Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

We are back in business. D finished an essay she’s been dragging her feet on so that she can submit another scholarship app tonight or tomorrow. She also finally submitted her graduation order (cap & gown, announcements, and ring).

@paveyourpath That’s what I would think, but this is a state school. So who knows… I’m just going to go with it being a portal & thanks for your application letter and leave it as that. I wasn’t expecting any letters at all to be honest.

I don’t have access to my son email. Didn’t set up a college email that we both access, we really should have. (I could break into his email if I really wanted to, as I’m the one who set it up in the first place) But he would know, and have to change his password, and he would be annoyed.

I often peak into DS’s email where he has it open in iPad without lock. Don’t tell him :blush: :blush:

We got a second email from IU-B with congratulations on Ds acceptance. Weird. You sent us one of those two weeks ago!

@not2much Same here!

@itsgettingreal17 What was the deadline for those EA schools? I actually thought the earliest deadlines for EA were Oct 15 so to have decisions two weeks later is wild to me.

@paveyourpath Re: searching for the term ‘waiver’ in your C’s email, I actually tried that a couple of days ago. I came across statements like: “If submitting multiple college applications poses a financial burden for your family, you may qualify for an application fee waiver.” So, it’s not a guarantee.

BUT, it’s funny you mention that, because I just looked again to pull out the above quote, and URichmond just sent a fee waiver. So, definitely check anyway!

In thinking about it more. I’m sure it must just be a thanks for applying, here is your portal info letter. An acceptance would be a big packet and I refuse to believe they would reject him in a week. Plus it’s something thick inside, a rejection would be a think letter.

@paveyourpath Some schools are rolling. My D12 had one acceptance within two weeks at that type of school. It entirely depends on how they do their acceptances. Many Stats based schools don’t take very long to accept or reject.

Been a long day… I’m going to go pour myself some wine & start dinner and think about something else.

None of our acceptances have been ‘thick’. I think only one has been in a 8/12 x 11 envelope, the others in a business envelope containing 1 or 2 pages.

@curiositycat333 Do rolling admissions schools have EA? I’m not sure I would see the point of rolling admissions schools having EA apps/ decisions which is why I said it would be too soon for an EA school. The wine is a good idea. I’m enjoying a glass myself right now.

@hadmeathello Thank you for that info. That way when the business envelope comes, I won’t be freaked out. So I looked at S17s EA schools and it seems they are all sending notification by mail. What happened to email?? I didn’t realize we had gone back to snail mail. sigh… My postal person does not work through the holidays. I will have a sub postal person for 2 or 3 weeks. They mix all the mail up and am I will have to visit all the neighbors to see if they received S17’s letter if anything doesn’t arrive when expected. I am sure one of the neighbors will just open that letter. She’s been asking since early summer which school S17 will go to.

@paveyourpath I think you are assuming that schools with EA deadlines don’t start reviewing apps until the EA deadline has passed. Some will start reviewing as soon as the student’s app is complete.

D was accepted to UMinn a few weeks ago. Portal was updated today with her acceptance to the Honors Program. Yea! Finally…it’s been a little while since there’s been any action around here!

@hadmeathello Congrats on the honors college! I can’t wait each day to open the mailbox. I really do need to get back to my life. :))

Off to review newly completed essay…

Yes, @paveyourpath, except for Ivy day and the like, schools usually give a ‘decision no later than’ date, so they can always send a decision (usually an acceptance) earlier. Sometimes much earlier for high stats kids.

ETA: I wrote that like I know what the heck I’m talking about. I’m certainly no expert. Never did this before. Take what I say with a grain of salt. :smiley:

Don’t know if GT changed the wording or deadlines with FA from last year but last year the first round of Presidential Scholar interviews was mid-February. I know we had a few weeks warning before that interview too but I am pretty sure we got that letter before FA forms are even due this year. We did not submit CSS or FAFSA and received a significant amount. Maybe they will be doing the interviews later this year but last year the final interviews were quite late and overlapped with other schools admitted student days in April but you had to attend to get an award. Other scholarships that didn’t require an interview you just got a letter for and you can get more than 1 scholarship.

@paveyourpath – I am learning that I cannot generalize, as this son is applying to a few state schools, and they seem to operate less like the privates, although there I go generalizing again.

Anyway, older son’s schools all provided portal info with a designated log-in day and time. We used to joke that you would see a slowdown in the internet service at 5pm on Ivy notification day.

I recall there being one school (maybe Notre Dame) that mailed decisions right around Christmas time. That caused some drama in the ND households, when mail did not arrive on the appointed day. Oh, and now that I think of it, there are schools that mail decisions as a friend’s daughter had her college decisions mailed to her boarding school address, and she was already home for the Christmas holiday.

Re: EAs with rolling…both Fordham and Tulane posted decisions within a week or two of applying, but both were online. The portal schools usually send an email a couple/few days in advance confirming the notification date and time. I have not lived through an RD round yet, but I think it is much the same. Some of the schools play marching band music or have exciting graphics when the student logs in and discovers he has been admitted.

@paveyourpath Most colleges have huge lists of jobs and some are for anyone and some are only for work study students. Different schools do work study different ways. Even if you don’t really qualify for much FA your child still may be eligible for WS. It just depends on how expensive the school are and how wealthy you are in comparison to other parents.

@skieurope Now that rolling acceptances are… ahem… rolling in… could you create the two usual threads for us as you did in past years? TIA ;:wink:

Class of 2021: List of Acceptances (H.S. Class of 2017) Class of 2021 Results: Celebrate, Discuss, Support Here


@itsgettingreal17 I wasn’t assuming schools with EA deadlines don’t start reviewing apps until the deadline has passed, but I was assuming that since they (the schools I am familiar with) gave dates when their decisions would be released that they would not release prior to that date. If they are going to release decisions prior to the stated date I would have assumed those were rolling admissions schools rather than EA. I didn’t realize there were EA apps due that would have rolling admittance/ rejection dates.

@paveyourpath – with the two schools I mentioned above (Tulane & Fordham), I never heard of anyone receiving a rejection prior to the EA notification date, but many received acceptances. I think U of Miami, the one in Coral Gables, also communicates decisions and merit awards early.

@dcplanner-- Re: GT—I wonder if they have changed their process or if the info on the website is there as a kind of CYA. I found the line below to be discouraging.

“preference is given to students who show financial need and meet the established application deadlines.”

I talked to my son after school, and he said he knew that GT required FAFSA for merit aid consideration, so clearly just a matter of me confusing all these schools. He thinks that there is time to file FAFSA after the Jan 15th admission decision notification. I have decided to put it out of my head for now, as I cannot bear the thought of FAFSA.