Parents in town for CBHP weekend

Hi all! Any other parents going to be in Tuscaloosa for CBHP weekend? Any hotel suggestions if I won’t have a car in town? (and Capstone is booked). I have heard from one other mom and think it would be fun to organize a group night out for parents on Sunday night - let me know if interested!

An addendum - Looked on expedia and Capstone was full, but went to their direct site and got a reservation! :->

Great idea! Eating alone is never fun, so please join us!

^^just pm’d you, my son will be at the interview weekend…if a group is getting together, would love to join everyone if there’s room for one more…

@jmkepcc and @Boca Terp - Great! We are up to 3… hopefully more will join in as well. Anyone with restaurant suggestions for a parent dinner get-together on Sunday (looks like Epiphany - mentioned in another thread - is closed on Sunday)?

Hey can we join as well? What about Cypress Inn on the water? Hubby and I will be staying at an another hotel.

Also heard Evangelines is excellent but Cypress inn might be better for a group.

^^saismom…just pm’d you

Is Cypress Inn open on Sunday evenings? So far we have "kidsrexpensive -1 adult, myself, BocaTerp-1 adult, and Saismom-1or 2- not sure.
If other parents are reading this- don’t sit in your hotel room alone…come join us! If you are arriving by shuttle, I’m sure we can arrange to pick you up or meet in the Capstone Hotel lobby. Also, we have a mixture of men and women, so don’t let that hold you back.

Yeah - something to look forward to while the kids are doing their thing with CBHP. @mom2collegekids - any chance you would like to join us? I think you may have a current CBHP-er?

@kidsrexpensive‌ I don’t have a current CBHer. Both of my kids have graduated from Bama. But thank you for the invite. :slight_smile:

@mom2collegekids you are a wealth of valuable info for all of us and I thank you!!! I’m sure we would all love to see you if you have a gap in your schedule :->!!!

^^ Totally agree with @kidsrexpensive‌ … Honestly, if and when we get down to Tuscaloosa (probably in July), I’d love to buy you a beer or lunch in appreciation for all the information constantly you provide, @mom2collegekids‌ . @SEA_tide‌ as well (though I suspect that he(?) is no longer in the area). Can’t thank you guys enough!

Hi all! Sent meet-up details per PM or email. Will see you all Sunday night! If any other parents out there would like to join in, just message one of us above!!

Thanks so much!

@kidsrexpensive @BocaTerp @jmkepcc FYI: Just spoke with Mrs. Batson and the kids WILL NOT BE going to the Cypress Inn for dinner on Sunday. They will be staying at Hotel Capstone.

Oooh - have heard good things about Cypress Inn! I will call and reserve both and we can decide - YUM-O!

…just googled it and they have Fried Green Tomatoes… As a northern girl, I must not pass that up :->!!

Or…We could go there for lunch on Sunday??

The one on the river looks great!