Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>I love GSharpM7 in a totally stalkerish via reading way. Like some authors I read that I can find their blogs so I hit them daily. </p>

<p>Wish our DS was focusing on his thesis but he has two quarters to go. Plenty of time to procrastinate. He might have only ONE quarter to do it as I think (but dont’ know for sure) that it has to be finished in time for review before graduation. He hasn’t picked a topic as yet as far as he will admit to. … probably he will be writing a program though, so he will just do it because it was interesting. Such a different approach from DD. </p>

<p>DD is heading from warm west to COLD east for New Years. She lived through it before so knows what she is getting into. She misses the pretty snow. Go for it then! Just because the high is going to be ZERO, no need to worry about cold.</p>

<p>Good morning everyone. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend thus far. </p>

<p>I’m staring out the window trying to decide what to do today. My friends have already left for a quick hike this morning and I was too lazy to get up in time to join them. So, they sent me a text from the trail calling me a “flake” in the nicest possible way. I deserved that. ;)</p>

<p>DS has been home for a week and has been a “social butterfly” reconnecting with his HS band friends. He will be flying to the snow to visit his cousins on New Years Eve then will return to school. No work on senior project/thesis here. I know he’s talked about it but he’s a procrastinator so I’m not surprised!</p>

<p>Hello, friends!</p>

<p>It’s been awhile since I checked it and I wanted to give a little update. As you know, my S goes to Northeastern University majoring in Music Industry, so he does co-ops (they are like internships but are six months long.) So, from January-June he did his co-op in London at a music publishing company and loved it. His fall semester went well and now comes the part where I shamelessly brag! </p>

<p>For his January-June 2014 co-op he will be working in marketing at Island Def Jam records! They represent Kanye West, Jay Z, Rhianna and many other famous artists. He is beyond excited and so are we! He has rented a tiny room in a small apartment in Washington Heights for just under our max. budget, so thank goodness for that. </p>

<p>I am student teaching starting in January and should finish up my masters degree in Secondary Education in May. </p>

<p>How is everyone doing? I hope very well!</p>


<p>Hi PMK. So nice to hear from you. Brag away - that sounds like a fabulous opportunity for your S. And glad to hear that you are moving forward on your Masters. </p>

<p>We have had a slow day around here. If you want to see what our weather is like, tune in the Patriots-Bills game. D leaves this evening to head back to Minneapolis (sniff, sniff). It has been a nice visit though. S is still here for another week before our nest empties out again. </p>

<p>Hope everyone is having a good weekend.</p>

<p>Thanks for the update, PMK! Great news all around!</p>

<p>S just realized he could start his co-op on Thursday instead of waiting for Monday. As our house guests will be gone, there won’t be much else to do around here. We did all see “Frozen” last night–such a wonderful movie! :)</p>

<p>I have a cold so am not too excited about the rest of this week anyway. Goodbye 2013…</p>

<p>Good morning! The kids and I went to see The Lion King at the Pantage Theater in Hollywood yesterday. I can’t believe it took me 16 years to see this! It was amazing! We all had such a great time! S2 is having a very productive break. He worked quite a few days and is slowly figuring out what he might want to do after graduation. It looks like he may have to take the GRE after all. Our incredible weather continues. I guess it isn’t incredible if you had planned to go skiing, but since we didn’t we are thoroughly enjoying it.</p>

<p>Just stopping by to wish everyone a Happy New Year!</p>

<p>Happy New Year! </p>

<p>Turns out we’re having a party after all–a bunch of 20-somethings invited by our S and his wife, in town for the holiday.</p>

<p>College boy is going skiing tomorrow with a group. :)</p>

<p>Happy New Year, iPeeps! 2014 is a big one for a lot of us!</p>

<p>Nice to hear from you, PMK. Ds1 was impressed with your ds’s internship!</p>

<p>Hope the party went well, mommusic.</p>

<p>tx5, I’d love to see The Lion King live.</p>

<p>Ds1 just got home from his NYE overnighter. Sounds like a blast. LOTS of his 2010 compatriots were there. I like how the years kind of even things out, kwim? It reminds me of my 10-year reunion, when everyone was just more relaxed and less competitive.</p>

<p>He and ds2 will be playing ultimate in an hour. The energy of the young. They have been doing a lot together this break. It makes my mom heart happy to see they really like each other.</p>

<p>Friday he takes the GRE. He did his last full practice test yesterday and did really well, although the scores don’t translate into the highest percentiles, huh? Oh well. He has no grad school goal in sight so he doesn’t have a score he’s aiming for, just to do the best he can. I have no sense of what would be good for him to get.</p>

<p>Happy New Year!</p>

<p>PMK - so nice to hear from you! Brag away - what a great opportunity for your DS! Good luck to him!</p>

<p>Like PMK, it’s been a long time, but I thought I’d pop in since I’m on break and say hi. </p>

<p>PMK…Your son’s job sounds simply amazing! He must be thrilled. Kudos!</p>

<p>DD is enjoying her final year. She will go part-time next semester taking a mere 3 hours. We have no complaints because it’ll save a ton since she’s OOS, and we feel it’s a good idea for her to relax a bit before starting med school this fall. She’s really enjoyed living on the lawn this year. She asked for a high-power super soaker for Christmas which I though was a rather strange request. “Do the lawn kids have water fights?” I asked. “Maybe, I don’t know. I want it so I can squirt the streakers as they run by.” :eek: (For those unfamiliar with the traditions of UVA, streaking the lawn is among the top 114 things every student must do before graduating.) I suppose this experience has been an enrichment to any anatomy class she’s taken, huh? :confused:</p>

<p>Hallelujah! It’s snowing and DS is home to shovel! :smiley: </p>

<p>jc40–I met one of my boyfriends when we were both watching the streakers in about 1973. It was a fun social event. </p>

<p>Snowy & COLD here. This morning I shoveled one side of the driveway so I could get out, and DS did his side (and his car which was parked outside) so he could go to work. When he came home the driveway was white AGAIN and he said, “Guess I’d better shovel so Dad can get up the driveway.” What a good boy. :)</p>


<p>Hi all! Hope everyone’s holidays were good.</p>

<p>Can’t believe D will be returning to school on Sunday. :frowning: Tomorrow we’re taking down the Christmas decorations. Monday’s return to reality will be harsh, but we had a great break together. Now just to wait with fingers crossed on grad school acceptances!</p>

<p>Like JC40’s D, my D also has a part-time schedule this spring. Saves me a ton of money, and she will still have enough credits to graduate.</p>

<p>Happy New Year! (to those who celebrate)</p>

<p>Unfortunately, this week I am posting from my Cincy hotel instead of an airport… too much work to do! To add insult to injury, my dad fell and was hospitalized today, but is not supposed to be seriouosly hurt, ergh!</p>

<p>Hero of the Week – PMK’s S for getting the cool internship and sending PMK back to her rightful place amongst us. ;)</p>


It really is disheartening to hear that where esobay lives, there is no drying paint or growing grass to watch, so she has been relegated to stalking the “World’s Most Boring Person.” ;)</p>


Wow, we have the same “friends.” ;)</p>

<p>AliceinW – Your S sure knows how to work the family angle. First Florida with grandma, now home being spoiled by his parents while his sister heads back to Minneapolis. ;)</p>


“social event” or “participation sport.” ;)</p>

<p>Mommusic – Did Cincy forget to pay the heating bill while I was away? I bet that’s how you caught your cold. BTW, I did my part to support the local team and actually bought a ticket to Sunday’s playoff game with currently a 100% chance of rain or snow.</p>

<p>Which leads me to reiterate that we should all show up unannounced at tx5’s house for the holidays next year. ;)</p>

<p>YDS – It’s nice to hear that your DS’s are getting along so well. At any point in time, my D’s can either be best friends or worst enemies. ;)</p>

<p>JC40 – Good to see you again! I’m so glad that your DD is making the most of the fine traditions at one of my home state’s institutions of higher learning. Mr. Jefferson would be proud. ;)</p>

<p>LAF – Good to see you too! I’ve already packed up and put away all those freakin’ snowmen and nutcrackers along with the tree. That was mostly because this time next week my living room and dining room should have new hardwood floors and I needed to get everything put away before I left town again.</p>

<p>We had dinner with D1 and future-SIL for NYE. I’m sure that it was not as exciting as D2 and friends who took the train to NYC for NYE. :eek: They stayed with an alumna friend and she remembered to let us know that she got back to campus safely. I got up early New year’s Day to fly to Cincy for 2+ weeks, ergh! </p>

<p>In college news, we received D2’s last bill this week. I would :), but it is a bill nonetheless. It pretty much makes the bill for the replacement laptop charger seem kinda insignificant. :wink: We did manage to get D2 back to school last Saturday without much trouble. Good thing one of her Christmas presents was a new suitcase for traveling to interviews, etc. so she had something in which she could haul back the rest of her loot. :wink: Luckily she still has the old one, so I can continue my role as the dad toting the Betsey Johnson suitcase across campus. :rolleyes: DW and I have been joking about having to rent 2 Suburbans to move her out this year.</p>

<p>Actually … the grass IS still growing, (which I hesitate to mention given the chill in the east). But we had FROST in the first week of Dec!</p>

<p>And I am sorry to hear about your Dad, GSharpM7. I thought it but didn’t write it.</p>

<p>DS made it back to campus, but with d.r.a.m.a . Usually he takes a train, but 2 girls that are friends came up to SF to visit, so he planned to get a ride home in their car. They planned to leave at 3, at 5, at 9 they called. One girl got sick and the other had a panic attack on the freeway. So he went to calm them down, I fed them soup tea and toast while he and H brought the car down. They were leaving when one had another panic attack… They left at around midnight. DS was the designated driver since one was sick and one was not OK. I hope he tells me more than that someday!</p>

<p>DD leaves from Boston thisafternoon. Hope the flights are going OK today. At least she is non-stop.</p>

<p>Chicago is a hell these days. But dd had made it back.</p>

<p>^Hell frozen over! :D</p>

<p>Minus 4 here this morning, but sunny. :slight_smile: DS is surprised that it REALLY this cold, even in his car. He was a baby last time it was this cold here. I keep extolling the virtues of long underwear.</p>

<p>Congrats to pmk! Brag away! You should be proud.</p>

<p>G#, hope your dad is feeling better.</p>

<p>School started yesterday for ds, but his prof canceled the one class he had. He’s scheduled for a class today.</p>