Parents caring for the parent support thread (Part 2)

Hippobirdy-no this has been a slow decline for years and then she had the dreaded UTI that turned into sepsis that accelerated everything. She’s had a few appointments with a neuro including an MRI yesterday so we will see what he says.

@momofboiler1 that’s almost exactly my best friend’s experience with her Mom.

Unfortunately almost all dementia patients end up in this situation. They of course don’t realize their limitations and so don’t want to change anything. Plus change brings about anxiety.

What I did was to move my parents and tell them it was a short term “rehab.” The staff worked with us on this and they may also have some suggestions for your situation. Sadly, after a few weeks, they were used to their “rehab” and didn’t talk about going home too often.

Sorry to jump in here without a better intro. I’ll bet someone in this group can assist!

We have a family wedding coming up in November and we have coordinated our flights to arrive before my father (94) and his wife (91). They are flying Syracuse to Charlotte. They are the grandparents of the bride, my niece. It’s my turn to handle their transportation :slight_smile:

Does anyone have advice on calling the airlines to plan wheelchairs for them? They are flying American. Please let me know if you have suggestions on this.

Thank you!

You should be able to request extra assistance when booking the tickets or if they are already purchased, you can update your trip preferences on the American app.

I would have a plan B incase something happens where your flights are delayed and they get their before you.


I arranged wheelchair assist when I booked my mother’s flight. They were great. You can pull up the reservation and add it

My mom flys American.

When I’m doing her travel accommodations, I put a request in for a wheelchair. When she does her own, she doesn’t but asks for a wheelchair when she checks in at the desk. She always checks a bag. Either way, she gets assistance.

Is there a direct flight or will they need to connect? That’s where we have issues, last year my mom was confused by what gate she was to be at and missed her connection. It got figured out but connections are difficult

Yes! Our plan B is we are flying the night before so if our flight is canceled we can drive and get there in time. It is a non-stop flight. I don’t think I have their flights in my app.

I’m hoping not to spend time on the phone, but I may have to call AA.

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I’ll try this. I do have their record locators, so this should work. Thank you!

Your parents should be well taken care of by the Airlines with curb to flight service. Have your parents prepare by taking anything out of their personal items (purse, tote) that isn’t allowed like liquids that are too large, even a water bottle, so they can fly through TSA. Tell them to have their IDs ready and to ask for a boarding pass printed if they need it (rather than on a phone).

If someone is driving them to the airport, it would be helpful if there are 2 in the car so someone can go with them to the check in desk. I recently dropped off my 82 year old uncle and it was hard for him to get his luggage to the check in desk where he could pick up the wheelchair. It would have been easier if someone could have just gotten him in the door but I was the only one in the car.


Mother on phone: “I am trying to find your number”

Helpful tips. I appreciate this list.

I was able to log in tonight and add the wheelchair need to their tickets.

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Father to doctor: Oh yes, I am definitely bleeding
Me to father : Dad he means today
Father to doctor : Oh yes, definitely
Me to doctor: ask him what day it is
Doctor to dad : So what day is today
Father to doctor: Oh yes, definitely

Sibs and I have added “rage baby” to the lexicon of Anger Magnet duty. Preferred sib is meeting us to do some caretaking while I do errands “you are too stupid to understand what to do, why can’t I do them myself” Honest to goodness.

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I requested wheelchair assistance once but there was no wheelchair available when I landed for a connection. I was annoyed. I ended up hobbling to the next gate since it was a tight connection.

I need help! I have written about my 95 year old mother, who has been on hospice since June and is, incredibly, out of bed with lipstick and eating again. She will soon come off hospice. I am very involved, and help her get up and downstairs for meals or activities, since she says no to staff.

The facility announced imminent renovations a couple of months ago- massive, every inch of the place, walls, carpets, furniture, curtains, everything. I am extremely sensitive to new carpets, adhesives, paint and other stuff involved. I have had two lobal pneumonias with 104 fever from new carpet or oil paint, and an ER visit with continuous vomiting. I won’t list my health issues but this is real.

I began awhile ago letting the director and assistant director know about my concerns and asking for info on ventilation, materials used, outgassing and so on. Nothing.

I can tell, today, that there is going to be no safe route to my mother’s room, probably for 2-3 months. The new carpet will be open to the hallway on Monday and today it was not sealed and I reacted to it, as well as to the painting job on my mother’s floor.

I looked at 4 other facilities to prepare for this but this place has been her home for 7 years. Anyone know of a gas mask I could wear?! I am thinking of contacting the EPA and Ombudsman about the lack of ventilation. None of this is good for such an elderly population, either. (Side note, it seems there are constant multiple cases of COVID among residents and staff these days.)

I don’t know what I am going to do. It’s hard: administrators are skeptical of course. I have both lung and immune problems and am a cancer survivor.

I have no advice about the renovation, but do want to say: Your Health Comes First. Please don’t risk your life to visit your mother, as at least that’s what it sounds like in your post. I imagine if an N95 respirator would protect you, you’d have already thought of that . . .


Thanks…no N95’s don’t help with fumes.

Amazon is your best option. I would look into the full face respirators. Plenty on amazon and they are inexpensive. 3M usually makes pretty good industrial items.

I do get what you are saying. I am very sensitive to carpet, every time I’ve gone into a carpet store, it’s been pure misery. I had to get new carpet in my house, looked for low fumes and I had it installed in the spring when all the windows could be opened. And I’m not that sensitive so I can imagine how it must be for you.

I’m sorry this is happening.


No advice but just wanted to say that I’m so sorry that you are having to deal with this on top of all the other worries about your mom. I hope you find a solution.


I’m so sorry! Can’t recommend any specific ones because the fit is so individual, just wanted to say do not buy respirators off Amazon unless you are sure the seller is legit. I would buy from Grainger or any other safety equipment store. Looks for such stores locally and ask the sales people.