<p>"@cottagespirit - I am encouraging my son to sign up for a TREK - actually I told him he was required to pick one.
…but how does it work? Do I drop him off for the TREK adventure and say good bye? Or do we hang out and get him settled when he returns from the TREK? It is getting so real!"</p>
<p>There’s a drop-off day that’s a little crazy. The day is designed to just get the kids’ stuff dropped off into their rooms relatively quickly and to get them set off on their adventures. We went up the night before, stayed at the Sheraton, and headed to campus as soon as we were allowed to the next morning. My husband and I both went, and we were able to get his room set up enough so that when he returned from TREK, he would at least have towels and toiletries unpacked and a bed made up to fall into. (We figured he’d be dirty and tired!
) For regular (non-TREK) drop-off, they have returning students there to help families unload and carry things to the rooms. The TREKers are essentially on their own.</p>
<p>We started off by going over to the student center to check in and get his room key. DS did hiking and the line was long (because they have lots of hiking groups); even with getting there early, we had a very healthy wait. They are very serious about making sure everyone has come prepared, and for the hikers at least, all of the carefully packed backpacks had to be totally unpacked so inspectors-of-sorts could make sure all of the required items were there. Then everyone packed their gear back up.</p>
<p>After carting his stuff into his room and unpacking us much as we could as quickly as we could, we went back over to the student center for a very fun (with lots of whooping and hollering) meeting with the leaders, TREKers, and parents. My husband and I were saying “only at UVM would all of these hundreds of new students be so excited about setting off for a week in the wilderness with no showers with people they’ve never met before”.
They told the parents to hug their kids good-bye, and then they went off to join their group leaders. And that was it. </p>
<p>One of the nice things about it was that it was so organized, relatively quick, and filled with so much positive energy that the good-bye was very exciting rather than sad.</p>
<p>The TREKers get back to campus before the other new students arrive, so they get a little quiet time on their own before the craziness of general move-in day kicks in.</p>
<p>There was a family barbecue the evening the TREKers got back too. We did go back up for that, mainly because DS is a musician and we were bringing up his instruments and equipment. I guess that’s when we brought up his computer and printer too. DS stayed mostly with his TREK group, though, so we didn’t see him much. </p>