Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>My S is enjoying this summer as well, although we wish he had been able to find a part-time job. He is getting to do some fun things he wouldn’t be able to do if he were working, and trying to cram in a lot of activities with his buddies before he leaves in 48 (!) days.</p>

<p>Our state has their own “Winter Games” and “Summer Games”, like our own mini Olympics. The summer games were held last week, and S made the 4 hour drive with 15 members of his HS Ultimate team to take part. They didn’t think they would do very well, but ended up winning their age bracket! They received “gold” medals in a ceremony and were beyond excited and thrilled. They had played 6 games in 2 days and were so sore and tired but got pumped up for each game and played like champs. They were ahead the entire tournament except for the first point in the first game! They had an amazing time that they will never forget.</p>

<p>Now S is planning a trip to Moab with a couple of friends to go hiking at Arches NP and white water rafting. It feels like they are all celebrating the end of an important stage in their lives before they move on. Quite bittersweet.</p>

<p>DB, sending good thoughts for Batman’s quick recovery. Poor puppy. :(</p>

<p>DB - Oh no! I hope Batman is alright. I can’t imagine one of my dogs being sick.</p>

<p>ML, YDS, others leaving for vacation - Have a great trip!</p>

<p> :sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny:

<p>MaineLonghorn – That is so sad. What a blessing this young man was to his family, his friends, and his church. They are in my prayers. Sending another thank you for the list. And wishing you and your family a wonderful vacation. </p>

<p>NYC friends – I will be with you in spirit.</p>

<p>Oh, jackief… I am so sorry about the short weekend. Enjoy the time you do have. I love Cape Cod. </p>

<p>1sokkermom – {{HUGS}} Your daughter will make you proud.</p>

<p>Welcome, Mablab54. We’re glad you have joined us.</p>

<p>Welcome back, coskat and BurmeseMtn. Glad you are here.</p>

<p>KYParent – Blessings to you. With your support, your dear younger daughter will continue to work toward that goal. {{HUGS}}</p>

<p>Saying a prayer for Batman, DougBetsy. Keep us posted, please.</p>

<p>I loved the spelling awards story, CaliforniaDancer. I love finding a little piece of history. </p>

<p>Enjoy that birthday celebration, kindredspirit. Did you say outlet mall? Oooo, that sounds like a great idea. I will be heading there with our daughter this weekend. You have the best memory! Yes, she is flying home tonight. I can’t wait to see her, to give her a big hug, and to hear all about her latest adventures. She is also moving this weekend, so I am sure my husband and our son will be enlisted to help with that.</p>

<p>intouch1520 – So glad your daughters returned safely and with good memories. Enjoy the weekend with them.</p>


LOL! Our son was heading to sixth grade when our daughter went to college. He survived and they have become even better friends as he ‘grew up’. </p>

<p>lilmom – It will be okay, and their relationship will continue to be close. {{HUGS}}</p>

<p>Youdon’tsay – Have a wonderful trip. Enjoy the game! Don’t forget your camera…</p>

<p>parent56 – {{HUGS}} I hope your dear son can take at least part of that trip.</p>

<p>BengalMom – Fun! Your son and his friends must be thrilled. They will have lots of memories to treasure.</p>

<p>Have a great day, everyone, and a safe and happy weekend. </p>

<p>Staying :cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Happy Friday to everyone. Please have a fun and safe holiday weekend! We will be spending Sunday and Monday at my parents home about 90 minutes away.</p>

<p>D2 and her friend went to see Toy Story 3 last night and told me when they arrived home that I was not to see this movie until it comes out on DVD. Both girls were crying by the end. I told both D1 and D2 that I was not going to see this movie as it is just too close to what I am going through right now.</p>

<p>Well, we settled into a nice routine with S1 out-of-state for a summer internship and S2 as the only child. S1 just arrived home for the weekend for a family wedding and went immediately up to S2’s bedroom (it was 1pm and S2 was still sleeping) with a vuvuzela. And woke him (and the whole neighborhood) up. I’d almost forgotten how nice it is to have them both home together.</p>

<p>^ Oh that is priceless! Thanks for the giggle.</p>

<p>showmom858 – Have a great weekend! I, too, am going to wait to see Toy Story 3, although our son did say it was worth seeing on the big screen.</p>

<p>archiemom – Thanks for the good laugh. Enjoy the wedding. Enjoy the time with your boys. </p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Archiemom - Too funny!!!</p>

<p>DB - Good luck with Batman! Hope he’s ok. When my dog gets sick, I worry about him as much as my kids!</p>

<p>Re: ToyStory 3 - Never thought it’d be such a tearjerker! Hard for those of us with kids that are Andy’s age/stage to watch :-)</p>

<p>archiemom-I think I almost peed myself from laughter</p>

<p>DB - I hope things turn out okay with Batman :frowning: I don’t have any pets, but it’s still awful to hear about other pets getting sick. </p>

<p>mimimom - what you said about wanting your D to make her own choice completely makes sense; I think my parents were thinking along the same lines. I’m sure Rhodes was very nice; I’ve heard great things about it on CC! </p>

<p>I hope everyone going on some kind of trip has a great time! I’m staying here over the weekend, but a neighboring area has a County Fair every year. I haven’t been the past few years since I’ve been out of town (summer programs, college visits, etc.), so I’m looking forward to going on Monday.</p>

<p>Poor Batman!</p>

<p>DB, did your son’s gf ever attend any Air Force camps before she decided to go there? My cousin just went to one a few weeks back - I think it was a week long, and the campers had to do all the things the students do everyday. He said kids were throwing up and passing out everyday - it is SO intense and hardcore. I think you have to have the personality for it and know what you’re getting into. Hopefully she can face it next year.</p>

<p>To the mentions of Boston Medical - my mom, sister, and I watched the first episode, and we were all crying by the end of it. Way too emotional! That female Indian doctor is really cute though. We also watched Hopkins back in the day. I taped last night’s episode, but I don’t think I can handle any baby storyline. Too heartbreaking! I had to watch Bethenny’s Getting Married? instead, lol!</p>

<p>oh sigh! The "New’ thread has started, and I already missed the opening excitement. My son has FINALLY graduated. And my computer modem/router has died.</p>

<p>Welcome to all our newbies!</p>

<p>You may see references to the Shutterfly picture site. If you are interested in joining, pm me your email address. Then I can send you an invitation to join. Only site members can view photos, and I have it set up so no one can download, email or otherwise share the photos. Please don’t be offended, but if you ask to join I will check to see that you’ve been posting on CC for a while (not necessarily on the 2010/2014 threads) so that we know it’s only CC folks as members on the site, to maintain our privacy. Also, I’m traveling on vacation at the moment and won’t always have access to a computer for the next week or so, so if its a while until you hear back from me don’t be offended!</p>

<p>DB, let us hear about Batman. If he’s like my brother-in-law’s black lab, maybe he ate something he shouldn’t have. My b-i-l’s dog loved to eat clothes. He had two surgeries because he ate gloves, underwear, dishtowels, socks… eventually they learned to keep hydrogen peroxide on hand, and if he ate something they had to pour it down his throat until he threw it up. He also ate a bar of soap once. My other b-i-l said, “Well next time he’s hungry just take him down to the laundromat. It will be like a giant buffet!”</p>

<p>Greetings all! I came home from work last night, fully intending to post on the first day of this thread. But my DD was home for a few hours on her first official day off from her overnight camp job. Between catching up with her, having dinner with her and then her monopolizing my laptop until her friends came over, it was later then I planned when I got on CC. By the time I was almost done catching up on this thread, it was almost midnight and I had to go to bed. This thread is flying!!! Anyway, I was determined to post today, even if I can’t absorb everything that has been posted.</p>

<p>My Class of 2010- College Class of 2014 DD graduated about 2 weeks ago. She’ll be attending Washington University in St. Louis in the fall. Last summer was her first in many years that she spent home working. The other years she was at an overnight camp that she loved for 4 weeks each summer. Her younger brother went there last summer for the first time. Needless to say, DD was miserable being at home and felt she had made a big mistake not going back so she was determined to be a counselor there this summer. She had to leave a week before DS for counselor orientation and her quick trip home last night was her first day off. She is having a blast and I think she will really learn a lot about living on her own for college after taking care of 16 ten and 11 year olds this summer. The camp has two separate 4 week sessions so she will have 2 different sets of kids. The trick is that when she comes home in August, she has less then 48 hours before we fly her out to St. Louis! More on that later. DD went to a fairly competitive public high school and I think she will be well prepared for college. She has a number of interests. Her main extracurricular is dance, she has been dancing since she was 3 and would only consider colleges where she could minor in dance.</p>

<p>As for the rest of my family, DH and I, like a few other couples on this thread, met in law school. We both practice locally - I am inhouse counsel. I have two other kids. My oldest DD, who was truly my soulmate, died of an inoperable brain tumor just before she turned 12. I may have posted about that before on the other thread. It certainly gives you a different perspective on life and the college stuff. While I will miss DD2 when she leaves in the fall, I will be happy for her - this is what our kids should do - be healthy and grow up! I feel she is ready for college. While we had a couple of rough years the past two years with her and the college process, it is nothing like we went through when her sister died. I am a bit sad she will be so far - mostly because it is less likey I will get to see all of her dance performances. I know Wash U is a wonderful fit for her. I also have a DS, who is starting 7th grade in the fall. Like a few others have posted, he will be the high school class of 2016 so I think I will be on CC for a good long while. DS is sweet, very smart and very young for his grade. He is easily bored with school and somehow talks his way out of things he does not want to do (at school and home!). We are working on this. :wink: I warned his camp counselors that he does this and NOT to let him talk his way out of swimming, like he did last summer! We’ll see. One of his most hated tasks is writing - hopefully we will get a few letters over the next few weeks. </p>

<p>So, short of DD’s two more (short) visits home over the next 3 weeks, DH and I are empty nesters until July 25th. Should be interesting. This may give me the chance to stay up to date on this thread! LOL I wish everyone a safe and fun 4th of July weekend. And I hope Batman is okay too.</p>

<p>Just got back from the beach, hoping to hear Batman is okay…</p>

<p>OK, this has nothing to do with anything, but sitting in the airport I may have just heard the worst pick-up line of all time.</p>

<p>Man to woman…</p>

<p>“I can’t believe they carded you!”</p>

<p>SWTCAT & ML…Yes, I know it’s improbable that the Raiders will pull off a win, but I can dream, right? :)</p>

<p>YDS…It’s pouring right now outside; I hope the rain doesn’t interfere too much with the bb game.</p>

<p>PA2008…I’m so terribly sorry to learn about your olderst daughter. I think you’re absolutely right about putting things into perspective. It’s often easy to lose sight of what’s really important during the whole admissions game. My hat goes off to you and your family. I hope your D has a great time at WUST, and I hope your son learns to love to write.</p>

<p>DB…very eager to hear about Batman; keep us posted.</p>

<p>DD is devastated right now. She just found out her dorm assignment (which she had NO say in), and she and her roommate have been assigned a room in “Old Dorms” at UVA. (The school has hall style dorms called “Old Dorms” and suite style dorms called “New Dorms”. New dorms aren’t really new…they’re only like 7 years newer than old dorms.) Anyway, she and her roomie were desperately hoping for new dorms which are a bit more out of the way. It’s funny…most all of the kids like her (preppy, social, sorority/fraternity wannabes) have been hoping for Old Dorms because they’re more conveniently located and the hall style makes them more social. She wanted New Dorms because of storage and appearance. She feels as though nothing as really gone right for her in this whole college process and is visably upset. I know they could easily find two girls who would trade with them; however, I’m not sure it’s allowed. She wants me to call and see what can be done, and I’ve said, “You are an adult. You knew this was a very real consequence of your school choice. In life things don’t always go the way we want, but we do the best we can to make do. If you feel as though YOU’D like to try and see if it’s possible to get relocated, I would suggest YOU call housing on Monday.” Okay, was this too harsh? If you only knew how much heartbreak she’s had to endure and humble pie she’s had to eat these past two months, you might say I was a bit unsympathetic. (She’s one of the many voted “Most Likely to Succeed”, SUPER hard-working, VERY driven kids with great stats/profiles who kinda came up disappointed on April 1st.) IDK…I feel as though the time has come for me to stop trying to swoosh down and fix everything for her. She had gotten to a VERY happy place about attending UVA, that is until today.</p>

<p>jc40 - I understand your desire to swoosh in and fix everything. It’s what we’ve been doing for all these years. But you said it perfectly…she’s now an adult and this is all just part of life. She will be better for having had handled it herself no matter what the outcome of her attempt. I think you should let her call. You can cross your fingers! ;)</p>

<p>Still eager to hear about Batman!</p>