Parents of HS Class of 2024 3.0-3.4 GPA

We are the opposite. After a long weekend finalizing supplemental essays to her EA schools (due to HS today) D24 announces she is dropping 2 out of 3 of her reaches. I think spending 4 days working on the essays for her match and safety schools made her really excited to attend them- and she didn’t see the point in applying to harder reach schools in a state “too far away.”


What a smart kiddo you have! Best of luck to her.

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Thanks- to be fair, they were long shots so not too hard to give up, but I am glad she got re-excited about her targets/ safeties. Now we wait…


That is smart and reasonable.

S24 doesn’t or didn’t have any supplemental essays until one of the add ons. I still think he’ll end up at on of his current top choices so I question why throw more in the ring. His choice. It’ll work out how it’s supposed to.


D24 said she’s almost done w/common app personal statement. Yay!


D1’s first official acceptance rolled in yesterday from Mount St. Mary’s University in MD. Feels great to have one in the bag! And, they awarded her their top merit scholarship which brings the cost on par with her in-state options. Next up is High Point, we’re going there in a couple of weeks for a scholarship lunch and she will receive decision there. After that we’ll be waiting til December for more news.

D2 has only applied to Beacon College in FL, and I found out yesterday in a roundabout way that she is getting in! Wow! She doesn’t know yet… her packet will be coming in the mail next week. She will be over the moon, can’t wait to see her reaction :raised_hands:


Congrats. I have heard great things about Mt. St. Mary’s!

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Took DS2 to UW Parkside today, in Kenosha. 40 mins from home. A “hidden gem” school according to guidance counselor. He likes it. It is a smaller state school. I liked the profs who presented, but of course, I like pretty much all professors that we listen to. Since DS2 is undecided, it seems any school he likes and feels comfortable at seems fine.

Parkside would be comfortable. He also liked UW LaCrosse and St. Norbert. He decided that he did not like Eau Claire, a beautiful town, but the campus is on a big hill and I think felt too spread out. He also has rejected Whitewater, mostly because everyone says it’s a party school. (But is LaCrosse also a party school? Likely.)

The kid just needs to finish applying ANYWHERE and I would be happy. I’ve been telling him we support him and he just needs to apply and decide.

He seems so out of it for senior year. Seems to have no ambition but perhaps he is anxious about growing up, and just wants to enjoy the last year of high school.

In other news, youngest brother is getting a lot of As so far first semester. I am thrilled because school used to be more of a challenge and things seem to be clicking for him right now. I hope it sticks.

UPDATE - DS2 apparently has a girlfriend at school that he “doesn’t want to talk about”. Does this explain the lack of ambition??


DS24 wrapped up the essays, resume and finally applied for FSU! BTW, today is the last day for early action.
He has applied for fall. I’ve asked to see if he can change it to summer term as the admissions are very selective for Fall.


Well, THANK GOODNESS, I never thought I’d see this day, but D24 said this evening that she’s done w/her Common App personal statement essay AND the 2 Austin College-specific essay prompts AND emailed the final drafts to her counselor this evening AND she’s going to review them in class w/the counselor this week.

Knock me over with a feather. Holy cow.

NHS did a sleep-over lock-in thing at school on Fri night which D24 participated in…they put together hygiene packs for a local charity. And stayed up until 3:30 am. She said that the floor was very uncomfortable to sleep on. LOL. Then went to a 2 hr choir rehearsal afterwards. And worked 5 hr on Sat evening at Taco Bell. She was pooped.

Still hasn’t hit the ‘apply’ button yet for 2 of the LACs’ choir scholarships. It’s been busy this past week. Choir director recommended that she have a few private voice lessons in preparation for the choir scholarship auditions. Choir director recommended a couple of names, so I’m going to email them tomorrow to get more info.

Info session/interview w/a Centre College admissions counselor is tomorrow at a coffee shop in our area. This is NOT the application interview. But this admissions person is the person assigned to our state and is in our metro area for a couple of days. I’m going w/her. Parents are invited to join for the last 10 min of the 30 min discussion.


First of all, congratulations to all whose kiddos have acceptances in hand already! What a feeling of relief that will be for us, when we finally get there.

That said, there’s good progress to report from here.

D24 showed me her essay rough draft. It didn’t knock me off my feet, and I’m not sure there’s anything in it that is going to stand out to a reader, but since I’m of the “just do no harm” belief wrt to the importance of the essay, she’s going to work with what she has. I made some editorial suggestions and she’s going to incorporate them and then send it off to her English teacher for feedback.

On Saturday we sat down together and she filled out everything on the Common App (except for the essay) and everything on her EA schools. Assuming she can polish up the essay and have it ready to go, she is aiming to be able to hit submit by next Monday (10/23). Deadlines are 10/29 and 11/1.

So, we are still chasing that elusive “safety school” to add to her list. I’m adamant that D24 needs to pick one in-state public option as a financial safety. We looked at Rowan a year ago and while she liked it well enough back then, she has since kind of soured on it. Her words: “It’s where the kids from my school who really don’t know what to do next go.” Fair enough.

We went to an open house event at TCNJ yesterday. It was…fine. She will probably apply, but I can’t say she was too exited about it. I think I’m going to encourage her to put in an application to Rutgers, sight unseen…it is so vastly different from TCNJ that if it comes down to those being the only we can afford, at least she’ll have two different options to choose from.

In other news, I found out I’m eligible through work for her to apply for a Tuition Exchange scholarship at her two favorite choices (RIT and Stevens). Getting that at either of those schools is likely the only way they are going to be affordable for us. :pray:


Process w/ DD2024 is SOOOOO different from DS2022.

2024: - oh you have a D in Honors Physics? please work hard to raise it to C before HS sends out 1st quarter grades


2022: - AP Physics grade is 96: can you please pull it to 97 for A+ for 1st quarter grade?

2024 - in my mind: her commonApp essay is about a B.
“I’m of the “just do no harm” belief wrt to the importance of the essay”: yup. Me too, so yay: her essay is done.

2022 - I know you’ve written your commonApp essay 14 times, but let’s try to tweak it some more so the readers can REALLY feel the dire scenario of running out of water in August in the dessert

2024’s college list is SOOOOO different from 2022.


DS24 has common app to do for UF. All others had their own app. Since UF is his top choice / reach, he will spend good time on the common app the next 2 weekends for Nov 1st deadline.
We were expecting a (positive) response from FAU (rolling admissions), nothing yet.
He has decided to do only 5 FL (all instate publics). I’m nervous that if we are ok with our strategy.
Next 2 months are going to be slooow…
Will it be too late to apply to UCF, FGCU, UNF in late december?


D24 went to the 30 min meet-up at a coffee shop early this evening w/the Centre College admissions rep. I was allowed to be present for the last 10 min. This wasn’t a formal interview…was meant to be a replacement for an in-person info session at the college in KY. The admissions guy took notes on what D24 told him (I figured he would). She said that he asked her about what classes she’s taking this year and she talked a lot about her Shakespeare class and her bioethics class, both of which she said he found interesting. They vibed a little bit about Shakespeare.

D24 said the admissions guy was very friendly, very nice. He gave us some pamphlets to take home. She said that she’s interested in study abroad, so he talked about that. He said that he grew up in Danville, KY and graduated from Centre College. D24 asked him some questions about the downtown area right next to the college, so it was good for her to hear a local’s point of view instead of just hearing what her mom thinks. :smile:

D24 told him about her senior project, the admission rep then told her about the various interactive/hands on learning opportunities available there. D24 thought that sounded pretty good. Definitely was worth the time to spend 30 min w/the admissions rep. Looking forward to visiting in probably March.

Called DH on the way home. He still doesn’t understand why all colleges everywhere don’t do admissions the same way as each other. I’m grateful that there’s a lot of colleges that do test optional. Gives my kid additional options to choose from.


S24 and I have a two dates this week: first is to submit the CSS form which I filled out this weekend…waiting for payments to clear :wink:and second is to submit the applications. He completed his essay and had the final draft approved. It’s go time :grimacing: :tada:


DS24 got in to FAU!


D1 in at Stetson today! A nice surprise, I expected to hear from them in January, they must have switched to rolling. I’m from DeLand and most of my family lives there so it’s like a second home to us. The family is all over the moon especially my dad who is attending his 50th reunion there this weekend :raised_hands:


Or maybe not? My theory is when they see someone they really want, normal procedures get set aside. Care to argue? ; )


As others have mentioned before, getting 1 acceptance in EA that is your real safety. Parents (we) are excited and more than relieved. DS24 doesn’t show/say it, but he was interested/surprised as he was expecting it may be November before we hear from them. Another CC parent first posted the news about their acceptance few days ago. This forum has been very helpful. I’ve spent several hours over the last several years to learn, entertain and share.
Only few days ago, we/I was nervous and asked DS24 if we should apply to St.Leo or others in our 2nd set of schools as EA deadline is coming soon.
Last night, we checked YouTube videos on FAU as we forgot the campus (we visited in last spring break). We checked the costs one more time to be sure and it is still affordable and we explored about their programs. We double checked the acceptance for the requested major that he wanted and it was the same.
Now, we can continue our journey…
Next, we are worried if he will get a dorm, if we wait for too long to accept!


We are in this situation. S24 has been accepted to two of his top three and both have major housing issues. He will not hear from the third until mid December and may get deferred to RD which means no answer until March. It is a lot of stress. He is paralyzed right now and if he waits much longer will not get housing at either of those two.

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