Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Both our kids left to go back to school. DH drove DD to the grocery then back to campus. (it is SO nice to be able to do that!!! grad school near home after the 4 years of far away was a real treat) She had to go back, because the YA books in her room wouldn’t let her study.
DS went back today just to get back before the rush. They will be back in 2 weeks YAY. DS needs to finish his grad apps and is “considering” applying to a couple more schools. I have mixed feelings on that because the other schools are cold weather places and he has said REPEATEDLY that he would hate living in that environment. He doesn’t have the confidence that he will get into the school near home. We thought he had a great chance there for UG and he didn’t get admitted.</p>

<p>edit to add … forgot to mention meningitis on DS’ campus too. Three cases. We have gotten an email almost every week for the past three weeks. He knows no one who has it, but HE has a bad cough (typical for him after a cold). I almost got him a mask to wear back to school because on the train they will see where he is headed…</p>

<p>It’s good to be back home. We had a fun couple of days with DIL’s family but…Let’s just say it’s good we didn’t go around saying what we are grateful for because I would have had to bite my tongue not to pointedly say “My lovely, kind, functional family!”</p>

<p>G#–yes, we are all grateful for functional.</p>

<p>We had a guided tour of the UPitt Cathedral of Learning. Wow! The building is a treasure and the nationality rooms were so interesting. I (almost) wish I had another child so I could encourage him/her to go there.</p>

<p>DS continues to work on final projects for CS classes, as he did all weekend. At least he wasn’t “bored.” ;)</p>

<p>Hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgivings and wishing a Happy Hanukkah to all who celebrate!</p>

<p>GSharp - love the way you think! Cool that the Tigers and the Crimson shared first place during our girls’ senior year! </p>

<p>Good luck to the Princeton and UCSB kids - crossing my fingers that the outbreak is coming to an end. </p>

<p>D returned to school this morning and made great time. So glad that terrible Metro North train wreck didn’t cause them problems. Hoping none of our kids were on that train. </p>

<p>While she was home, D told me that she’ll be returning to school early over her winter break so she can work on her thesis. She won’t be home for spring break either. Sigh…</p>

<p>D is on her way back to school. 4 years ago today, she was accepted ED. Today, I received her final tuition bill. Time surely flies.</p>

<p>Time does surely fly! And I envy those of you for whom the end is in sight. I’m sort of ready to move on to the next phase, whatever that will be, but my S has two more co-op sections (one of them summer) and two more semesters before he’s done. At least he’ll be around to shovel snow this winter! :)</p>

<p>DH had an adventure this morning, getting up at 4:00 to catch a plane. I slept through it, but apparently he had not one but two dead batteries. He used the 3rd working car to jump one of the others. I guess my job this week is to get new batteries in our cars. One of the cars is son’s transportation but he hasn’t needed it this semester so no one noticed the battery MIGHT need replacing before winter set in. Oops. And DH tends to not notice things like batteries in his car, until they die. </p>

<p>But he caught his plane! I’ll put the coffee on…</p>

<p>hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving!!! thanks for the coffee mommusic!!</p>

<p>Ditto that, p56. I am very glad that S did not have to go back to school. Hoping he follows up on some job leads today.</p>

<p>Ds has started his GRE studying – after an 8:30 orthodontist appt. Why did we think that was a good idea?</p>

<p>Had a good visit with the kids. S2 had his GF over for a few days which was new for us. She is a nice girl but they spent the majority of their weekend sitting on the couch either watching Harry Potter movies or football. He will be back in 10 days. We encouraged him to take the car (so we would not have to go pick him up) but parking up there is horrible so he didn’t want to. I got the Christmas lights up on Saturday. I am not quite up to decorating the inside of the house yet.</p>

<p>Anyone around for coffee? I think S is sleeping late and pursuing employment a bit. He was adamant about not doing GREs at this point. No other news here.</p>

<p>I’m here but consumed with a personal project so I haven’t been around much. Ds slept late, ate breakfast, did the crossword and just got back from a pickup game. What a life.</p>

<p>Coffee’s ready, I’m at my desk, S is asleep in his “own bed” and all is right with the world.</p>

<p>Alice: Thanks for the coffee. I’ll add Tea and diet coke for those who want variety! Nice to have your DS home and happy!</p>

<p>I’m trying to install a new software system for my business. Wish me luck. It’s quite extensive and it will take awhile to transfer all the files and learn all the cool features!</p>

<p>Good morning. I am decorating the work tree for the “contest”. We won the last few years, but this years kind of looks like it was decorated by a 5 year old.</p>

<p>Whoo boy…I got my Golden Buckeye card in the mail today! I am officially a Senior Citizen with a son in college. :D</p>

<p>Actually I don’t think any of the discounts (usually 10%) are worth having to pull the card out and be reminded of your elderly and decrepit station in life.

<p>Ds just ran in to tell me his grades. About his usual, so it’s funny that was was so excited this time, lol. He just wants to make sure he’s holding on to those Latin honors!</p>

<p>Nelson Mandela – R.I.P.</p>

<p>If you don’t mind airport Starbucks, coffee and whatever else they have is on me this morning. Delta is getting me outta here before the weather gets worse. Thanks Delta (I think)… DW has already warned me that we are going Christmas shopping this weekend. ;)</p>

<p>VAMom2015 – Sorry that DS didn’t get the scholarship, but logistically it sounds like it was for the better. </p>

<p>Esobay – This meningitis stuff is stressful, huh?!?!?!</p>

<p>Mommusic – Glad to hear that you didn’t bite your tongue during Thanksgiving dinner. Functional is good… I guess you’re little miss Ohio all-that with your new Golden Buckeye card. Does it entitle you to free Graeter’s Buckeye Blitz ice cream whenever you want it? You should have told them you want the “Bearcat Babe” card instead. ;)</p>

<p>LIMOMOF2 – Sorry to hear that you will have reduced holiday D-time too. :(</p>


Must be nice, huh? ;)</p>

<p>DW’s uncle passed away this week. :frowning: I met DW for the first time at his house (I was friends w/ DW’s cousin). Funny-ish story… DW’s cousin is brilliant, W&M PBK, has multiple degrees (inc. PhD), and is a professor at a university that gets regular CC mention. At a gathering after the funeral, DW asked him to pix her a photo from his phone, to which he replied, “Um, I don’t know if I can. I’m just learning to text.” ;)</p>

<p>I know that you have all been worried about what to get me for Christmas. :wink: I think that would be sweaters. Apparently 1 Dad’s Sweater + 1 Belt + Leggings = New Comfy School Dress, so D2 reduced my sweater supply before heading back to school with several “new” outfits. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>In college news, I had a long conversation with D2 this week mostly trying to get her to calm down. Her stress level is through the roof and she is contemplating staying at school over the holidays to work on her thesis. Plan B is to haul a suitcase of books home on the train. I think this is the most stressed that I have ever heard her. In coincidence news, D2 got to re-live our post-Thanksgiving dinner discussion since one of her lectures this week was on cannibalism. :eek:</p>

<p>So G#, I could wear one of my DH’s XL sweaters with a belt over leggings? Why did no one tell me this? :smiley: There would be room for two of me in there, but the gamin look is always good.</p>

<p>And I didn’t know the Bearcat Babe card was an option either. :smiley: The Buckeye card gets you 10% off some things on the 2nd Tuesday after the first Monday in alternate Novembers, I think.</p>

<p>DH got home safely last night before the weather hit. When he’s around he makes excellent coffee, which I am happy to share. And he brought Max Brenner chocolates from NYC, which…just forget I mentioned them.</p>

<p>I am such a good mom, I took son’s winter boots to him last night. He didn’t take them at Thanksgiving because, with only a week and a half to go, what are the odds it will snow significantly? Evidently they are excellent odds. We’re supposed to get 4 to 8 inches today, on top of the ice we got last night.</p>

<p>And they just announced UC will close at 1:00 due to the weather so I guess S won’t have to go to his last class of the semester.</p>

<p>Public Service Announcement (Guys Only) – The old Men’s Room in the Dayton Airport is now the new Women’s Room. This led to my personal awkward moment of the day. :eek:</p>