Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@snoozn, isn’t it nice to have somewhere to rant where you won’t be judged or misunderstood?

@snoozn so sorry for all of your frustration! Hugs

@snoozn - Now a days I feel like phones are answered by robots, just read the scripts no thought process!

That robot must be not as goog as siri since siri can google that herself and would have given you the answer rather than asking you to google.

@snoozn I have no words. Almost makes me glad S17 doesn’t qualify, though we wish he did.

@snoozn , I love a good rant, good to get it out.

I thought your avatar was a corgi until I looked a little closer :slight_smile:

Wow @snoozn …that is crazy! With so much potentially on the line with NMF that is so scary that it seems to be so unorganized!

Thanks for all the sympathetic replies regarding my SAT rant - I really appreciate it!

At least it looks like all ends well. The counselor at the school where she’ll be testing has been very helpful and friendly. Unfortunately she will have to miss a school day (which she hates), but totally worth it to get the accommodations she needs.

@MotherOfDragons I guess I need a bigger icon! Will have to tell D as she loves Corgi’s.

Has anyone visited a campus on Good Friday? Feeling a bit of panic about the number of schools to visit versus the very few days available for visits.

I was surprised to see that some schools offer info sessions, but am wondering if they will be massively crowded. I suppose better than visiting same school during summer months.

We did a Prez Day open house at Case Western, and it was a mob house (midwestern term?). Anyway, it was fine. It was actually really good. Definitely preferable to summer visits…I’ve heard. Haven’t actually done any over summer yet, but surely will. Like most, we’re crushed for time. Get 'er done!

So sorry to hear your story, @snoozn! I have had so many issues with CB for the past 2 years, and they do have the worst customer service people. They seem to know practically -0-! I have come to the conclusion that they must not pay them very well, and can’t attract good employees. I always agree to do their “survey” at the end of my call, so I can let them know what I think. I have called the National Merit people too, and they seem to be much more professional. Best of luck to your D on her test. I thought they were always administered on a Saturday, but is that part of the accommodation, so take it on a different day with fewer students? Since we don’t get any accommodations for our 2 boys, I do pick a testing location other than our HS. That way they don’t run into friends and get distracted. Also, generally, places other than a HS, like community colleges, are less hectic. If you have options like that in your area.

Wish we could do some visits over spring break, but with S16 headed off to college next year, this will be our last trip to our timeshare condo (1 wk/year) on the beach all together. At least for several years. Also, S17 is not likely to apply to any selective schools, as he won’t have the grades. So there feels like less pressure with him. Plus, as I’ve said, he keeps changing his mind on what he wants. Hopefully by summer, he’ll have a realistic list!

snoozn, instead of a bigger picture maybe less snow :wink:

For summer visits, I would like to do it on their open house days: UT usually has Longhorn Saturday, TAMU Aggieland day, etc.

It seems that summer schedules are not out yet. I am looking at school websites and following social media (facebook, twitter) so that I can plan but none are out yet.
Please post here if you see any summer information open house dates.

@morningside95 – interesting about preferring that your children take the SAT anywhere but their own HS. I prefer that they take it at their school so that they know the layout of the building, know that the clocks work, etc. My older son often had the same proctor in the same room (students are assigned alphabetically). For him, the familarity just removed one variable.

@2muchquan --thanks for holiday visit feedback. Must return to cross-referencing google maps, college visit calendars, and college academic calendars. This son insists on attending class everywhere we visit, so the trick is to overlay the two calendars.

@snoozn Happy that the accommodations are settled, even though she has to miss a day of school.

@CT1417 There’s probably some variation in whether HS kids get Good Friday off. I don’t know of any CA public schools that get it off, unless it happens to fall during spring break. That does happen to be the spring break week or week between winter and spring quarters for a lot of CA colleges. We are touring the Monday and Tuesday after Easter, so it will be the first day back for some of the schools. Don’t know about sitting in on classes, since those may just be the “here’s the syllabus” day.

Colleges in the South and religious colleges may have Good Friday off. I know we got Good Friday off twice when I was at Texas A&M. Both times, the governor declared the school holiday earlier that week, so it caused problems for professors who had scheduled midterms, etc.

Those are some very good points, @CT1417 Thanks! Our HS was full up the first time S16 took the ACT, so he had to go elsewhere and liked not being distracted. S16 is a bit behind schedule on his testing, (just been too busy with all his activities to do more than handle school work), but I will ask him which he prefers: Familiar or no distractions. We always have our kids wear a watch to the tests, even our state tests, so they can use it to keep track of timing of each section.

I was hoping my experience with CB was just a fluke, but I guess not. I should have elected to take the survey too. I’m assuming that the different day means none of the local sites are able to make her accommodations available on Saturday. Part of what she gets is extra time and a smaller room. I don’t think the room would be a problem to provide. As far as time, it could be that the CB is “renting” the space for only a certain amount of time. I suppose it could also be a proctor availability issue. Originally the counselor thought she was going to have to do the test over two days (per CB rules), which luckily wasn’t the case. D was horrified at the thought of missing AP Chem (her hardest class and first AP class) two days in a row.

Good luck to those kids taking the test Saturday!

@Ynotgo – interesting about not all schools having Good Friday off. We have always had it off here. The district added Easter Monday off several years back. Some years this results in two four-day weeks in a row, and then a full week off for April break. This year we have two weeks between Easter and the break.

Why would you say that the profs may be handing out the syllabus? I am used to a semester system, other than the random outliers like Dartmouth, Stanford, Northwestern. Probably just my myopic Northeastern perspective assuming most schools operate on a semester basis.

@morningside95 – Re: wearing a watch.

I bought some special SAT countdown watch for my older son. I think it allowed him to set a five minute warning and then the true end time, but all silently? He never used it…younger son took it out when he started testing but he never used it. Our HS is fairly new so the clocks still function, as opposed to their elementary school where some clocks were frozen in time their entire time there.