Parents caring for the parent support thread (Part 1)

If it becomes appropriate, there is a wonderful , nationwide support group, with chapters all over, for parents who have lost children. It is called Compassionate Friends.
<a href=“The Compassionate Friends Non-Profit Organization for Grief”>;/a&gt;
Many have found it very helpful to get though such a difficult loss. Would you like me to find a similar group for siblings? I am happy to.</p>

<p>GTalum, sending my prayers and a hug. What a terrible shock. You and your family are in our thoughts.</p>

<p>GTalum- so sorry for your tragic loss. </p>

<p>GT: Add my heartfelt sorrow for your loss! </p>

<p>Oh, GT, so sorry. Our love to you and your family.</p>

<p>Hugs GT. May your memories bring you comfort.</p>

<p>GTalum, I am so sorry for the loss of your brother. I remember the feeling well of not wanting to go on, but knowing I had to- for me it was when my dad died many years ago, tragically, and on Christmas Day. I am so, so sorry. Many prayers and hugs coming your way. </p>

<p>Yes jym, that would be helpful. Even though I was the one here with regular care of my parents, my brother was making an effort to spend more time here and with them. I knew he always had my back. Thanks everyone. </p>

<p>((GTalum)). So sorry for your loss. Do you have any other siblings? I am an only who lost sibs and I have another friend in the same boat. One day at a time. </p>

<p>Oh no, @GTalum, that is so sad. I am sorry for your loss</p>

<p>G Talum, I am so sorry and shocked for you and your family. This is so very new, you haven’t even begun to process it. When it starts to sink in, find support groups. Yes. When I lost my son I discovered a group called “Compassionate Friends” for parents who had lost children. I made good friends with two young mothers who had lost children some years ago and we would meet often. But most of all, I would have long, long phone conversations with other mothers (most had lost children years ago–you do not want to disturb the newly bereaved). You will be amazed how other women your mother’s age who have lost children can cry with and comfort your mother. These women will say “call me at any hour of the day.” The presence of other people–especially people who have felt such a loss is vital. Believe me. Not right now, but when the reality sinks in, connect with other women for your mom. Make the arrangements. I don’t know how it is for men. My husband had a VERY close supportive group of people at his worksite. It depends on what kind of man your dad is. He too might greatly benefit from talking to other bereaved fathers–just make sure they have had some years’ distance from their loss. It shouldn’t be hard for a web savvy person to find such outlets. If you want help, I would be glad to do some research. My deep condolences.</p>

<p>PS Sorry I overlooked what an impact this must have on you. I would be bereft if I lost my sister, my only sibling. You can find similar people to pair up with. It really helps. Just emails and over the phone is enough…</p>

<p>I’m so sorry, GTalum. May you find some peace in good memories of your brother. He was too young to go, way too young.</p>

<p>GTalum, I am so sorry. May his life and memories bring you comfort.</p>

<p>GTalum. I used to run a bereavement support group. For those who wanted additional online support, they liked the ones offered through indigo. <a href=“Loss of a Sibling -, Help for Coping with Loss Types: Child, Mother, Father, Wife, Husband, Mate, Pet, Friend, Sibling, Sister & Brother”>Loss of a Sibling -, Help for Coping with Loss Types: Child, Mother, Father, Wife, Husband, Mate, Pet, Friend, Sibling, Sister & Brother;

<p>And as I mentioned earlier in # 5180, there is support available through Compassionate friends, which has an online support group for siblings <a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>surfcity - He was my only sibling. </p>

<p>Dharmawheel - unfortunately, I don’t think my mom is capable of developing a relationship with others or even reaching out. It would require much more executive functioning and memory than my mother currently possesses. My father would not seek a support group. I’m thinking that their retirement community will help. </p>

<p>May your brother’s memory be a blessing GTalum.</p>

<p>My most sincere sympathy. So shocking GTalum. </p>

<p>Overwhelming feeling.</p>

<p>I hope you have some very good friends and support during this trying time that now has gotten more difficult compounded by grief of a brother who has passed too soon - he was still a young man in my book.</p>

<p>I am so sorry. I cannot imagine losing one of my sisters. </p>

<p>GTalum, I am so sorry about your brother, and all that has fallen to you. One step at a time. We’re here for you.</p>

<p>GT I am so sorry.</p>