Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Coffee’s on! Cold, gray, rainy/icy here. :frowning: Wishing safe travels to all traveling in this stuff. My BIL is driving west and reportedly was stuck in mid-Ohio on I-70 last night for a couple of hours. Ugh.</p>

<p>Turns out S wasn’t actually done with CS projects. He and his partner worked, either in person or online, writing & debugging until almost midnight Friday night, when the project was due! I went to bed at 11 with my fingers crossed. I didn’t hear cries of anguish when he was turning it in to Dropbox so I guess they were successful!</p>

<p>Funny how work expands to fill the time allotted. :D</p>

<p>Morning, iPeeps!</p>

<p>I’m up early for me on a Saturday to finally get started Christmas shopping. I don’t know why I don’t get to this during the week. Ds is working as a paid extra on a movie. I got a text from him saying that he accidentally ate the good food set up for the crew. I asked him what he was going to accidentally eat for lunch. :wink: As it is, one of his scenes is in a lunch room, so it looks like he’ll be eating all day!</p>

<p>Ds2 gets home Friday. I am so excited I’m not sure whether I’m going to cry uncontrollably or spontaneously combust.</p>

<p>Good morning! S is home and D gets home late Monday night. I have only bought 2 gifts so far- one for D and one for a nephew. It’s been snowing all night and at some point I’ll have to leave to grocery shop. I’m spending Monday with my sister- helping her wrap gobs of gifts- and can’t wait! I love to wrap. The upside of shopping really late is I am guaranteed to spend less money. When I shop early(every other year I’ve been done by Thanksgiving) I keep seeing “one more thing” and then overdo it. I’m hoping to do a little bit this weekend, then finish up when D comes home. A good power shopping outing with her would be fun. Stay safe if you’re out in the bad weather today!</p>

<p>Hello, all!</p>

<p>Snow has been falling on and off since early this morning. I ran my most important errands early this morning, took S to physical therapy, ran a few more errands, and now I’m done. I think I’m going to spend the rest of the afternoon on the couch alternating between Hallmark and Lifetime Christmas movies and episodes of Walking Dead on Netflix. </p>

<p>GSharp - hope the shower is a big success! Wish you could post pictures!</p>

<p>Glad your D2 is vaccinated, but sorry to hear she’s so stressed. Just spoke to my D. She didn’t sound overly stressed this time, but she was working on a paper and said she’d probably stay in tonight to keep working.</p>

<p>YDS - cool about your DS being an extra in a movie!</p>

<p>Psychmomma - that used to happen to me too! The earlier I started shopping, the more I’d end up buying! I have taken it to the other extreme this year - so far, I haven’t bought a thing. Starting to feel the pressure, but still not motivated to hit the shops.</p>

<p>Yay for all the kids coming home, and wishing safe travels to all.</p>

<p>Good morning! DH made coffee so I’ll share.</p>

<p>Woke up to a surprise “snow shower” this morning. A couple inches on the ground.</p>

<p>After doing nothing all weekend, S is ready to get in some volunteer hours this week for his scholarship requirement. Looks like he’ll be sorting groceries at the food pantry.</p>

<p>We ALL did nothing this weekend, as the weather was totally cold, gray & rainy/icy. I need to go over to the exercise support forum and declare my willingness to make up for yesterday’s sluggishness! Our team didn’t even win the football game, so that was a waste of a few hours. We did enjoy BIL’s visit, just overnight however.</p>

<p>Good morning. Thanks for the coffee, mommusic.</p>

<p>S and I both arrived safely at the airport Friday evening - he returning from visiting my mom in FL, me returning from a 2 day business trip to Houston. The rest of the weekend was pretty restful, at least for me. I suppose my H might not describe the 2 and a half hours he spent with the snowblower, the roof rake, the shovels, etc. as restful. Not to mention that I needed to bring banana bread to work today and he baked it while I went to a yoga workshop/celebration. Yes, I’m spoiled.</p>

<p>Hard to focus on the fact that this is still a full work week; I’m ready for the vacationing to start and for D to come home. OK, next week . . .</p>

<p>Good morning!</p>

<p>S2 came home Wednesday, he is still waiting on 2 grades, but so far, so good. His GF spent the weekend and they went to Disneyland, etc… This is really his first girlfriend and I really like the girl but it is still weird to see them together. S3 comes home Thursday. He has his first finals today, tomorrow and Wednesday. I made his plane reservation 24 hours after his last final to make sure he had time to pack and shop :wink: .</p>

<p>D1 and I braved Costco on Saturday. We are hosting Christmas Day and I figured I probably wouldn’t want to go in the next 8 days (Yikes 8 shopping days!). It was very busy but we made it out alive. The parking lot was actually scarier than inside. We got Henry a new dog toy that every dog is supposed to love, but he wanted nothing to do with it. Oh well. </p>

<p>Thanks for the coffee.</p>

<p>Good morning. Not much in the way of news here. S had a technical interview by phone yesterday - he says it’s impossible to tell how you did and they make it clear they can’t tell you. Hope he gets a follow up.</p>

<p>Good luck to your S, aliceinw.</p>

<p>My son saw the 2nd Hobbit movie today–said it was good. Glad he’s getting out of the house with friends. Oh, and all his grades are in…straight As! As usual, a boring report card. ;)</p>

<p>The stores are starting to get REALLY crowded. Sometimes I want to yell at the traffic, “All I want is a gallon of %$#@ MILK!” :D</p>

<p>mommusic, I had to make two runs at Walgreens to pick up H’s drugs. The line was just TOO long to deal .</p>

<p>DS got 4 of 5 grad school apps in on time! Decided to add one that has a deadline of Jan 14 I think just for grins, although I expect he would go there if the top 2 are rejects. Grad applications feel expensive. We are paying for the application fees, the rest should be on him, with maybe a food bump. We’ll see. He hasn’t ever had a job, which I think is just sad… I don’t count research or the tutoring because they weren’t hours that weren’t flexible and didn’t last long. He is good with money, but still it will be a shock I think to pay for so much on his own.</p>

<p>DS has been in pj mode. He likes to just veg out for a few days after he arrives home. I did drag him out the other day to get a Christmas tree.</p>

<p>Speaking of that tree, I really need to get it up and decorated. It’s so late. I don’t think it’s ever been this late getting a tree put up since the year we moved at Christmas (something that I do not recommend with small children who believe in Santa!) On the bright side, I have gotten all my shopping done, and also the food shopping. So I don’t have to go out again for anything but work! </p>

<p>DS2 has been having lots of tests to study for, which is why the tree is still waiting to be decorated. He has one more to study for tonight–I think we will spend tomorrow evening decorating!</p>

<p>Congrats on all the grades, interviews and apps that have gone in on time! DS is in the late school so he won’t finish the semester until the end of January.</p>

<p>I hope everyone’s week went well. I haven’t even had a chance to come up for air. At least I’m headed home for a little over a week. Although I will be working from home. :(</p>

<p>Hero of the Week – YDS’s DS for figuring out how to be well fed under hardship. ;)</p>

<p>Has anyone seen YDS? I just want to be sure that she didn’t spontaneously combust. ;)</p>

<p>Welcome Back, Alice! I hope your DH enjoyed his restful time. By your definition, I should be well-rested before I go back to work too. ;)</p>


Yeah, D2 mentioned on the way home from the train station that she had to finish and submit a fellowship application by midnight. So, as soon as she got home she went right to work… playing with the cat. :eek: She did get the application submitted on time!</p>

<p>Mommusic – Congrats on the boring report card and the %$#@ milk. ;)</p>


I’m sure that there’s a 12-step program for that. ;)</p>

<p>I went for the non-wrapping kind of presents. Over a month ago, I knew I’d have over a week of vacation that I will lose even after carrying forward the maximum. The partners in my company were concerned about me losing the time, so I struck a deal with them. I told them to find another employee who was getting ready to have a baby, had a family illness, or some other unexpected need for time off. As it turned out, there was someone who had a personal situation due to family illness for which he needed time off, so I gave him my extra week of vacation time as a Christmas gift… somebody may as well use it. </p>


Wow, there really are people who watch those channels? :wink: OK, Lifetime is just creepy. ;)</p>

<p>VAMom2015 – I can totally commiserate about having a kid at the “late school,” ergh!</p>

<p>In wedding news, D1’s frou frou shower went well. I did my part… drop off D2 and DW, go to the bank / gas station, come back later and take pictures when it was over. Funny-ish conversation between DW and D1.
D1: We got a new cat.
DW: Why? You already have one.
D1: We like the one we have so much that we wanted another one.
DW: We tried that explanation when we brought your sister home and you didn’t go for it. ;)</p>

<p>In college news, I picked D2 up at the train station last week and brought her home. Judging by her suitcase, she could have a future as a brick salesperson. :wink: She brought home a ton of books because she has several papers to write and exams for which to study over the break. DW says that D2 has been “no fun” this week because of doing school work… maybe next week? We are taking her back a week early to work on her thesis, but plan to spend one evening in DC being touristy and checking out the Christmas Tree, decorations, etc. Yeah, we’ll be “that family.” ;)</p>

<p>GSharp - I don’t love Lifetime or Hallmark movies, but they make good background noise for when I feel like doing nothing.</p>

<p>Wishing your D success regarding the fellowship application! </p>

<p>So sorry your D has to worry about exams and papers over her break, but at least you have some fun family time planned.</p>

<p>Alice - good luck to your S! I hope he gets some positive feedback!</p>

<p>Eso - good luck to your S!</p>

<p>mommusic - congrats to your S!</p>

<p>Hi Wishing all a peaceful and joyful Christmas and Happy New Year to come. DD arrived home from Buffalo last week 3 hrs late due to snow up there but thankfully she got home. She spent the 1st 24 hrs home completing 4 grad school apps, I see I’m in good company on that front lol. She has 2 interviews for potential jobs near home, her BF an elec eng got a job in NJ so happy for them.</p>

<p>We went into NY to see the tree and lights last night which was wonderful thanks to our little warm spell. My gainfully employed DS treated us to a nice dinner the prices were a shock and the wine list with $700 800 bottles too we skimp on a $60 cabernet. It was so nice being all together as I feel it won’t be much longer that the inevitable changes of adulthood and independence brings will change that.</p>

<p>For now I’ll stay in the moment and enjoy the spring like day we have, finish my shopping and savor this holiday week.</p>

<p>And G# kudos to you for representing the true spirit of giving with that thoughtful gift to someone who no doubt truly needed and appreciated it.</p>

<p>Good morning. Coffee for all (ok, tea, pepsi, and water for those who prefer). It is very foggy here. I am at work, but feel like my vacation started over the weekend, as my niece and her husband ended up in Boston instead of Maine thanks to the weather and spent yesterday with us. They will drive one of our cars up to Maine today. We will head up there tomorrow. Here’s hoping today is a slow workday and I can clear the decks without too much fuss.</p>

<p>Christmas week got here too quickly! I mailed the cards out on Saturday, so they will get around by this week anyway.</p>

<p>I am wishing for lots of hugs and happiness, good luck with job interviews and college applications and love enough to help any pain for everyone.</p>

<p>Good morning! I added cardamom to my coffee this morning…I would recommend it!</p>

<p>Did anyone else watch The Sing-Off last night? I am a country music convert if it’s sung by those fine young men! Um…yeah…</p>

<p>Good luck to all still shopping & cooking for the holiday! I know it’s a busy time. I like the fact that our classical music station plays so much vocal/choral music this time of year. On Dec. 26 it will stop abruptly. :(</p>

<p>Looking forward to seeing my 91-year-old father tomorrow.</p>

<p>Esobay–those are all good wishes!</p>

<p>Edit: In case you didn’t see it, the Google Doodle has a link to follow Santa’s journey around the world!</p>

<p>Merry Christmas everyone!!! </p>

<p>mommusic… i love the sing off!</p>

<p>I hope everyone had a nice holiday. We had 80 degree weather here yesterday (I think it broke a record) . We had 10 for breakfast and 20 for dinner, so since the weather was so nice we spent a lot of time in the backyard. It felt more like 4th of July (Bocci ball etc…). S2 gave me his completed resume for Christmas.</p>

<p>Well, everyone is looking well rested from their holidays. Clearly, you did not spend them at our house. :wink: </p>

<p>Coscat – Glad that you got to enjoy time with your DD and DS. Even if you did have to swill down $60 wine. I’ll be honest, I have the wine pallet of an ogre and really can’t tell much difference.</p>

<p>Aliceinw – Boston, Maine, it’s all the same right? It’s just New England. ;)</p>

<p>Mommusic – I hope you had quality time with your Dad!</p>

<p>I say we all go to tx5’s place next year!</p>

<p>Instead of going to Christmas Eve services with DW and D2, I sat home and waited for the UPS man to deliver my replacement credit card… thanks Target! :frowning: D2 came home impressed with our new minister, recently from Duke Theology School, and the way that he conducted the sermon with historical context and etymology of terms. She was also dismayed at how most of the “old-timers” seemed to not appreciate the minister’s approach at all and think he’s a bit of a nut case. One of D2’s Junior Papers is applicable to the theme of an upcoming sermon series, so she is going to send it to the minister.</p>

<p>Post-services, D2 and I made Sea-Salt Caramel cupcakes. DW eventually asked us, “Aren’t you done yet?” to which D2 replied, “You forget that the two most literal people in our family are doing this and we have to pick apart every sentence of the directions.” :wink: We did eventually finish and the cupcakes were quite tasty. :)</p>

<p>We had a low-key Christmas that included D1, future SIL, D2, my mother, and my father. It is amazing just how downhill my father has gone just since last Christmas. It is really strange that he has trouble with everyday stuff like TV channels, but is still coherent when it comes to things like NASA, Hubble telescope design, wanting to read math books, etc. In college-ish news, my brother (who lives in RI) mentioned that he found some of my dad’s papers at the MIT Museum, but couldn’t get past the first paragraph on any of them, to which my mother replied, “Yeah, and I typed every last one of them on a typewriter.”… now there’s teamwork. ;)</p>

<p>In college news, D2 has spent nearly the whole break studying for exams, writing papers, working on her thesis, etc. As of today, she is down to 60 pages of papers to complete before finals in 2 weeks. :eek: She cracks me up that she loaded Parental Controls on her laptop to limit her ability to check any social media website that would interfere with her work. I received an email from her titled “Thesis Schmesis” with a draft of her intro to read. She did take a break to fill out another job application and another break to write a Thank You letter to her benefactor whose generosity helped her meet “full financial need” for the coming semester. We are taking her back tomorrow, a week early, to work on her thesis. :(</p>