Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>They get a raw score and the official score comes in about two or three weeks as they have to score the writing. Fortunately, she has plenty of time to take it again</p>

<p>D took a practice GRE for free through Kaplan. You take the GRE on a computer and your score shows instantly when you finish (except the writing of course).</p>

<p>Munequita, which area was harder for your D? I was rather surprised that my D’s practice test (with zero study or prep) she scored better on the math than the verbal. She needs to work on her vocabulary before she takes it for real.</p>

<p>Laf, both areas were pretty even, just 3 points apart. She said the timing got her</p>

<p>Coffee/tea on. </p>

<p>Happy Birthday week to the P56 family! </p>

<p>Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Marched in another parade on Friday and had grandstand pass to the NYC parade but S2 is home so I had to didn’t think it was right to leave him home alone. A few of my friends were marching and they said they got soaked from the snow/rain so I’m glad I didn’t go. Have a great day, as usual I’ll be on the lookout for the kilts! ;)</p>

<p>good morning all! happy st patrick’s day! coffee is ready!</p>

<p>eta: good morning proudnj guess we were typing at the same time :slight_smile: </p>

<p>thanks for all the birthday wishes for H and all 3 sons</p>

<p>Munequita, sorry the GRE wasn’t as good as she hoped. D asked me last night if she should take it soon even if not planning on grad school immediately. I told her she should try to get one done sometime next year and can always retake. I told her to try to borrow a book to familiarize herself with the content when she has a few days after finals before leaving campus.</p>

<p>Question- if she is not majoring in an area with a corresponding subject test, does that mean that programs would only want to see the general test? Is this something you would find out from the particular programs I assume…</p>

<p>Happy St Patrick’s Day! My dad Pat’s birthday as it was his mother’s also.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Yeah Munequita, the timing thing wasn’t D’s favorite part either. You can watch the clock tick down your remaining time in the corner of the computer screen… distracting much? :frowning: At least she knows what she needs to work on. We’re going to buy her an online study program to do this summer.</p>

<p>Jackief, whether you need to take the “subject” part or not depends on what area you are going into. D is a psych major who wants to be an Occupational Therapist. OT doesn’t require any subject area test, but if she were going to grad school for psych she’d probably have to take the subject test.</p>

<p>Went to a fundraiser for my work last night. It was a lovely event. We raised a lot of money, although I’m not sure if we reached our really ambitious goal. I think it was a good “shot in the arm” though - we’ve had a lot of negative stuff hitting us lately, and to be in a room full of people that are so enthusiastic about what we do that they were willing to donate thousands of dollars was a good pick-me-up. The woman who was in charge of organizing all of it, who I don’t think has slept in 2 weeks, ended up winning the drawing for a weekend getaway at a resort! We all cheered - she deserved it.</p>

<p>Happy Saint Patrick’s day</p>

<p>Happy St. Patrick’s Day from ATL everyone! I wore my ironic green W&M sweatshirt. And remember, step away from the kilts! ;)</p>

<p>Munequita – I always say that an experiment never fails. It may not produce the desired effect, but you will learn something from it.</p>

<p>Motherbear – Cool about your DS in a circus show. D1 and BF have a good friend that plays in the Ringling Brother’s circus orchestra. They went to the circus to see him a few weeks ago and got to sit in the orchestra during the show. Apparently it is a highly sought after gig with some musicians because it is a steady job that provides “housing” (a relative term). They can also make extra $ if they help with set up or take down. The musicians are top-notch also. Some Julliard trained. They throw the music at you and you’d better be able to play it. The friend said that the circus has 2 extremes as far as longevity… people either quit after about 2 months or stay with it for many years.</p>

<p>IL – Welcome Back! You should have taken the Crackberry with you and “accidentally” dropped it overboard. I have lots of time in ATL and LGA (yuck!) coming up.</p>


That’s because, unlike you, I was born without the “Social Decency” gene. ;)</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 – Sorry that you didn’t get much time with D. I bet that she is off looking to spend some “green” on just the right B-Day gift for mom! They have speed cameras on I-95 in a workzone just north of Baltimore. I haven’t been caught… yet.</p>

<p>In wedding planning news, I think that D1 figured out that we were distancing ourselves from the “Queen of the Over-The-Top People” a little. She put her little sister (aka D2) up to calling us this weekend to test the waters. DW and I did get a good laugh out of it… Without going into details, DW explained things to D2 and said something to the effect of “I think your father is a little irritated with your sister right now.” D2’s response, “OMG! What did she do? Dad NEVER gets mad at US! He doesn’t even get mad when I call him in the middle of the night to ask him a question.” I’m not sure how I should interpret that. :confused: DW explained that she thinks D1 has seen too many bride-zilla TV shows. D2 said, “So my role in this wedding is ‘Mediator of Honor :rolleyes:’?” We explained that that is not her role and to tell her sister to call us instead. BTW, I have always tried to remain calm with the D’s, but I think that “NEVER” is a bit of a stretch. Clearly she has forgotten the time when they were little and Alice 1 and Alice 2 decided to drop the Mad Hatter’s (aka My) keys one-by-one down the Looking Glass (aka the house’s heater vents). :rolleyes:</p>

<p>In college news, D2 started Spring Break this weekend. She planned to celebrate by wearing shorts to the library to study. She ran into a minor snag when she stepped out and it was snowing. :eek: So much for “spring” in Jersey. She may have to travel with the Women’s Basketball Team to the NCAA tournament next weekend, but won’t find out where until tomorrow.</p>

<p>^I would love to play with a circus band! Piccolo! :)</p>

<p>GSharp - thanks. D will be home for my birthday this week - at least that is the plan - and that is all the birthday gift I want (from her, that is)! :)</p>

<p>So, how do those speed cameras on I-95 work? </p>

<p>Cute about your D2 calling herself the “Mediator of Honor,” but not a good position for her, so I’m glad you told her that.</p>

<p>Munequita - sorry about the test, but I’m sure your D will do better next time.</p>

<p>I think my D is planning to take the GRE at some point, but I’m not sure when.</p>

<p>Laf - glad your fundraiser went well last night.</p>

<p>Good morning! <em>snore</em> I woke up to thunder and lightning. Last night it was snow showers & threat of an ice storm. Welcome to spring in the Ohio River Valley! :/</p>

<p>I had to laugh at son last night–about 11 p.m. he is on the floor with a textbook & notebook, doing homework. He did mostly nothing all day (was visibly on the computer, but nothing important), but about the time I’m ready for bed, he starts his homework. That’s how college students roll. :)</p>

<p>I guess he’s on spring break, he can do his work whenever he feels like it.</p>

<p>good morning all…coffee is ready!</p>

<p>Good morning! Thanks for the coffee. I can’t believe it is already Monday again!</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee. I plan to be on it all day, to fuel my housecleaning frenzy. </p>

<p>I would just like to say, no matter WHAT it says on the bottle of cleaner, unless you can get someone to power wash it for you, the only way to get a floor really clean is by scrubbing it on your hands and knees.</p>

<p>Maybe I’ll have a shot of something in my coffee when I’m done. ;)</p>

<p>I am out in LA, shut up in an office, essentially all week. Kinda grim, but this too shall pass.</p>

<p>At the moment, I am still biting my nails because S is still driving from MN to GA and hasn’t announced his arrival yet (though he should be getting close). I like it better when he flies and I can track that little plane across the country on my computer screen. Also, there’s a pilot rather than he and his friends taking turns driving through the night.</p>

<p>Happy Monday to the gang!</p>

<p>Happy Monday, all! I’m on break this week, so I’m at my parents’ with my girlfriend, taking her around New York and such. I have <em>gasp</em> time for pleasure reading and knitting and shopping and all of those wonderful things that I never get to do during school.</p>

<p>Now if only the weather would get the memo that it is, in fact, mid-March and would stop snowing…</p>

<p>Saying hello, and bumping up!</p>

<p>checking in from BHM. </p>

<p>G# - I’ll be through ATL Friday night, Sunday night, and Wednesday night. Any of those work for you? We can do some wedding shopping ;)</p>

<p>12rmh18 - funny you should ask. DW was dizzy into Saturday, more than 2 days after we left the ship!</p>

<p>S1 has finally disclosed his summer plans - or at least a part of them. Research around the English Civil War in the 1640’s, which of course involves a trip to England, research in the Parliamentary archives and rooting around the library at Oxford. this is for his honors thesis :confused: He’s applied for a number of grants but is just giving us a “heads up” :rolleyes: in case the grants don’t cover everything. I took a look at his budget and emailed mom: " he didn’t include any money for food" :rolleyes:</p>

<p>good morning all…coffee is ready!</p>

<p>you lose power IL? nasty weather there yesterday</p>