Parents: HokieHowYouDo'In?

<p>Hi. Thought I would try to inject a humorous thread title into the post-drop off discussions.Trying to stick with positive thoughts instead of dwelling on growing feeling of loss. Left DD 2 days ago. It's been raining and we have had to go to funeral since then. The future days look long and are new territory to deal with. BUT - did anyone catch the scrimmage in the stadium on the way out of the campus on Saturday? We drove into the parking lot and decided to walk in just in time for the incredible band to march in and we stayed until 4:15. The energy and spirit of the game and the crowd reminded me that we were leaving our d. exactly where she wants to be. What a great school!</p>

<p>Moved d in last week. Every time I go there I want to stay. Then I remember what it was like doing homework, and I get over it real fast.</p>

<p>We're expecting a call tonight, since she texted back to me, finally, that we would get one. Would love to know if she's started doing any homework, but afraid to ask! How many questions would you say you can ask without being a meddler? Hate to make a list, but I'm sure I'll forget what I want to ask as soon as I hear her voice. It's only the third day and it seems like two weeks. How do you deal with not knowing details of everything that would be so fun to know? This d. isn't one to give lots of details when requested. They would normally just come out on her own time - but there isn't any kind of time like that now! So I may never hear - maybe over Thanksgiving she will have the urge to share two months of the college experience. Such a long time to wait and be good and not be a pest!</p>

<p>Most of us realize that our parents are going to have a lot of questions, especially at first. :) She'll probably act frustrated but it's better for you to ask the questions than not care, if you know what I mean. Just try to keep the phone conversations down (one or two a week is usually good, unless it's a short "Hey, do you need me to 'do whatever'" type of deal.) And if she's an engineer yes, homework has started. :(</p>

<p>Finally did get the kind of call I was waiting for today - just a good old conversational one with a few funny stories, a few requests and a little description. Just the kind of call that I needed, just to hear the best familiar voice in the world. I'm good for awhile now!</p>

<p>Well, I'm back home after an extra week vacation with family after dropping off s on Friday the 20th. The emails have been flying. It seems that all those little things that I suggested he bring to school but he said he wouldn't he wants them (imagine that). Over the course of the week, a list grew of some new essentials and wanna-haves. Fortunately stopping by campus this am on the way home was not a problem at all! I got to peek in his room now that they have had a whole week to settle in (pigsty) and best of all, I got a giant hug. Gosh, he looked so happy.</p>