’ parents never have to absolutely attend anything - UA will take great care of your student…but not knowing answers to those other questions I’ve written makes it difficult to weigh in with an opinion specific to your case.</p>

<p>Benefits of parents attending UA for ANY reason:

  • see first-hand why it is a great place for your student
  • soak up some of that great hospitality, meet other parents, enjoy a mini-vacation…
  • makes you feel more comfortable about your student’s decision to attend UA and puts your mind entirely at rest that they will be safe, receive a great education, and will have a positive life experience there
  • helps w/ the empty-nester syndrome later on - knowing where things are on campus so you can relate to what your student is experiencing when they call/skype you later (hopefully!)
  • you can help your student ease into adulthood if they are not used to making a lot of decisions on their own or navigating on their own or being in situations where they have to ask for help on their own
  • obviously you can get any of your questions answered personally and erase any lingering doubts you might have about UA - especially useful if you live far far away from UA
  • etc…</p>

<p>You’re talking about Bama Bound, right?</p>

<p>What have you been to so far? </p>

<p>If your child is the attentive type and you’ve learned a lot from this forum, then you probably do not need to go.</p>

<p>I think it totally depends on your child. I think my D’s Bama Bound experience was enhanced by my being there - not being there to attend parent orientation, but being there to provide her with a familiar face, some guidance and some travel help (like renting a car). She could have done it without me, but it was easier with me. I have another child (who isn’t going to Bama) who I would send to orientation alone without a second thought, and who would prefer to go without a parent. But without knowing your child, I’d say go if you can, but you do not need to move heaven and earth to get there.</p>

<p>Thanks for your responses. My D is very independent- organized, self -learner, strong willed, level headed. She will be great. She’ll leave for UA & never look back( lots oftears here). I have been to UA, as has my husband. UA. Is where she belongs, no doubt about it. We live 8+ hours away. With BB .being only 2 days, I wondered about it for me :)</p>

<p>I couldn’t agree more, Beth’s mom.</p>

<p>Your D will be fine. Just keep checking back here for more info…and post questions as needed. </p>


<p>My daughter attended Bama Bound without me. It was her 4th trip to campus. She had attended a 10 day summer camp on campus the year before. She coordinated flights with a friend from Houston whose amazing family made sure she got to and from the airport, and coordinated with her throughout the trip. She spend time with other wonderful CC families who made sure she was okay. She is a strong an independent woman, but it made me feel terrific knowing that people had her back! Stay close by here and you will have full confidence.</p>