Parents of Multiple Siblings in College Beyond 2024 will deal with bigger financial burden due to FAFSA change
This isn’t exactly hot news because the die was cast in 2021 with the FAFSA Simplification Act of 2020, but it won’t take effect until 2024/25 so it will affect all families with multiple children in college at the same time beginning with the 2024 class (It was going to take effect in 2023/24 but was delayed one year). No more cost reduction for families with multiple siblings in college at the same time. This is going to affect a lot of families and I’m wondering how other afected parents are planning to deal with this change that will effectively double, triple, or even quadruple the cost of sending kids to college at the same time.

The present FAFSA rule is as follows: " Under the current FAFSA formula, a family’s EFC is divided equally by the number of children they have in college simultaneously."
The situation for 2024 and beyond is that there will no longer be any such allowance or discount.

There is already a thread about this topic in the financial aid subform: 2024-2025 [FAFSA] SAI [formerly EFC] Formula Guide.

A post was merged into an existing topic: 2024-2025 SAI Formula Guide