Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@CaucAsianDad No work study and only unsub loans, unfortunately.

@mtrosemom she got federally funded work study with no need?

@mstrosemom I also thought subsidized loans were based on financial need. Not arguing with you, and I think schools decide how to divvy up their work-study and sub/unsub loan allotments (no one quote me on that!) so maybe it just depends.

@CaucAsianDad My D14 found at her large state university that pretty much all on campus jobs were reserved for WS students whether advertised that way or not. And that many of the jobs would remain empty for the semester if no WS student applied for them, regardless of other applications. I don’t know if this is the norm or not. Fortunately, in a campus town, she has plenty of waitressing work that pays very well.

Probably the “work study” was school subsidized (private school with lots of endowment). The loan package was $5,500.

FYI - I posted on the FB page a partial list of colleges’ positions on CSS or FAFSA being needed for for merit scholarship consideration.

Did you see that on your NPC? I thought the EFC amount on NPC is never higher than the COA. No?

Find the highest COA of any college in America and you’ve found my EFC.

It’s not going to be an easy argument.

She will be at a large state university. She saw jobs in her major’s dept. that looked interesting but they were WS. She is working as a server now and was hoping to get something that used some of her other skills in college.

When I rean the NPC there was a mention of the possibility work study and loans so I got my hopes up.

@CA1543 - not on facebook. Would love to see the list of schools that require fafsa/css for merit. Thx!

For the California state schools the website says:

“To be considered for all UC, state, and federal grants and scholarships, apply for financial aid.”

And it seems pretty clear that includes merit/non-need $$$

Interesting. I admittedly have not learned what I need to know with financial aid. Interesting info on Work Study. I had assumed that would be offered to anybody, but I see there is a need component which totally makes sense. The fact that all on-campus jobs could be ONLY for WS students is a little disconcerting. Never thought of that. I expect my D to get a job, but she has never waitressed in her life
I hope she’ll be able to find something.

So, if we had demonstrated need of, say, $3K, would that be WS first? Then loans, etc.? Is there a general rule of thumb? I’m sure all schools are different, just wondering what the order was. I think I use to know this :smiley:

Schools will allocate federal money, including work study before they spend their own money. Because, why not? Everyone likes free money.

So they will max out your Pell Grant and Federal Work Study first, if eligible.

Typical example form Northwestern’s page:

Family circumstance

Total cost of attendance $68,660
Expected Family Contribution $2,500
Financial need $66,160

Financial aid award

Federal money:

Pell Grant $5,775
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant $4,000
Federal Work-Study $2,500

Money from NW:

Pledge Scholarship $6,000
Northwestern Scholarship $47,885

Total aid offered $66,160

@CaucAsianDad My daughter got nothing but loans except from one LAC where she was offered work study. It is possible but depends school to school. The school S12 attended she could apply for work-study jobs, but the students who were awarded it got first crack at the jobs.

All this talk about filling out the FAFSA now is starting to worry me. I haven’t even started and don’t have time this month. When S12 went to school you couldn’t do it till at least Jan or was it Feb? I missed the school meeting on this , do I really need to get it down now?

I do plan on filling out the FAFSA because I know for many schools they can’t offer any aid even merit or work study until they see the FAFSA. But we really won’t be eligible for anything other than loans or maybe work-study, or possibly but not likely merit scholarships. (Because of where S17 is applying & his stats) We won’t have to do CSS. What is the timing on getting the FAFSA in? Most of S17’s applications will be going out by the end of this month. He had only one go in EA.

Just checked from the web-site of the EA school. Deadline is March 1st.

The FAFSA took me about half an hour.

@Calimon3 –

These are universities that require FAFSA for merit scholarships/aid
Fordham University YES

University of Dayton* (phone call) YES - to qualify for Non-need based Grants
Georgia Tech (Website ) YES
Carnegie Melon (Website) YES
Rutgers University* (phone call) YES

One EA school with 11/1 deadline wanted FAFSA/CSS by 11/15.

Same here, FAFSA took less than an hour. 2015 taxes were done. Most time consuming part was tallying up cash balances in banks, brokerage and assets in stocks, 529s, and coverdells.

We have one school (Case) where FAFSA (and CSS Profile) is due 11/15 if you applied EA. Not sure what happens if you don’t get them in on time. :-? We are biting the bullet and doing both, and sending FAFSA everywhere. We like to live dangerously!

ETA: I bet I know the school @payn4ward

@CaucAsianDad At least at UF, there are campus jobs (non-WS), but it’s mostly associated with Rec sports. Otherwise you have to hustle a bit for them

My DD14 roommate (“pre-vet”) volunteered for two semesters at the Florida Museum of Natural History, before she was able to turn it into a paying job. Now in her third year she still works that job, plus works one day a week with a local veterinarian.

Jobs tend to open up over the summer (when students leave, but the jobs still need to get done). My DD14 could have gotten one with the career resource center last summer, but she decided to come home. Being willing to work over the summer is how I got my first campus job (major related), way back when

I admit I ball parked some of the asset numbers, especially ones that fluctuate. But I have all that in Quicken.