Parents of HS Class of 2024 3.0-3.4 GPA

Does your D’s high school use Naviance or Scoir which would prompt counselor to submit what is needed for each application?

They use Naviance. D24 mentioned late last night that her counselor said that she’d get it all submitted by end of day 11/1.


Ok, looks like D24 is going to have an interview w/Austin College this Thursday and one w/Southwestern in mid-Nov. She’s got portal logins now for both of those schools, nothing yet from Centre.


S24 submitted UF common app yesterday evening and went to trick/treat!
So, all 5 public schools applications are in with 1 admit decision so far.
UF is a far reach that is his 1st choice and it will be a 3 month wait!


D24 now has login IDs to the portal for the 3 LACs she applied to. She had some interesting observations today about her college counseling class and all of the other seniors…

  • “the most colleges that anybody applied to was, like, 10. Last year, somebody applied to 25. I think this year’s seniors are a little more realistic than last year.”
  • “only 1 person was still working on an app today and that’s because he made a mistake on something and had to fix something in an essay.”
  • “I’m so tired of hearing so many seniors complain about how they think the counselors are being mean or snippy with them. I’m like, DUDE, can’t you see that they’ve been totally overloaded with work for, like, the past week? Helping all of us get all of our stuff submitted? It’s a lot! They do a lot for us and, like, nobody really gets it.”

:slight_smile: I think that I just might go buy some brownies or something this evening at the grocery store for D24 to bring to the counselors tomorrow.


S24 got his first acceptance with 24k merit. Woot woot! :tada:



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1st trimester grades came out today. D24 doing well so far this year with a B+ in capstone math, B+ in capstone French, A in capstone english (Shakespeare), and A in capstone bio (bioethics). :slight_smile:


D24’s school is off today, so 1 of her BFFs has been over hanging out. BFF is a good kid. Learned today that BFF applied to just 3 colleges - ASU, U of A, and Univ of Richmond. Wants to be a lawyer. They’re laughing it up and watching a movie right now. I have no idea if I need to feed dinner to the BFF or not. :joy:

D24 received a card in the mail from Centre College today w/a hand-written note in it from her admissions person, saying that they’ve received her application and are looking forward to reading it. Thought that was kind of nice.

No mail has arrived this week from Univ of Chicago. Maybe they finally got the clue that my kid won’t be applying? :rofl:

D24 & BFF talked about another kid in their grade who, as BFF put it, “broke pretty much all the rules that our college counselor told us. Like, she applied to all reach schools and only 2 safeties and doesn’t want to go to either of the safeties.” BFF told me what the schools were. All are basically lottery schools. I told D24 & BFF, “Yeah, that kid’s going to 1 of the safeties next year.”

Booked airfare today for an early March trip to Southwestern for the choir scholarship audition.


To be fair not all kids apply to 10 plus schools. S24 only applied to schools he really wanted to go to, which was four schools. Even though there are a lot of “lottery” schools, hopefully she’ll get into one.


My D24 just finished her applications! Already has an acceptance to a community college, and applied (EA for all) to Wheaton (MA), Lesley, Endicott, and UNE. Now she just waits….


My 3rd and youngest (fall 2024) has an unweighted 3.3 and plans to major in studio art. We’re in the Carolinas so only applied in this area. Did visit Montclair State and Kean in New Jersey where family is close by. Child decided to stick closer to home even though we had great visits at Kean and Montclair.

Accepted at UNC Asheville, UNC Greensboro and Winthrop in South Carolina. Art programs all appear to be top notch. All schools are LGBTQ+ friendly which is a must.

Hopefully he’ll have a decision in a couple of months.

I don’t participate on forums much but I have learned a lot from this and other threads. Thanks to everyone that has been providing insight.


D24 received a couple of awards yesterday at school - AP Scholar with Honor, plus a school award for integrity. I’m super proud of her for the integrity award! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


That’s wonderful news! Is he leaning one way or another in terms of the schools he’s been accepted at so far?

Probably UNCA even though it’s the smallest. The city of Asheville is such a great place for artists and accepting of the gay community.


D24 got an acceptance letter from Austin College today with a nice merit scholarship. Still makes it more expensive than Univ of Arizona (D24’s in-state school that she prefers between that & ASU, which she also applied to). If she gets a music scholarship, it’ll stack on top of that, but total COA would still be more than U of A.

However, the much smaller class sizes, much more individualized attention, and a lot more access to internships, research opportunities, etc., plus access to guaranteed PA grad school interviews at 3 different PA programs might put it in the realm of “yeah, we’ll be willing to pay extra for that.”

We will have to see.


S24 got into !
More details to follow.
2 acceptances out of 5 applications with 3 more decisions to go…
He likes Miami, so that’s good.


Awesome! Great news!

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D24 got her ACT test score from when she took it in October. Composite score went down by 2 points. Our family is grateful for test optional policies at the schools she applied to. :slight_smile:


Colleges aren’t just doing the students a favor – many have known for a long time that they were losing out on great students who self-selected not to even apply because of how they compared on that one particular metric. Covid was the excuse which allowed them to finally jump off the merry-go-round, but now colleges from UConn to Harvard are looking to stretch it out perhaps indefinitely – let the applicant decide what best represents them (methinks grades will mostly stay in the mix, however ; )

One thing these colleges have been finding is that applications and enrollments from under-represented groups are up, but subsequent undergrad performance hasn’t gone down. So a better approach, as opposed to just a more lenient one as some people (including me) had originally assumed.