Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Part of my cleanse is “no screens after 8 PM.” I’ve extended it to 9-ish, but that’s it. So no Pats games or wild card games for me . . . unless I can find the right station on the radio . . . Do you think that’s cheating? Who’s to say what’s music to me?</p>

<p>Thank you, jackie. The baseball gods were not good to me.</p>

<p>YDS: sorry that the baseball gods did not smile down upon you.</p>

<p>Re baseball playoffs: let me just add that I am happy for DH that his Indians are in the race, but he wore his “rally shirt” Every.Single.Day. over the weekend. It is time for the darned shirt to be washed!</p>

<p>alice that is torture! How long is the cleanse? I actually like listening to games on the radio sometimes, so I’d say it is ok, you could be doing something relaxing and cleans-y while you listen, just don’t get your bp up…</p>

<p>morning all! coffee is ready</p>

<p>Morning! Thanks for the coffee–I am having mine now because I left early this morning to play Dixieland music…in the parking lot of a local elementary school…for “walk to school” day. :slight_smile: We had great weather, fortunately. It was so cute to see all the little kids. And the principal there used to be assist. princ. at my kids’ HS, so he knew two of my boys ten years ago.</p>

<p>And the baseball news in Cincinnati was BAD. Like we say, there’s always next year!</p>

<p>Good morning. Update on the cleanse - it is still going fine. I will definitely get tired of eating kichari for 5 days. And while I’m surprisingly not craving sweets, I could sure use some fresh veggies and fruit! I’m looking forward to that.</p>

<p>mommusic - so glad you had nice weather for walk to school day. What fun. And sorry about the baseball outcome.</p>

<p>jackief - I thought my S started late, but your D started even later! And her schedule sounds pretty good. As you probably know, I am pretty concerned about what my S has taken on this term. My D agreed to talk to him about his comprehensive project for math, since he has learned that he doesn’t get an advisor and so doesn’t really have a schedule or interim deadlines or guidance, just a presentation date! I am hoping he will be willing to take advice from her about how to approach the research, how to set interim deadlines, etc.</p>

<p>Happy Wednesday.</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee P56.</p>

<p>Mommusic–sounds like you had a great time. Sure hope it encourages more kids to walk to school. I sometimes felt like I was getting the stink eye from parents when I let my 6th grade ride his bike to school with <em>gasp</em> no escort. Didn’t we all ride our bikes or walk to school alone all through elementary school? I can remember walking home from Kindergarten!!!</p>

<p>Aliceinw–the thought of my DS having to navigate a project with no structure is scary. He’s such a procrastinator I would wonder how he would get it done on time. Guess I’ll find out next year when he has to do his senior thesis!!! So far he’s managed to land on his feet, so I guess he really does know what he’s doing sometimes! ;)</p>

<p>VAMom - my D did a thesis type project, but she had an advisor, and a schedule they agreed on for what would be presented at each of their weekly meetings. I thought my S would have the same support, but because he chose a somewhat abbreviated project, he doesn’t get an advisor - WHAT??!! I thought this was the reason I sent him to a LAC. In any event, the faculty in the department is willing to discuss with him as he goes, but no one is responsible for him. He did mention today that he is reading the primary source for his work, and went and asked some professors questions about something he didn’t get. This was good news on two fronts: a) he is actually reading the material in the second week of the ten week term, and b) they were willing to talk to him (though it turned out no one knew the answer). I definitely have my fingers crossed on this one.</p>

<p>good morning all…coffee is ready!</p>

<p>i have a procrastinator too…such fun!</p>

<p>Good morning. I was up early cooking my kichari, and was going to offer to put on coffee but I couldn’t get on cc on my iPad. So thanks for the coffee, p56.</p>

<p>Happy Thursday.</p>

<p>Hey, everyone.</p>

<p>Ds had his first radio show of the semester. He sounds like he’s getting sick. :(</p>

<p>alice, is your ds a double major? Is that why he isn’t getting an adviser for this project?</p>

<p>Good morning! </p>

<p>I have a procrastinator too! (actually I have two!).</p>

<p>We are Dodger fans so we are happy to be in the playoffs, but fear we peaked too soon, so are cautiously optimistic. </p>

<p>I am dragging DH to S3’s Parent Weekend tomorrow. It is definitely not his type of thing, but I think he will enjoy the football game and he has not seen the campus.</p>

<p>Hi everyone, Just peeking in to say hello! Wishing all 2014ers and Beyonders a good year! :)</p>

<p>YDS - he is a double major, but the reason for no advisor has to do with the way the Math department does comps. You can opt for a group project, a 3 credit individual comps that requires reading and working with an assigned article and presenting it, or a 6 credit comps that’s more like a real thesis. S chose the 3 credit project (which precludes him from getting departmental distinction) because he did not think it was wise to sign on to two group comps projects simultaneously, and that is what he is doing in CS. He says it’s hard enough to get one group’s schedule to coincide. In any event, it turns out that you don’t get an advisor if you opt for the 3 credit deal. Who knew? Not him. Maybe he should have?</p>

<p>Waving at psychmom ~~~</p>

<p>Enjoy parents’ weekend, tx5.</p>

<p>My D is also doing a thesis but it counts as one of her regular classes this term, and then a zero credit slot for the rest of the year. I hope she gets it pretty much completed in the winter which she is officially hoping to take off from school (ie tuition) and work on this and her grad school apps.</p>

<p>Besides this being I assume not a lot of work so far, her other three classes are a lot of work. But it is what grad school will be like as it is upper level classes in her areas of interest. Lots of reading, but she can’t skim through it as the reading is all in foreign languages (three of them) I can’t have too much sympathy as it is only week 1 for her. And she plans to do the same thing in the spring, but one of the languages will be different, or four languages if she can be done with the thesis by then.</p>

<p>waving back at psychmom! ~~</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>running late but here’s the coffee!</p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee, p56. Today is my last day of the really crazy part of the cleanse. Tomorrow begins “reintegration” in which one gets to introduce real food, like fruits and vegetables, while still avoiding alcohol, sugar, gluten, most fat . . . Hmm. Maybe I’ve had enough of this already.</p>

<p>Hoping to hear from my kiddos this weekend. So glad it’s Friday!</p>

<p>Happy Friday.</p>

<p>Heading home for a “fun” weekend. Birthday lunch with D1 tomorrow (should I mention to her that for the first time she is now more than ½ my age?) followed by MOB dress shopping with D1 and DW. Please tell me that Best Buy has a MOB dress section!</p>

<p>Congrats and Condolences to those with playoff hopes!</p>

<p>Heroine of the Week – tx5’s D1 for bring home that 1st paycheck!</p>

<p>Mommusic – Glad you enjoyed NYC. Lately all my NYC “visits” involve landing in LGA and sitting in the Sky Club until my connection.</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 – Sorry that the visit from your D didn’t go exactly as planned, but at least YOU got to see her. Maybe you should be Breaking Bad on your S? ;)</p>

<p>VAMom2015 – So you’re that irresponsible parent that everyone is talking about! ;)</p>

<p>AliceinW – Unlike most CC parents and kids, I have not committed the Vedas and Upanishads to memory, but I sure don’t remember there being an offense so egregious that one had to drink ghee and eat mung bean porridge. Are you sure these people are your friends? I don’t know what you did in your previous life, but it must have been heinous. I think I’m afraid of you. :wink: I live in rural VA and love Indian food which is not available in the store, so I have been known to make my own ghee (by clarifying butter), but I would never have considered drinking it. Our local Indian Food Section has buffalo and maize. :wink: Oh, you can go home now…</p>

<p>12rmh18 – If you just throw the “rally shirt” in the dryer for a few seconds that makes it clean. In the male world, warm laundry = clean laundry… it works for jeans too. ;)</p>

<p>In wedding news, the “Engagement Photos” are done and I have to admit that I was skeptical of the need for them, but they are impressive. I told D1 that it was because she has good genes. :rolleyes: Progress was also made on the song for the Father / Daughter dance (I kid you not… she clearly needs more to do). I’ve mentioned here that D1 loved the Wizard of Oz and I watched / “played” it with her seemingly 1000’s of times when she was little. She also knows that I can have “alternative” musical tastes. So, D1 has picked IZ Kamakawiwoʻole’s version of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” for our dance. I have always liked that version. She totally nailed it!
[OFFICIAL</a> Somewhere over the Rainbow - Israel “IZ” Kamakawiwo?ole - YouTube](<a href=“OFFICIAL Somewhere over the Rainbow - Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwoʻole - YouTube”>OFFICIAL Somewhere over the Rainbow - Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwoʻole - YouTube)</p>

<p>Guess which 2014 Parent moved up the “org chart” this week? The bad news is that I now have a project implementation date in Michigan the day before D1’s wedding in VA. :eek: Negotiation time!</p>

<p>The only college news is that I know what day D2 needs to be back to school for practice, IF she comes home for fall break. Like many of y’all’s kids, she has a Senior Thesis to write too, so I don’t expect to see or hear much of her this year.</p>

<p>What a great song & congrats on the move up</p>