Parents caring for the parent support thread (Part 1)

<p>hugs for all your family, MomofJandL. Tough times require bigger hugs.</p>

<p>Hoping all is peaceful.</p>

<p>How’s it going this morning, MomofJandL?</p>

<p>Thinking of you, MomofJandL.</p>

<p>Sending the best to all, MomofJandL. Glad the family can be there. </p>

<p>Thinking of you, MomofJandL. I’m glad your husband is with his mother and her other relatives now. </p>

<p>Prayers and blessings coming your way MomofJandL and for FIL, DH, and all your extended family. Prayers for a peaceful passing of MIL.</p>

<p>MIL passed peacefully yesterday morning. FIL is feeling pretty lost right now, but family is gathering and will do what families do. Thanks to all on this forum, I’ll be keeping up because the focus now will move to how to care for FIL, which is going to be a whole other story.</p>

<p>Blessings to you and your family, MomofJandL. I’m so sorry for your loss. </p>

<p>MomofJandL- Condolences to you and your family. May you all find peace and strength at this sad time. </p>

<p>So sorry for your loss, momofJandL.</p>

<p>Sorry for your loss, momofJandL. </p>

<p>Thoughts, prayers and hugs.</p>

<p>So sorry, momofJandL. May your mother-in-law’s memory be a blessing.</p>

<p>Condolences, momofJandL. May you remember the good times with your mother-in-law.</p>

<p>momofJandL – May your MIL’s memory be a blessing for all those who knew and loved her.</p>

Study Links Anxiety Drugs to Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s occurs more often among older people who have used benzodiazepines for long periods, researchers report.
<a href=“Study Links Anxiety Drugs to Alzheimer's Disease - The New York Times”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Following another link in oldmom’s article, I found this excellent list of Don’ts for the care of elderly people:
<a href=“Choosing Wisely: An Initiative of the ABIM Foundation”>Choosing Wisely: An Initiative of the ABIM Foundation;

<p>Great links. I’ve already spotted 3 cases of inappropriate care for my parents. :-(</p>

<p>Oldmom- saw that study and it is very interesting. Thanks for posting it. </p>

<p>CF- That link should be required reading. Very informative and succinct. Thank you. Why is m-i-l being given “Boost”? Hmmm… Thank you for sharing, CF. In general, it is quite validating of my “does he have to take that?” approach to care for my frail 90 year old father with dementia. He is off everything except basic quality of life drugs. </p>

<p>LasMa- so common to have these things fall into place over time and not have careful review of whole picture, decision by decision… I think we all have some experience with at least one case of this. </p>