<p>I am applying to transfer and have to write a short essay question on how experiences, talents, opinions or cultural background would bring to the campus community. </p>
<p>I have had interesting experiences as I spent a year after high school in India volunteering for an HIV/AIDS clinic and helped to implement a school HIV/AIDS peer education program. Additionally, I am an Indian American female at a predominantly white college and have grown up most of my life in all-white neighborhoods and so culturally I have always been a minority. But I do not know how I could explain why these factors would enable me to contribute to their university. Do you have any ideas on how I can expand upon that?</p>
<p>Every time you talk of your experience in India, you are expanding someone else's world view. When you invited friends to your house, did you share Indian cuisine with them? Did you talk about values? religion? politics? social/dating habits? Do you have ECs that differ from the norm, e.g. dancing (I cannot recall the name of the stylized Indian dance, tho I have been to a performance)
good luck</p>
<p>IMO, whatever race, culture, religion, socioeconomic status, manner of thinking, etc. one brings to the college may not mean much unless one actively fosters diversity or inclusion. </p>
<p>Therefore, IMO the question is "What can you do to foster diversity and/or inclusion?"</p>
<p>IMO you offer at least two possible ways to approach this question in your post. One, your experience with AIDS treatment and education suggests that you already have demonstrated an ability to be inclusive and to work with people of differing backgrounds in, perhaps, difficult circumstances. </p>
<p>Two, your experiences growing up as a minority might be relevant. But, IMO, do not just say that you are or have been a minority person. It is quite possible to be a reclusive member of a minority group and offer nothing in the way of mutual understanding to others. </p>
<p>Rather, I would look at this: Have you ever had an unusual appreciation of, unconditional acceptance of, or understanding of the viewpoints of others, perhaps of the majority groups? Have you ever achieved mutual understanding in some sensitive and important area of your life with those in the majority, or with any other group?</p>
<p>Your personal experiences in these two possible areas could underpin an essay in which you show that these experiences of mutual understanding and acceptance lend credence to the idea that you will be able to foster inclusion and/or diversity at your new college.</p>
<p>Thanks you all for your responses. ADad you have been very helpful. Just bumping, to see if anyone else has any feedback that they can offer me. </p>