Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Jealous of all of you with decisions already. Another 5 or 6 weeks before we hear anything around here … and then probably a slew of RD apps to submit after that. Hard part here is that students are restricted in number of schools they can apply to, no more than 10. I know that sounds reasonable to some but makes process even more difficult for others.

@DMV301 - Who is it that is placing that restriction? The GCs? Will they not send transcripts to more than 10 schools?!? I’ve never heard of that (although if all schools did that, it would eliminate some of the insanity, that’s for sure). That said, D17’s applying to more since she’s looking at big MAC and lottery schools.

The school will not support more than that many apps. OK for some students; disadvantages others.Like you, we are looking at both reaches and $$$, so this makes the list tough.

Another pending empty nester here. I don’t think either kid will return – D1 wants the big city experience and D2 will have to go where the jobs are. I do work, but we moved here three years ago and the only activities we’ve had time for are the ones supporting our kids’ ECs. I’m not sure what we’ll do next fall, and I’m already depressed over it.

On the other hand, D2 had been set on applying to the Illininois Math and Science Academy because of the limited offerings in our very small town. Because of our move she ended up in a public school that had everything she wanted, so she didn’t apply. I’ve had her at home an extra three years!

I was out of town for work and have finally caught up! Congratulations on all of the acceptances and scholarships!

We will be empty nesters since S17 is an only child. I went back to work last year when the opportunity came up to go back to my old job so I wouldn’t go bonkers when he went off to college.

@ACT2017 and @Mum3kids We are with you on the wait for UT. :-SS

@Atyraulove Is that Rick?

@DMV301 Wow - I have never heard of any school doing that. While perhaps not disadvantaging kids within the school (and perhaps equalizing things a bit), it puts kids at a disadvantage with respect to everyone else out there.

Sorry I went away for 8 hours… :slight_smile: But yes, it is indeed Tesla. I can’t believe how many people got it, and apparently some wouldn’t have even needed the hints!

I had just read a book about him when I joined CC. He seemed like a wicked smart dude, making these amazing discoveries, some of which are still not understood… I wonder what he would have figured out if he was born 100 years later…

Plus I’m a white dude with short brown hair, so he pretty much looks exactly like me…

How bad is it to take a half semester of Auto Shop for a senior aiming for Barnard, Scripps, Brandeis, etc.?
D came home and said she might take Auto Shop instead of Creative Writing next semester!!

She found out that all the kids who are taking creative writing next semester will be from current regular senior English class. She thinks it’s a step down. She wants to do something different and useful instead.

D’s other classes will be
AP Lit - all year
AP Stats - all year
AP Psych - all year
Physics - all year
Senior civics - half year (graduation requirement)

It will be nice if she can do some easy car repair for the family and friends, but I don’t want to risk her chance of acceptance because of Auto Shop.

Please let me know your opinion.
She needs one more half year class.

@HiToWaMom, I’m with your D – if she wants to do auto shop I bet she’ll have a blast while learning her useful skill. I could see it as an advantage. AO’s eyes will be glazing over as they review the 700th app in which a senior takes a “this should be useful for college class,” and then they’ll get to your D – “Cool – this girl who wants to come to Barnard is taking auto shop. How unique!” My only qualifier would be that if her writing is weak she should take the writing class for preparation, but that does not sound like her situation at all.


Based on what our GC counseled my S, I would agree with her read on the Creative writing class mix. S was flat out told that colleges see it as a step down. My S took Theater Tech as his choice and is far happier in that. I think it’s fine! And I love the contrast with the shopping/fashion interests you’ve mentioned in the past. I agree, it will make for a more interesting app.

@NerdMom88 it really was the visit that did it for my D. UA wasn’t even a school that was on her list. We bit the bullet and flew down one weekend. I hated to spend the money, but it was the best $1,500 that we could have spent. From the moment that we walked onto the campus, D felt at home. Knowing that there are like minded kids in the Honors College helped. Everyone on campus was so helpful. There is not one negative that I could tell you. If you could just take a quick weekend trip before March, it would totally be worth it for you. D also loved the sorority houses and watched every video that she could find. She now has connected with so many nice girls and can’t wait for next Fall!

@NerdMom88 When my S14 applied, I never thought he would attend. Then we visited. Then we visited again bc he wanted to go back. He’s now a jr at Bama. He has convinced Dd to consider it even though she strongly dislikes the response from their Russian dept. She is visiting this Thursday and Friday, staying with her brother. She is meeting with the New College to see if she can use study abroad as a way of meeting her Russian goals. We’ll see what her response is.

(Fwiw, we are not a Greek or sports family. Ds still loves it there.)

I added an avatar. I’ll leave it up for a few days, but then I will remove it. It is my serenity picture. It is my youngest dd and my granddaugther who are best friends.

@Mom2aphysicsgeek What a great picture!

@HiToWaMom I agree with @snoozn the auto body shop could be interesting as someone reviews her transcript.

I don’t think the colleges will look at creative writing as a step down because creative writing is an elective. Creative writing does not seem to work well for students who are already strong/ creative writers because they don’t seem to have the patience for their classmates. This actually leads into a QOTD which I will post separately.

@Mom2aphysicsgeek Beautiful photo. If only life could always be so serene.

@HiToWaMom I LOVE the Auto Shop idea. Unique and challenging in its own way. She might even find some essay fodder along the way.

@HiToWaMom I vote YES to auto shop! I wish I could go back to HS and take it. Practical and a great change of pace from the crush of academic stress.

Loving all of the new avatars and new posters.

Hope all of the ACT test takers received their desired scores today.

@HiToWaMom S isn’t applying to many selective schools, but he opted for two shop classes this year – small engine repair first semester and cabitmaking second – and it has been great for his attitude. An argument could be made that small engines at least will fit with his mechanical engineering major, but he really enjoys the class and is looking forward to woodworking.

We’ll also be empty nesters. It will be tough but I also missed having the opportunity to visit D14 this fall. Too busy with work and S17. So, I plan to visit each kid once or twice a semester and get more involved with a volunteer program I’m passionate about. It’s all good.

Has anyone else here read A Gentleman in Moscow? The main character in that book has a wonderful quote about the role of parents as kids grow up. If I get a chance later, I’ll look it up and share it.

@HiToWaMom --she should go for auto shop!

D took wood shop her sophomore year and loved every second of it. In fact, one of her main essays was about a failure she had in wood shop and how she bounced back.