Parents caring for the parent support thread (Part 2)

In my parents area, one of the local groups that used to cater most of the local parties has now transitioned to delivering meals in home. The locals know her and like the food. Price is right and delivered twice weekly. I’m thankful.


@GRITS80 some pharmacies will put pills in blister packs so all the morning meds are in one compartment etc. But I gather that may not solve your problem entirely?

I never did the automatic dispenser because by the time I was researching it it became more and more clear that even that was not safe enough for Mom and we went to an assisted living place.

Blister packs can be difficult to open. They do make pill boxes that can be set with an alarm.

My sister has discovered that the pill reminder on the Alexa app can’t be heard when Dad is in the study watching “that” channel. sigh. Is there an app that interrupts cable until you take your meds?


What’s involved in getting an ID vs renewing a driver’s license? My dad let his DL expire and now needs some form of ID. He can’t really “trot down to DMV” easily (like at all). I’m fed up with the website that just keeps going in an endless circle it appears. Help?

Hmm, I know our friend took his wife down to the DMV to get an ID (she is the poor woman who has early onset Alzheimer’s and is only 60). He said they had to wait a long time. Do you have an Agency on Aging in your area that could help?

Contact the local Area for Aging Agency.
They referred us to the local state reps. office , where they would take FIL pic give an ID . FIL never wanted to follow up , so not sure it would work.


DLs in our state are 2 years only. S said phooey with that and urged us to get my mom a renewed $110 passport. To keep the peace and to not have to be concerned about her ID again for 10 years, we did it (tho we don’t plan on letting her travel anywhere). The passport lives in our bedroom closet with our other impt documents. We gave all family members a Xeroxed copy of the photo page with the dates valid and passport # info. We have a copy on our computer electronically as well.

Blister drug cards at the pharmacy that supplies our facility narcotics/controlled substances drugs which come before our daily supply from regular supplier (back up pharmacy supplier) charges $4 per card.

Maybe a strong controlled substance is better in a card when you want to easily ‘count’ what was used and what is left w/o a bottle…

My in-laws always had family members set up their pill case week by week. BUT if someone needs the ‘alarm’ and dispenser system that just opens for that one time…just have to look what is available and ask around.

@gouf78 check on state or local agency sites for state issue ID. My mom had a state of WI picture ID.

This is the pill dispenser we’re considering right now. It seems to do what we need. BIL was starting to get MIL set up with the weekly pill case but she really does need the alarm to remind her to take them. It wouldn’t be bad to have an alarm to remember to eat too, but that’s a whole other issue.


I used the MedReady electric dispenser for my mother, and it was a life saver. It has various times of day that you can dispense whatever pills need it at the time. It is easy to find on the internet, but let me know if you have difficulties.


My mom has been going downhill quite a bit in the past few months. I’m going back and forth with myself, several times each day, trying to decide if it’s time to place her. She knows who I am some days, but doesn’t others. She repeats herself 50 times an hour some days, but not others. She is too weak to stand with my assistance some days. She won’t eat much now, but in a strange reversal, has started doing much better with drinking fluids now that I tried giving her protein shakes. She never drank milk her entire life but now won’t drink juice and will drink milk. Everything has shifted upside-down. She doesn’t want to get out of bed now, and it takes quite a while to move her legs and sit her up, since she does’t want to do it.

We finally got to see some family members last weekend after 16 months. That perked her up a little bit, but her memory is so bad she forgot they were here within a few hours of them leaving.

It’s hard to imagine doing this for many more months or years. I don’t know if I have it in me. I also can’t imagine having my life back - I think the guilt might be worse than how I feel now, and I’d still feel the need to visit her every day.

So sorry. This seems way more than you can do yourself. Don’t let guilt get in the way of doing what might be best for both you and your mother.


My mom has been in the hospital for over a week. Multiple issues, including a serious UTI, clot in her leg, and hernia. She had surgery for the hernia today. She may have aspiration pneumonia. Ugh. I may need to fly home at some point. My sister was in Wisconsin on vacation when Mom was hospitalized. She and her husband need to go to Indiana now because the in-laws are doing poorly.

@psychmomma consider calling in hospice. The amount of support you get is amazing!

And they will tell you that whatever you do, it won’t feel like enough.

I don’t think placement has to be a negative for your mother, and certainly not for you.

I have found that freestanding memory care units are much better than those affiliated with assisted living. Are you thinking she needs a nursing home?

I agree with the suggestion of calling hospice. There would be a physician, nurse, social worker, and chaplain involved as well as an aide. They could help evaluate needs and advise you on placing her.

You have gone way above and beyond. What I have seen is a turnaround for some elderly patients in hospice- as well as in a good memory care facility. If she does not turn around in hospice, that is okay too. You will have support if she continues to decline.


Sending hugs @MaineLonghorn and @psychmomma!


I am back again to try and get help with untangling my father’s finances. All of his banking was done online and he can’t remember the password to his computer. The lawyer is working through his power of attorney to contact the banks my father thinks he has money in and get the account information. This is a slow process. Does anybody have any better suggestions, how to legally break into his computer?

We had this with my FIL; did he by any chance have a notebook, small calendar or scratch sheets for notes? We ended up finding FIL’s written in an obscure place. Unfortunately, I’m not a CS person; hopefully someone can chime in with computer help.

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