Parents of the HS Class of 2009 (Part 1)

Presumably extended unpaid overtime gives you an excuse to ask for a raise.

Oh we don’t ask for raises here. Comes once a year with your review. Now I guess if you threaten to quit you might be able to get a raise
 but there are chances there.

On another note waiting to be contacted from a Lab breeder on a female dog that they had come available. Thought it would be a nice present for my H for his upcoming birthday. Of course it will mean me driving to Me. to pick her up if I get her. Waiting to see if I’m “picked”. If not I will keep looking. Maybe someone closer. :slight_smile: This just fell in my lap last night.

RM, interesting article about older workers being less happy.

Interesting Shaw. For me if they actually paid more I would be happier. :slight_smile: It’s true that money can’t buy happiness but I could stand for a bit more money! I think I’m underpaid based on what I do. I know that some of that is gender - I am one of very few females at my company that are at my level and I feel that I constantly have to proof myself which I don’t see of the males.

For now it keeps me busy and the work itself is okay. I will say that mandatory OT is a killer though.

I’m just sick about the flooding that is occurring in Houston and the Gulf Coast. It is the nation’s 4th largest city, poised to overtake Chicago. Houston floods so easily in normal circumstances.

Yes, so upsetting. Our house is in a 100 year floodplain in Virginia and it gets worse all the time. Neighborhoods that never had major flooding before are getting slammed. Insurance rates are out of control. This seems to be happening in so many places that many places have become vulnerable. All the best to those suffering in Texas! Very sad.

Fortunately little loss of life so far but goodness there will be so much uninsured property damage. I just can’t get it out my mind.

MP - assume you are not affected?

Week 2 of the insane hours has begun. I just really need some time to myself. Not sure when that is going to happen. Wedding plans are set and things are getting paid for now. All in all it is going well even with my crazy hours.

RM, we are about 250 miles away
just some nice rain an cooler temps.

My company is profoundly affected
about 400 locations down there. This weekend I certainly wasn’t the hardest working person in the company. It’s quiet here at headquarters. Subdued. Trying to wrap my mind around what comes after for so many people. Think about fire ants and mosquitoes and lives that will be disrupted for months after the rest of the country moves on.

It is shocking and devastating. When I read that 30,000 are in shelters (or was that 300,000?)
all I can think of is Katrina. I know I have mentioned in the way past that I was with the red cross for the first wave of help (within the first three weeks).
It was a nightmare for the displaced and for the volunteers. The red cross had never dealt with anything of this magnitude or of this duration meaning, it is not a quick in and out.
I sincerely hope that they and all of our ER groups (esp. FEMA) are better informed and trained now.
It is heartbreaking.

RM, hang in there. If anyone can do it it is you.

Our wedding is less than two weeks away. H and I have done so many projects and taking care of many deferred house issues. The summer has been way too hot and between the heat and the house we have not had our usual hikes and outdoor living.
We will hike in Maine a week after the Boston party and while we really do not need to be spending more money I am now happy we planned this.

My biggest frustrations are that D and SIL are 3,000 miles away and there are all those little questions
I need to ask but they get tedious long distance. They will be here for a week prior but his parents will
also and they are the type who will need taking care of

I am going to end up being the day planner and wish I had some details.
I have most of my needed clothes but nothing for Friday night
This too will pass.

400 locations
The magnitude of Harvey flooding is kinda mind boggling to me too.
So no matter how stressed and overworked I might feel, I’m counting my blessings!

Best wishes for smooth nuptials, RM and Oregon.

Best wishes for all the upcoming weddings.
I have been looking for a job. haven’t been in this position for many a moon.
Our city had a telethon for Houston, I manned the phones for 8 hours. The phone never stopped ringing. It was constant a good thing. I have new found sympathy for people at desk jobs especially for those on the phone constantly! I think at least 400k was raised. people were so kind and many were crying. The whole country is with the people of Houston

Waving hello to all!

Three weeks from today the bridal party (including H & I) will be headed to camp to get ready for D’s wedding on the 23rd. I am beyond annoyed at the number of people who have not RSVPed – mostly family. WTH??? Now we have to track down all these imbeciles to get an answer. Working on lots of last minute details, but in the end it will all get done and be fine. Give me another week and I’ll start obsessing over the weather, even though I know there’s nothing I can do about it!

Houston does put things in perspective, though. So great of you to volunteer at the telethon, @downtoearth. (As an aside, are you looking to leave where you’re currently working?)

Sorry to hear about your dog, @RochesterMom. Always hard to lose a pet. And mandatory OT? Doesn’t sound like much fun.

I am just totally wiped out by work but then I keep thinking what right do I have to be exhausted when at least I can go home to my own house and be dry. Houston weighs on me.

The company opened up one of our larger office sites down there to about 50 employees and family members who are homeless. Of course it was the right thing to do. But many of them brought their dogs. Of course, because what else would happen to the pets? But think about it
many dogs, running around, in an office setting, chewing on wires and cables and furniture. Take that relatively minor annoyance and damage and multiply that by what, maybe 500,000? some point people’s spirit of cooperation is going to wear very thin.

I guess I’ll be working from home tomorrow
severe gas shortage here. I don’t know if is real, or just because it was on TV this morning, but stations either have no gas or long lines. My round trip commute is more than 56 miles.

Folks in the South and East, it’s coming to a station near you. The Colonial Pipeline has been shut down. (Google it.)

I have been thinking about you mp. Hugs for all of your friends and co workers.

We are having yet another heat wave. Worried about the week with FSIL’s parents arriving on a day
predicted for 100 plus heat. FSIL is amazing and quite the decision maker. That said he never asked
me and he booked an ABnB with no AC. I selfishly hope they do not end up staying here after all.
I am simply not social enough for that on top of all of the many things that no one except me are
thinking about in great detail.

wedding issues aside–
I just walked out from the bedroom and thought my own house is on fire.
We had opened two doors a few hours ago. There is ash on our cars and deck from
the closest fire at the most wonderful hike called Eagle Creek.
I-84 is closed both ways. The eye sting is awful.

Not Houston. BUT.

300 plus forest fires in Oregon and 40 caused by humans/ This one by fireworks.

150 hikers alone in a few hours evacuated. A trail H and I have taken many times. It is a steep cliff
hike that has iron hand holds and chains looking over a beautiful canyon. Difficult if on a busy day and one must let go for a hiker traveling the other way.

D’s wedding is the 9th–the same day that N. Korea is expected to do more launchings.
And if this air does not clear

No worries about make up or hair:)!!! insignificant .

Worried about world peace and being able to breathe.

Oregon - Hope they get the fires under control quickly.

Less then 2 weeks from my D’s wedding. Things are coming together. I REALLY need to focus on things but work keeps getting in the way. At some point I’m just going to have to say enough with work for now I need to concentrate on the wedding. :slight_smile:

Need to talk with the caterer and figure out how much I owe them!

Good morning
lets see, lots of mojo to muster.
Gas for missy, a good rain for Oregon, a job for DTE, a new corporate culture or more time in the day for RM
and a new role for CQ hubby. I will get caught up on my mojo transmission, promise!

The moon here last night was the deepest orange I’ve ever seen and it wasn’t a regular blood or harvest moon that I knew of. I actually wondered if it was atmospheric from the wildfires in the west.

Mch and I were capping the not-so-labor-less weekend with a night swim
steam rolling off the pool into the chill air and the weird moon casting its glow. It was beautiful, if a bit eerie. The bags were going crazy, swooping around to the Joe Bonnamossa we were playing :wink:

Praying it was not apocalyptic
but def had a Halloween feel.

It will feel like the short week it is
my mom is coming down Friday to join us at a Buddy Guy concert. She’s been up to all sorts of shenanigans. Two semi-suitors at the moment and she just met a third (stranger off the Internet
yes, I demanded a proof of life text) Sunday. Kinda fun to watch. From a distance :wink:

 sorry Shaw