<p>I need to vent, and I need some advice from sane parents.</p>
<p>First, some background info. I live in an area where Asians have a large influence (50%+ is Asian). I'm a senior in a competitive high school with a 3.65 UW GPA, 31 ACT (2150 SAT translated), scored near-perfect on SAT IIs, and have taken 9 AP courses along with numerous honors courses.</p>
<p>My mom experienced the normal Taiwan education. She had to go through high school, test into college, etc. etc. until she came to America for grad school. Essentially, she knows what the Undergraduate Admissions is about since she's experienced a similar version of it in Taiwan.</p>
<p>My dad, however, grew up during the Cultural Revolution in China. He didn't go to high school, but was able to test into college after the Revolution, came to America and went to grad school here. He has no idea what the system is like here.</p>
<p>After college, my parents founded and now have a successful computer software business.</p>
<p>So here's the problem:</p>
<p>My dad has repeatedly told me that what I've done in the last four years in high school was wrong.</p>
<p>He says that I should NOT have self-studied for my ACT. I initially got a 30 in February, but then he suggested a tutor. He then got one and my score only went up to a 31 in April. For some reason, he's blaming me for self-studying and how it didn't work. I told him that he was the one who got me the tutor, and so blames me for being a bad student. My mom, growing up with a normal education, believes tutors are a waste of time and money and encouraged me to self-study. My dad blames her for my relatively low score as well.</p>
<p>Now I have to self-study again for the December one next week.</p>
<p>Later, he tells me that the best chance of success is to build a solid base, meaning go to a good college. How do you go to a good college? His solution is 3.85+ GPA, 2300+ SAT scores. Everything else (ECs, personal statements, etc.) is irrelevant and unnecessary. I soon question his credibility, and he says that since he was able to go from rags to riches (The American Dream, essentially), he knows what's best for me, and he knows how to get into a good college since he apparently knows the system. He claims that no one else can provide such good information other than himself. </p>
<p>I tell him that if that were true, then every single college prep book I have ever bought, every website I have gone to (including CC), is wrong. He says that's true, and that he is right, and everyone else is wrong.</p>
<p>He then criticizes my extracurriculars, Boy Scouts and Marching Band, both of which I have a strong passion to. Marching Band takes up a huge chunk of my time, and so whenever there's a cancelled rehearsal or whatnot, he is happy. Whenever I'm about to go to a backpacking trip, he tells me what a big waste of time it is. It's like he never wants me out of the house! </p>
<p>I then asked him that if he knew what was right, why didn't he tell me that when I was a freshman? He said that he has, but I just don't listen. In reality, he's lying. He didn't care what I did, whether it was academics or extracurriculars. But now, as I'm almost done with college apps, he begins to see what kind of "problem" I'm in.</p>
<p>Essentially, there's no way in talking sense to my dad. There's no way to tell him that the system's changed now, where ECs and personal statements are extremely important, where SAT/GPA is not necessarily the deciding factor. </p>
<p>My mom told me to ignore what my dad says, but it's just simply not possible. I'm actually looking forward to moving out come June to whatever college I end up going to.</p>
<p>If this is the stereotypical Asian parenting, then it's just ridiculous.</p>
<p>Please advise me on what to do. Thank you for your response.</p>