Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Not every day, momannoyed, but some days.</p>

<p>add me to those looking forward to the wedding report. And congrats for all accolades coming in, as well as theses being finished. D on her quarter schedule has a few more weeks left on hers, I am not allowed to ask anymore, since all my questions assume that she made great progress in her term off…</p>

<p>She is headed on a grad school visit tomorrow, so PVCs for safe travel appreciated. This is likely where she will end up next year.</p>

<p>I am looking for the streaming video of the wedding!! especially since I can’t find my invitation…
best of wishes for a smooth next week and a half. Don’t forget to admire the joy. Having helped with a niece’s wedding last summer, it is a reminder needed a bit I think. Not that my D is even engaged, but I will be pushing the elope to Reno option HARD for her wedding.</p>

<p>No college news exactly, but after DS’s computer broke just at the beginning of spring break, two other computers (including mine) broke. DS got a new “gorgeous awesome” one. I got a DH that was able to shift my drive to the other kid’s old laptop and was up and running again like nothing happened. The other device seems to be limping along, but GAK! sunspots?</p>

<p>Unfortunately, I do not get to post from an airport this week… too much work to do, so I’m staying through the weekend. Oh well, the weather is supposed to be nice on Sunday, so I think I’ll go to the Reds game. Heading home Tuesday for a few days off prior to some sort of event that I’m supposed to attend next weekend. ;)</p>

<p>12rmh18 – First, I’ll make you a trade… one dinner fairy for a proactive smoke detector battery changing fairy. :wink: Second, was it your job to tell me that the rest of the planet was going to W&M last weekend? It was a beautiful day, but there was actual traffic on Richmond Road and I had to dodge several campus tour groups, a temporary stage, and an inflatable moonwalk when I decided to take a walk around campus! I also popped in the Wren Building since that is where we were married.</p>

<p>YDS – Best of luck to your DS on his comps and traditions… the poor guy’s got to be worn out! How nice of you to support the team through generous swag purchases. We have made donations to D2’s squad (I wonder how they got our #? :wink: ), but probably looked kinda pathetic since next on the call list was Queen Noor (a former cheerleader at D2’s school).</p>

<p>Jackief – Belated best wishes, safe travels, and a helping of PVC to your D!!!</p>

<p>Aliceinw – Thanx for the swag-free Caribou Coffee! I sure hope that you haven’t waited for this post to go home. ;)</p>

<p>Tx5 – Good luck with that “knowing where your kid is” thing. We usually find out when we see the FB pix. You sure got some busy youngin’s. ;)</p>

<p>Esobay – Thanx for unwittingly reminding me to slow down lest I read that you are looking for a steamy wedding video. :wink: Sorry that the computer gods were not friendly this week!</p>

<p>In wedding news, DW gave the carton of ice cream that I left behind to the raccoons so that she wouldn’t eat it a week before she has to wear her dresses.</p>

<p>In college news, I dunno. Has anyone heard from my kid?</p>

<p>GSharp, I thought about you while I was sitting at RIC Friday. Williamsburg is looking lovely with all the spring flowers. </p>

<p>Wishing you and your family a beautiful celebration! Can’t wait to read all about it when you’ve recovered.</p>

<p>Taking a break from Passover cleaning to say hi. DS vacuumed all 3 cars and also did some yard work that I asked him to do. :slight_smile: DH is mopping the kitchen floor…I think it’s a little early in the process, but I don’t want to discourage him and I’ll take all the help I can get! </p>

<p>A happy holiday to all who celebrate! I may not get back in here for a few days. :)</p>


<p>Posting from an airport, but I wanted to wish GSharp’s D1 and his entire family much happiness with this week’s wedding. I’m looking forward to a wedding report.</p>

<p>Also sending the G# family joyous good wishes for a wonderful wedding week!</p>

<p>G#- Happy, Happy & ENJOY the wedding</p>

<p>Sending Happy vibes to the G# family for a great wedding weekend. </p>

<p>Where did the time go? GSharp - wishing you and your family a beautiful weekend for your daughter’s wedding! Not sure how you’re planning to share your pictures with all your friends here, but I can’t wait to see them!</p>

<p>Congrats to your D2 on getting her thesis submitted! Now she can truly enjoy the end of her senior year!</p>

<p>I’m also sending good wedding vibes to G# and family. Hopefully the weather will warm up for a beautiful weekend! Be sure to enjoy that father/daughter dance! </p>

<p>I’m also still in the “everything I know about DS I learn from FB (from his friends pics, since he never posts anything)” group also. To add to the lack of information DS2 is off on a church mission in another state during spring break. I hear from him only if I text him first. Such is the life of the mom of boys!</p>

<p>And in school news DS found out that he will be getting the use of a brand new uber expensive fancy schmancy underwater video system that his department advisor has requested for DS’s research and the advisor’s use for future courses. So please send PVC’s our way this summer that he doesn’t flood or otherwise ruin this crazy expensive camera system!!! :-SS </p>

<p>Wishing G#'s family a great wedding weekend!</p>

<p>Can’t believe I’m excited about this wedding of people I don’t know at all. But I am, and I’m looking forward to a full report in G#'s inimitable style! </p>

<p>In college news, we went to a reception & awards ceremony for the UC college of engineering & computer science. S and about 14 others got an academic award that included a backpack, a certificate, and a NICE check. I was joking before I knew the amount, but he really CAN take us out to dinner! :slight_smile: And a friend of his got the award for best CS senior project. Very cool company he keeps.</p>

<p>Edit: He asked his boss if he could leave early, but didn’t tell him WHY he needed to leave early. I rolled my eyes and said the boss probably presumed he was dressed up for an interview at some other company. So he took a program with his name in it to show the boss today… </p>

<p>B-) </p>

<p>Thinking of G# and family for the wedding! </p>

<p>D’s grad school visit went well and she committed. Other students said the stipend would be sufficient and she was even offered a place in an apartment at a great rent</p>

<p>I don’t think the thesis is done yet but I am not allowed to ask. </p>

<p>Joining in the well wishes for G# and family. Hope everyone is having a good week.</p>

<p>I’ll be thinking of G# this weekend - hoping for a wonderful day and looking forward to an entertaining writeup!!!</p>

<p>Happy happy wedding wishes to gsharp and his d and future son in law!!!</p>

<p>I’m here to send my best wishes to #GSharp and his family for a terrific weekend wedding. I’ll have to come back to read some details a la #G style.</p>

<p>All is well here. I’m still reeling from news about my 2014 son. It’s a toss-up; medicine or stand-up comedy?</p>

<p>Much joy and many good wishes heading towards G# and family!</p>