<p>Back in 2007, while I was a Junior in High School, Dad pressured me into a joint High School-Community College nursing program because "The line of work would make me big money, and that's what your in college for." Medicine isn't my thing, but being the hormonal, unconfident teenager I was, I went along with it. And for 7 months, I was terrible at it. I had a very good job at the time too, so when I got the stomach to tell him I was going to drop out, I paid for every last cent he spent on me in the program. Granted it left a bad look on my first year GPA.</p>
<p>As 2008 rolled along, I changed over my major to History. I paid half for books and tuition, split it with dad. Then the recession hit, I lost my job and there was no work around here for a few years. And things seemed to go just fine with it, 2 years passed, and I was one class short of my Associates in the Summer of 2010. I walked with my class, and all that good stuff. And I got my Associates Degree in History. When dad saw it was in History, he didn't like it. But to warm things, we take a family trip to Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi that July. MS charmed me, Vicksburg isn't the most prominent place on Earth I'd want to live. But the state of Mississippi wiggled it's way into my heart, and I start thinking of going to college there. Dad doesn't think much of it, and has a strong word or two to say about the large numbers of blacks.. Then, my college wanted my Degree back after I had applied to all these different Universities that summer in 2010. Turns out, I was one math class short, math isn't my strongest subject, but I try. So, added that my Graduation was a bit of a mistake, my dad starts pressuring me to change my major. Whenever I propose something else, it isn't good enough for him. And since by this time he was paying for everything, started to try forcing his hand.</p>
<p>Come Fall 2010, we lost the house, sort of. You see, back then me and dear old Dad used to renovate houses. And since he bought a trailer in the poorer part of town to renovate. Well, he apparently didn't do his homework on the trailer because it was a HUD house. So we were forced to move into it, adding a lot of stress into the matter. At about this time I meet a girl, sweet little redheaded Mormon girl. I'm too shy to talk to her back then, we do chat some, but I start to gain feelings for her. Part of the reason why I am so timid about her, is because her cousin was a friend of mine, and he had cancer, which I'll discuss later. I fail the math class I need at the end of the semester.</p>
<p>Things remain quiet until April 2011, I fail the math class again. One day I see the before mentioned girl crying at a crosswalk and I let her know that I am there for her. It made me feel so good. Later that day, I'm on the computer, and Dad comes storming in screaming at me and accusing my of wasting his money and how my Major is a useless POS and such. I respond in kind and tell him to stuff it, hindsight says, not such a good idea back then. A 6 hour long fight rages into the night with the both of us calling each other terrible things, but it ends with his final loud condemnation of never EVER paying for my History major. I felt defeated.</p>
<p>Fed up with the math class I was in, I test out of it and into a different one over the Summer. I didn't do good at it at first. I got dropped. At this time, my dad's mom. My closest grandmother, her Alzheimer's becomes advanced dementia. Dad doesn't want to move her into a home. So he moves me in. At first it was alright, it felt like a duty. Then it kept getting worse and worse. Her night terrors (some of them were unnerving, like people in her bedroom, or one where I was a demonic monster) and mood swings, and wandering outside of the house while I'm gone become more than I can handle, while re-taking this math class again. I do slightly better in it. I get a D, but I'm so emotionally burnt out from dealing with grandma that I was depressed.</p>
<p>We move grandma into a home in January 2012. And that friend of mine who had cancer, he dies. Just when I was planning to visit with him. I even see his cousin at the funeral. And just about then, grandma doesn't even last 2 months in the nursing home before they tell us to put her in hospice care. And it became just too much for me to handle. I flipped, made a couple bad decisions, I told his cousin how I felt towards her, and she rejected me. And then grandma passes away. All of this in a span of about 3 months. But, at least I pass this math class with flying colors. And get the Associates's degree.</p>
<p>I spent the rest of 2012 in a bad slump. I get a new job, but, I had no money. And since dad was helping pay for my Satellite course classes from ASU, I really don't say much on it.</p>
<p>Until early this year. I bring up the prospect of Graduate School and since dad isn't going to help me after the BA, and since I do have money now. I bring up the idea of going to Ole Miss, Texas and such for my Graduate studies. And he stands so steadfastly against he that he threatens all sorts of things and refers to Ole Miss with terms, offensive, racist ones. And puts it off as such a useless college that I'll waste so much money on in Out-of-State tuition, a useless History major and I'm an idiot for wanting to leave.</p>