Parents of students 3.5-3.8 gpa?

There are some really good schools in North Carolina for this GPA. Consider them all except UNC-Chapel Hill (unless you’re in state and you have a good ACT). NC State and App State are possible with a 3.8 and good test scores but may be a little reachy. UNC-Charlotte has good computer science programs (esp cyber security). UNC-Wilmingto, East Carolina, Western Carolina, UNC-Greensboro. UNC-Asheville are all good schools. NC has a lot of HBCUs too, NC A&T and NC Central are probably tops there, and UNC-Pembroke is historically Native American but open to everybody now, of course.


I just want to keep this thread alive. My D24’s unweighted GPA falls into this range, and I’m following this post with interest.


Hoping S23 makes it over 3.5. Pandemic schooling not kind to us. Even with almost all As last year he is 3.36UW/3.6W. Hoping he really delivers on his two AP courses first semester.


Regardless there is many a college out there for your son.

Just makes sure his list fits his profile - reach target and safety.


There are many great options out there for him.

Find colleges that will provide opportunities to continue to grow and support him. The 3.6 weighted is a solid A-/B+ and he is taking a couple AP classes that will show he is challenging himself.


Following this thread. As this is a perfect thread for us. Part of the reason she has the GPA she has is because of Freshman year it was a 3.3 because a combination of things. I became a single mom. She has two siblings that are special needs that she then started watching at night so I can make ends meat. She also was born with a fatty tumor in her face. That same year a new growth was found. The last two years she has missed alot of school but has pushed through holding a 4.0 for the last 2 years.

Academics:My DD has a 3.7 unweighted. School is a competitive private school.
She will have 7 aps, the rest are considered at honors level but not called honors classes.
Ecs: She has danced and done theater most of her life, she is a coxswain, in many clubs.
Just recieved the Hispanic Recognition award

Test scores: SAT 1340 ACT 26 (but waiting for 2nd results)
She does not test well.
She really wants a small LAC except for UVA which is considered her schools flagship, but no more then a 5 or 6 hr drive away.

This is her list which I think is appropriat but our open to any thoughts or suggestions.

Reach: Haverford and UVA
Target: Franklin and Marshall, Dickinson, Bucknell
Safety: University of Mary Washington and Longwood

Her counselor also recommended Oberlin, Denison, and College of Wooster but she refuses to look at them because of the distance. She is applying for Questbridge first. If she makes it to to match Haverford would be first UVA second.
I will say she really can see herself at all of the schools on her list but I am still nervous because of how last years admission cycle went.
Sorry for the long post. First time posting ever…been silently following CC.


We visited Dickinson last spring and just loved it. Sounds like a great target for your daughter.


We were there as well in the spring. It is a really pretty campus!


I think the growth in GPA is good. I know kiDs with QB kids get in with lower stats so perhaps that’s a way. But if it was non QB I see all your schools except MW and Longwood as reaches with the exception of Dickinson as a match. All these aren’t on QB so she should match schools like Dennison, even if a bit further away, to optimize chances.

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Due to divorce?

If so, be aware that Haverford, UVA, Franklin and Marshall, and Dickinson require the CSS Noncustodial Profile, according to CSS Profile Participating Institutions and Programs (but check on each college’s web site to be sure). This can complicate things if your ex-spouse will not be cooperative with financial aid forms, and net price calculators for colleges that require your ex-spouse’s financials must be done including your ex-spouse’s financials.

Has she looked at Roanoke, Hollins (women’s school), or Emory & Henry (a school in the Colleges That Change Lives association)? U. of Lynchburg, McDaniel, and Goucher are some other CTCL schools that are probably in the target geographic zone. I suspect all of these would be likely for admittance and merit aid for your daughter. If interested, run the Net Price Calculator at each school to see if they would be affordable.

Also, if your username is a reflection of your real name, you may want to change it.


Ty. I am aware.

I dont know how my whole name is my user name I am trying to change it ty. I did sign on with google so might be it. This is my second marriage we are seperated but finacials will be included because we have still filed taxes together. That being said her biological father is not in the picture . Questbridge is aware.

Have you tried these steps? How Do I Change My Username?


I just sent them a message ! Ty!

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Hoping to keep this thread alive because it’s useful. Haven’t posted on CC in a while.

S24 has a gpa in the 3.6 range. Private school. Does not weight grades or averages. He’s taking AP Stats, Pre Calc, Econ, Physics, Modern Lit and AP Spanish this year. Will take AP AB Calc, AP Psych and probably APES next yr.

Interested in business and sports/entertainment management. Studying for ACT but unsure how he will do. If he notched a 30 or 31, he’d probably say “that’s enough” and stop studying, and I honestly wouldn’t blame him.

I’m hoping Miami, Richmond, Syracuse and Bucknell are all solid options, but so much rides on this year and how my son’s gpa is interpreted. Wish we could redo ninth grade!

Syracuse could work. Have you looked at S Carolina or Indiana ?

I’d talk to your GC - as a private school they’d have more insight to how a student like your son has done in the past.

Different schools have different focus too so might be wise to check curriculums.

Yes, son has a couple of friends at Indiana. He wants to look at NC State and SMU. Also UT, but that’s going to be his reach.

SMU is possible. NC State will be tough.

UT - he’ll get in. And they’re rabid for sports in Knoxville :slight_smile:

Yes you mean Austin. Yes a reach but so are others. But nothing venture nothing gained.

I think SU is likely. SMU possible. IU likely.

I’m not a fan of the school but I’ve heard good about the sports program - check out U Tampa.

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You may want to check out Elon. It seems to have 20,000 wonderful things about it (see thread), but I’ve also heard good things about their sports-related majors.

A few others schools you may want to consider are U. of Houston, U. of Cincinnati, and Xavier (OH). Not only do they have sports business (and regular business) programming that you may want to look into, but because of their locations in towns with multiple professional sports teams, the opportunities for school-year internships is much greater. U. of Cincinnati, in particular, places a lot of emphasis on co-ops. Many majors there, in fact, require a co-op. Those schools would all probably be likelies if your son’s GPA remains in that same ballpark. (I made a sports pun! :rofl: )

Just some food for thought. Thanks for keeping this thread alive!