Parents of students 3.5-3.8 gpa?

I cannot seem to find my spreadsheet but I think she got $20 or $25k from Loyola. I think closer to $20 but honestly not sure.

We never toured Delaware but I did drive through it while on a road trip. I thought the campus was very nice, very traditional looking and it had a nice strip of stores and restaurants right off campus. Not far from the highway so it seemed easy to get to.

Forgot she also got into:
Hobart & WS
Dickinson (all gave about $25k in merit)

And son also got into:
Clemson-no merit


Yes they did. D20 had a 30 ACT with a 35 & 33 in English sections, 28 in science and 24 in math (I think). Submitted to all schools.

S22 had a 1310 and submitted everywhere. Pretty evenly split between math & English.

D took ACT’s twice, S took SAT once. No prep for either one. They go to a small well ranked public HS.


My D22 did not send test scores (because she never had a chance to test!) and was accepted with good merit to:

Saint Louis University

Likely committing to DePaul very soon!


@llamamama1714 this thread is a great idea. I can see many similarities with other posts on this thread with my kid

My S22, UW3.8, W4.6, top 10% in his class, 6 APs (including two without taking classes at school) 1510 SAT, NMF, IB HS in CA.

Lazy genius (IMO). Overconfident at times. Extremely ambitious (took the hardest classes despite being warned by counsellors and his mom not to stretch himself that much) Could have been a 4.0 kid but only targeted the minimum required to get A’s. Ended up with a few B’s because something or the other happened at the last minute. Glowing feedback from teachers though. Some leadership and ECs.

Extremely analytical but didn’t want to pursue a STEM degree initially. Passionate about political science and International relations.

Thought Caltech and Stanford were beyond him, but still applied. Thought ASU and UofA were beneath him but I forced him to apply (I am an ASU alumni and know first hand that their CS department is top notch).

Applied to UCs, a couple of Cal States, USC, ASU, UofArizona, TAMU and a few east coast schools. Had to cajole him to apply to STEM as well as political science (good call in hindsight) so basically had to apply to twice as many schools.

UC Merced
UC Riverside
Cal State Long Beach
Occidental College
Arizona State University
University of Arizona
Texas A&M
George Mason

UC Berkeley
UC Irvine

UC San Diego
William and Mary
George Washington

Only applied for RD (regret that now). Started on cloud nine but realistic now once the rejections started coming in.

Decided on Texas A&M Engineering. Looking to get a degree in International Relations as well at some point. Texas A&M has a great engineering school obviously and another attraction is the possibility of attending Bush school in the future.


We are from NY. My son had a 3.5 and wanted to go to school out of state. He applied test optional and all Early Action. Here are his results:

Appalachian State - Accepted
Coastal Carolina- Accepted with merit
UNC Charlotte- Accepted
East Carolina University- Accepted
College of Charleston- Accepted
West Virginia University- Accepted with merit
University of Kentucky- Accepted with merit
University of Louisville- Accepted with merit
University of Tampa - Accepted with merit
UNC - Wilmington- Deferred (withdrew application because had already decided to attend a different school)

We were pleasantly surprised with all of his options.


I think this a great topic. I’ve got a D22 in this group. 3.5uw, a full range of English/Humanities APs, zero math/science APs, she’s a terrible test taker, so she I don’t foresee any credit for any of those in her future and she applied everywhere without SAT/ACT scores. Most of the schools she applied to had a history of test-optional so likely TO is still possible. I’ve posted a bunch in the 3.0-3.4 group because even though she’s a bit above that, all her schools were appropriate for that group and I just like the vibes better there. :blush:

Cornell College (IA) - accepted with merit (attending)
Knox College - accepted with merit
Hendrix College - accepted with merit
Agnes Scott College - accepted with merit
University of Tulsa - accepted with merit
Univ of North Texas (in-state rolling safety) - accepted with merit

My D had a lot of anxiety after her grades took a nose dive during COVID, she was convinced no college would want her. So, I made sure her list was very safe for her, she was accepted everywhere, and everywhere showered her with scholarships. She also preferred a small, LAC, and we preferred to not pay full price! :money_mouth_face: So that kept things easy.

My D18 was one of those just below a 4.0 kids, and I did post occasionally on the 3.0-3.4 board because, again, we were merit hunting at small LACs and those schools seem to only get discussed in that group. :woman_shrugging:

FWIW, she was accepted with merit at Willamette, Univ of Puget Sound, Univ of Redlands, Whittier College, Agnes Scott, Beloit, Trinity Univ (TX), and Southwestern Univ (TX). I would have had no problem having my 3.5 D apply to any of these, and only thought that Trinity would be a bit reachier for her especially merit wise.


Your D22 sounds a lot like my S23–convinced no college will want him because of grade stumbles during remote schooling last year. Congrats to her! So lovely to have all of those acceptances and scholarships—great to be wanted. :star2:


Glad to see these postings. Yes there are lots of great schools out there where your kids can thrive. Applying to collge doesn’t have to feel like a blood sport. My son had an unweighted 3.6, ACT 31 and a few APs. He is happily attending Loyola New Orleans with very good merit aid and with lots of other bright and interesting students taking challenging classes. It is an excellent match.

I agree with someone who said these kids saved themselves a lot of stress by not aiming for schools where admissions is super competitive. He applied to
this wonderful match school early in November and when he got in he didn’t bother applying anywhere else. Financial aid package was actually a little better than the net price calculator.

It makes me sad when these very good student go after those very low admission rate schools and they have to endure so much rejection and end up feeling like losers. Its not necessary.


D21 3.56uw, 4.1w (a bit lower for EA)
Never got to take SAT (all cancelled)
No hooks at any schools

Takeaway: Major matters! This was something I did not really understand until we went through it. If you’re applying for a less competitive major, it’s easier to get into a competitive school. And, if you’re applying for a more competitive major, it’s harder to get into a less competitive school.

D applied as either a Hotel/Hospitality major or as a Business major:

Cornell ED :x:
UNC (OOS) EA :x:
Northeastern EA :white_check_mark:
Clemson EA✅
Virginia Tech EA✅
College of Charleston EA✅
Tulane EA (deferred to RD):x:
BU RD❌ (Guaranteed transfer)

*offered Honors College at C of C and JMU, merit scholarships at GWU, VT, C of C and DePaul. Offered NUin at Northeastern, Guaranteed transfer at BU, TTSB Summer Start at Clemson.


Congrats to your daughter! Out of interest which ones were Business and which ones were Hospitality? I’m inferring that the hospitality major was more niche and this less competitive in some schools (other than Cornell)?

If I remember correctly, they were all for some type of hotel or hospitality management (HTM) except for the schools that did not have that specific option, but had more general business programs: UNC, Tulane and Northeastern. D21 was rejected from both UNC and Tulane. She was admitted to Northeastern, but I think the fact that she applied directly for NUin helped.

D21 is now finishing her first year at NYU majoring in HTM and yes, it was definitely far less competitive to be admitted into this niche major at NYU vs. their highly competitive business program (Stern).


NYU is great! Did she get any merit aid to help? My S23 is interested in nyu but the costs scare me!



Ya not gonna qualify for aid so we’ll have to turn our attention elsewhere.

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D17 had 28ACT and A’s and B’s, and not that many AP’s. Did do DE Senior year. She did have some great EC’s though. Interest at the time in IR. Did not qualify for FA.
Accepted IU rolling
Accepted Elon EA (and later got merit)
Accepted College of Charleston EA
Offered waitlist/Pathways at GT (in state) (refused to apply to UGA)
Accepted at American (but no Merit)
Accepted at GW (with Merit) and attended!
Rejected at Emory (big reach)

S19 hd a 1470 SAT and took 12 AP’s ,but got a few B’s due to “not turning in work”. He also barely had any EC’s CS/Game design interest
Accepted Rolling UAH (safety with full Tuition)
then went ED at RIT (merit)
withdrew from GT before we found out.
Was also going to look at Stevens and RPI. Did not like Drexel, so did not apply.


Has NYU officially announced that they meet full need? If yes, is the parent loan included in their package?

Not sure about loans. Discussed here on CC: NYU is now meeting 100% of applicants’ financial need

Okay, I was aware of this, but this was just a comment made on TikTok. I am not sure how credible this WSN is and haven’t seen any official comment from John Beckman.

Another CC poster found this on the NYU website!

“ For students who file on time, NYUmeets the full demonstrated need of admitted students as determined by your expected family contribution from information that you provide on the CSS Profile. ”

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If he wants CS, then he needs to put in the effort to earn a 3.75 college GPA to get automatic admission to the major in secondary admission (otherwise competitive, but hardly any are admitted to CS below automatic admission).

Search for the Texas A&M ETAM threads.