Parents of HS Class of 2024 3.0-3.4 GPA

That sounds amazing! I hope hope you have some fun things planned yourself!

D24 finished her US History II course with Modern States and submitted the request for the free CLEP exam voucher!

FYI - CLEP exams are 50% off through mid-August.

This week is D24’s last week at McD’s…another 30 hr work week! She’s grown up a lot these past 2 months. DH & I are really proud of her. Hard to believe that school starts in 2 weeks.


In case anyone is looking for a small LAC, S24 was approached by an admissions person from Beloit in WI

Free application which is great. Ultimately it is too small for S24 to even consider (he wants >15,000). But sounds like a great school so figured I would mention here.


Just saw S24’s transcript because he needs it to apply to the few fly in overnight programs. His GPA dropped a little and is 3.85 now. Wife is afraid he won’t be getting top scholarships or merit aids… :dizzy_face:

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Scholarships/merit really depends on what college.

  • DS2022 3.95UWGPA/4.65WGPA, 36 ACT superscore didn’t get stellar stellar merit:
  • got the midrange for Miami OH, when we expected the top number
  • got $23K instead of $25K from WPI
  • got only $16K from Michigan Tech, but he didn’t apply for the next round of scholarships, so we won’t know
  • Only got great $ from Alabama and Northeastern (COA still $46K/yr) because of PSAT Recognition Award,
    so our merit chase wasn’t all that successful.

Mind you, we had additional criteria beyond cost (location, program, prestige/alum networking, etc) so he could have gotten more money if we chased other colleges.


  • I think a lot can be based on:
  1. your application essays
  2. if you already meet some institutional needs so they want to brag/market to you on their campus

DS2022 got into MIT WISE, but not to Williams WOW (even though he was a recruited athlete for Williams, I guess Admissions wasn’t talking to his coach at the time of WOW decision).

Good luck!

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Depends on where your kid is applying and whether that GPA is weighted or unweighted, AND whether the college’s scholarships are based on weighted or unweighted GPA (+ other decision factors).


I would pose your question to the regular 2024 thread. I know the different threads are open and welcome but this is the 3.0-3.4 thread.


S24 has an interview at a grocery store today. I am hoping they hire him as his social life is draining me. He does have a camp counselor position, but that is only for one session/2 weeks.

I was playing around with Scoir last night and it looks like he should get into all of his schools compared to this years stats. His first choice is the biggest maybe but he should still get in where the yield from our high school is pretty high.


Not trying to sound negative,
but using Northeastern as an example, our HS had 52% (49/94) acceptance rate
BUT only about 10 of those students were accepted to the Boston campus (and most of them applied ED or switched to ED2) (10/94 = 10.6%). The rest were accepted to the NUin/Bound-study abroad program.

My gf’s daughter (a total homebody) would NEVER travel abroad for her 1st semester/year, so in her situation, acceptance to anything but Boston campus = rejection. And she wasn’t accepted to NEU Boston (applied EA).

==>==> Point is: just be wary of the data/stats.

good luck


Thanks. For NEU, I would agree but it’s not NEU, I don’t think students in the 3.0-3.4 range are applying to NEU. The funny thing is my kids could be third generation NEU, but it’s out of our budget.

The closer a particular college is to “holistic” admissions, like Northeastern, the more that can be true in even the overall admissions numbers, never mind slicing by this or that program. Guidance counselors in particular will see a fairly steady level of admits from their HS over some years, say 25%, and take it to be a reasonable expectation going forward. Then they ask me “what went wrong?” when there are less or even no admits some year. Nothing went wrong. The college was always looking at individuals rather than high schools, regardless of how it may have seemed from aggregate results.


All of this is valid, but as a reminder we are not on the 2024 thread. I think the analysis of any T50 school is invalid to this thread. I think the majority would be applying to schools with acceptance rates of 60% and above so the analysis I performed is more valid to my student’s needs and probably pretty accurate.


I wasn’t intending to speak to the validity of any particular analysis, and mentioned Northeastern simply because a previous poster had. My point regarding caution in applying stats from previous years in a holistic admissions circumstance was a general one, working off of huango’s post.

Supposedly, about 95% of “selective” colleges (Beloit etc) use a holistic approach of one sort or another, so “holistic” should be relevant to this thread if not the specific college example I gave. The very nature of “holistic” is that GPA isn’t the last word on admission, and therefore schools employing it will be accessible to some whose GPA is well below the mean. “Reaches”, as they call it nowadays.

Success! D24 took the CLEP Calculus exam this morning and passed! This will get her 1 semester of Calculus course credit at several of the colleges she’s applying to. I told her that based on where she ends up attending & what she majors in, because of today’s efforts, she might officially be all done taking Calculus ever again.

It took about a month, but the coffee place she applied to finally got back to her and said no thanks to her application.


Congrats on the CLEP news, that is great!


We finally decided to break down and purchase a 3rd car. Used Honda with low miles. Picking it up from Carvana next Friday! DH was hoping for a bigger reaction from D24, but she was subdued in her reaction because he sprung the news on her in front of a bunch of people. And she doesn’t like a whole lot of attention drawn to herself.

She’s turning in the McD’s shirt and hat today after hospital volunteering. Applied for a hostess job at a breakfast restaurant yesterday. There’s another new drive-thru coffee place opening nearby, but you have to be at least 18 there to apply and must have a totally open schedule. LOL. Good luck hiring people!


Make sure you receive proper paperwork for the car when they deliver it. Some of the cars Carvana sells have turned out to be stolen. Then they won’t give any money back, claming they can’t unless they get the car back… which is problematic when it is in police impound. One guy was two months into payments when he took his into the dealer, and found out the 2021 he had paid for was actually a 2017, so watch for any dicrepancies like that as well (plus it was stolen).

A few days ago Illinois banned Carvana from doing business in the state for repeated instances of things like that. I imagine in the bigger picture these are isolated problems, but do be careful.


@sbinaz good luck to d24. I hope she finds a job she loves or can tolerate. It is tough out there. Congrats on the third car. It is so useful and we are so happy we got one when s24 got his license as I work out of the house so it helped us with transportation issues with both kids activities!

@Brown79 thats for sharing that. We are looking for a car for MIL so that is useful information for us. We will stick to a dealer!

S24 got a job this week at a grocery store. :tada:. He needs to get his work permit so hoping someone is at the school this week for that. That slipped my mind at the end of school year. As for college stuff I forwarded him some essay workshop information but he is being a pain, and is not interested. I think he will probably have his English teacher review his easy before he finishes his applications. They have a great relationship and she will be writing one of his recommendations.

It was the best weekend of summer weather wise and I really don’t want to go back into the office tomorrow.


Random thing I learned today that I thought was interesting:
At Austin College, freshmen students are required to take the Myers Briggs Type Indicator survey when pairing students up in dorm rooms. I think that’s a great idea.


Are the results used to pair them up for compatibility so they will get along, or to pair them up for incompatibility so they will learn about getting along? ; )