Parents of students 3.5-3.8 gpa?

It has been roller-coaster since September. She ended up becoming a questbridge finalist and the. Decided UVA was her 1st choice. She only picke 2 to match UVA and Haverford. Well She matched with Haverford and is beyond extatic but exhausted. She is at a very competitive high stats private school. The pressure these kids are going through is alot. This admission season is crazy. We feel truly blessed that she was able to get into a reach. That being said she has been through alot with her health so this was needed. She was told by other peers that if she got into a better school then they did its because of her minority status. Sorry for the late update. I appreciated this thread. It helped us find other options she loved as well. She felt if she didn’t get to her reaches she loved all of the schools that were on her list.


Congrats. Just curious and I’m not a QB parent but given you can select many more, why would one only choose two ?

Congrats on Haverford. Fantastic get !!

That is so awful. I am glad she matched to Haverford. I am sure she will be a rock star in college.


I’m sorry she had to listen to that crap from her classmates. Congrats to her on Haverford! Well done!


Frankly these are people that are challenged by their own inadequacies. Maybe they come from money and have no idea how to envision that the hard work your student put in is just that. Hard work.

My boss is a black female. I’ve heard countless times how she checks two boxes and I let each know how nauseating and unfair that is. My boss is great, paid her dues. Why her ? Why aren’t I the boss or others ? No clue. Don’t know why the CEO is CEO but he is.

It sucks but unfortunately she will encounter this often in her life.

Hopefully she powers ahead. Works hard and she’ll show everyone she is where she is because of who she is - all of her.

After all each kid brings something to the table- some reason a school chooses them. Your daughter is no different. There is something about her that Haverford says she’d be a welcome addition to campus.

The jealousy of others will just perpetuate in a life of under performance or under appreciation of life.

I hope your daughter is able to celebrate her well deserved success.


Congratulations to your daughter. I’m sorry that she’s had her tremendous achievements discounted by her peers. I hope that she’ll find a supportive community at Haverford. The QB chapter seems terrific, and while Haverford has had its well-publicized challenges on issues of race, they appear to be addressing them head-on. I hope that your daughter will be able to celebrate her accomplishments.


Hi- My daughter has already signed and committed to an athletic scholarship at UCSD last month. So, she will be attending there. But before she committed, she had applied to numerous universities (just based on academics not for athletic recruiting). So far, She has been accepted to U of Oregon (offered an academic scholarship), Cal State Long Beach, Cal State Northridge and Cal State Fullerton and Cal State Pomona. Yesterday she got into UC Riverside. She is a multiple sport varsity athlete and takes honors classes.


Congratulations on her athletic scholarship and all her acceptances! Since you’re on this thread, I’m assuming her GPA was 3.8 or less (?) Her commitment to sports and honors classes in combination with her grades have surely been recognized by admissions. It’s a helpful list.

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Thanks! That is correct. In the 3.5-3.8 range

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I just realized my question sounded kind of aggressive. I’m sorry about that. I just wanted to know about the schools she applied to with her stats. I was just having a conversation with friends last night about opportunities. My kid also applied to U of O, but since his major is music, it’s a long wait for audition results at most of his schools.

Great thread here! thanks to all who post for future applicants. Curious about outcomes for behavioral science (psych/neuroscience etc) and/or forensic sceince area (chem, bio, digital) among 23’ applicants if ppl are willing to share. Have a S24 who is starting to build a list of schools and is similar to posters here.


I put my S23’s results above – he applied most engineering, but did ED to Virginia Tech’s college of Science as undecided.


Just got word he got 10K per yr from U of SC. Financial Aid doesn’t post until April though.


All decisions are out. Son got into NC State but for spring. WL at both Lehigh and Lafayette. Won’t accept spots. Not interested.
He is about 99% sure it’s gonna be Alabama. Too good a deal to pass up but State has always been his dream school. Hard to give up on a dream.


S23’s results (~3.7UW/~4.0W/1530 SAT/5 APs, inc Calc BC, Phys C, NM Commended, Statewide but not Local Eligible, fairly minimal ECs), applying for astronomy/astrophysics:
Utah (WUE, tuition, room & board cost $28K)
ASU ($15.5K presidential scholarship, $34K)
Arizona ($12.5K merit, $40K)
CalPoly Pomona (instate, $24K)
SJSU (instate, $26K)

UCSD (!)

SDSU (!)

It’s clear that our instate public colleges in CA don’t value this sort of smart but not so diligent kid (who is like most of his male friends), especially now they are test blind, so the outcomes are not particularly surprising. OTOH I concluded long ago that it makes no sense for my kids to stay in CA long term, given the high cost of living here. He wrote about his ADHD in the UC essays and it seems to have helped rather than hindered in getting waitlisted. He’ll stay on the waitlists but is likely headed to Utah or ASU (which both consider SAT scores).


Arizona is a total astronomy powerhouse. That is a standout on the list to me. UCSC also amazing in that field.


I looked up the NSF data for higher ed expenses in R&D for astronomy & astrophysics. Here’s the top 15. Out of 537 schools, Arizona dominates at $113 million. Berkeley is a distant 2nd at $71 million. Arizona accounts for a whopping 15% of the TOTAL expenditures of all the schools.

  1. U. Arizona
  2. U. California, Berkeley
  3. Johns Hopkins
  4. California Institute of Technology
  5. U. Maryland
  6. U. Colorado Boulder
  7. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  8. Princeton U.
  9. U. Hawaii, Manoa
  10. U. California, Santa Cruz
  11. U. Alaska, Fairbanks
  12. Pennsylvania State U
  13. U. Maryland, Baltimore County
  14. U. Texas, Austin
  15. Harvard U.

Some of your others come in at

  1. Cal Poly Pomona
  1. SJSU

Arizona State and Utah don’t have values for astro in this table. They are both strong in geology/earth, not so much atmo/astro.

This is but one metric. I’m sure your kid would get a good education at any of the schools he is considering.


Are Utah and ASU affordable to your family ?

I would think most would be glad that if a kid isn’t diligent that the top schools would lay off. Diligence is more important to success than smart - IMHO.

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Utah and ASU are affordable, the more difficult question is if its worth paying extra for ASU over Utah, or for Arizona over both of them.

Diligence is a tricky issue when it stems from ADHD. Its easy to imagine S23 becoming very focused on something he enjoys. But he’ll never be enthusiastic about things he doesn’t like (e.g. writing essays). So success (or failure) is hard to predict.


At least they are affordable.

I missed the astronomy part. Reputationally U of A and not on your list but CU Boulder are strong in that field.

That’s not to say one can’t be successful from ASU or Utah. Grad school is likely anyway.