Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@picklesarenice, I called WWU last Thursday to check on S’s EA app and to make sure everything was in. He also got the “we got your app on time” e-mail, and it also said that as long as everything is in, you’re good to go and you’ll get your portal info in a few weeks! Then we heard nothing else. I want to confirm that they have his test scores and HS transcripts. The WWU computers were “processing” last week and they could not tell me anything except to call back today.

Edited for: @picklesarenice - I called and was given my sons W-number to get into his portal to check on his app status. If you haven’t received anything via e-mail, you may want to call WWU.

@mtrosemom Thanks so much! That’s really helpful. I will call.

@picklesarenice – weighing in to agree with your comment: " I can’t nag much b/c she’s operating at full capacity pretty much constantly now. I just hope I did the right research and found good matches for her. Time will tell I guess."

My son knows his deadlines and I would hope after the last-minute filings for the two Nov 1st apps that he would now recognize just how long he requires to polish these essays…I thought he would have more ‘free’ time once XC ended, but he still runs every day on his own, and debate, quiz bowl, etc continue to fill weekdays and weekends.

I am really hoping he can submit his two Dec 1st apps this coming weekend (since this past weekend has come and gone), so that he will have more time to work on the Jan 1st apps, as there will be quite a few of those.

There isn’t a thing I can do, and yet I have this vague sense of uneasiness.

Well, here’s hoping D finally gets to hit the ‘submit’ button for her ED app tonight! I got to spend the long weekend helping to edit her dance supplement. Originally she was just going to do one for visual art, but at her interview she was encouraged to go ahead and submit both, as dance and art have been her two major ECs, so both it shall be!

Not gonna lie, once this puppy gets sent off I am going to enjoy a large cocktail. 8-}

@picklesarenice "My D is working hard on applications (and AP homework, and… and…) but I can’t seem to get her to spend time investigating and prioritizing the colleges on her list. YES, same here.

@CT1417 “I can’t nag much b/c she’s operating at full capacity pretty much constantly now. I just hope I did the right research and found good matches for her. Time will tell I guess.” "I am really hoping xx can submit his xx Dec 1st apps this coming weekend (since this past weekend has come and gone), so that he will have more time to work on the Jan 1st apps, as there will be quite a few of those. “There isn’t a thing I can do, and yet I have this vague sense of uneasiness.” YES YES YES!!!

3 apps and one big scholarship app in over the weekend. We have UCs and 2 more apps to go and then couple of scholarship apps for first round. Additional ones based on lottery school SCEA.

@srk2017, your Elmo avatar cracks me up. S loved Elmo (“Mo”) and the color red.

@dfbdfb My daughter also found that Mac prompt difficult. She figured it out in the end (at least she hopes so) but it took awhile.

@Ynotgo I agree about the pre/post 11/8. I wonder if S’s essay would have taken a different turn had he written it after and am curious to see if it finds its way into any of the essays that have not yet been completed.

@thermom that sounds like a lot of work and a cocktail well earned!

@CT1417 vague sense of uneasiness is exactly it.

@curiositycat333 - No, Pitzer is not a shoo-in for anybody. In @nadotenmom’s case, it has the advantage of being test-optional. From what I understand, her S17 will do ED I for one of the schools and EDII for the second school, so it’s a matter of which makes the most sense strategically.

For those who have sumbitted EA apps make sure to check to see if the school is requiring 1st quarter grades. Son17 has one school that wants them. He had to let his GC know today as the school wants the report there by 11/17. It has to come from the school officially. You can’t just email or send it yourself.

Just a word of caution if some of you have not been keeping up with all of the portals.

Good luck to you all still cranking out the applications and essays!

Son17 will have one essay to write for a small scholarship if he gets into a certain school. Otherwise, we are just twiddling our thumbs again.

Report Cards: Kids came home with decent report cards to start the year. Son17 rallied at the end and didn’t blow it. No C’s! Got some A’s and B’s, fine! Son19 cranked on his, he is a pretty solid student, tries hard.

UC Boulder Question…
He was all ready to hit submit on the UC Boulder application last night but in the final review we noticed that the self reported ACT scores don’t show up in the PDF even though they are in the Common App. The dates he took the tests/got the highest score for each subsection show up, just not the score.

Any other UC Boulder applicants notice this? We checked one other pdf (on an already submitted application) and it DID include the numbers.

Thinking it’s just a Colorado thing??

No post-submit stress for my S, just for me.

** Stress upon submitting: ** None
Related (to us anyways) ** QOTD2:** Anyone else settling at matches mode?

I started building The List bottoms up, Safeties, Matches, High Matches, … and maximum 2 Reaches very early.
It had about 12-14 schools, and then finalized to 10.
The application was sent from bottoms up except DS stopped at Maches after applying to 7.
The lowest acceptance rates of the schools applied are 23% and 32%.
The List never contained any schools with 10% acceptance. I still hope DS submits one RD to the one reach 15% acceptance school but it is getting less and less likely to happen. :((
DS hasn’t done anything toward application since October 24th when applications due November 1st were submitted.

@RightCoaster Do you mind saying which school wanted quarter grades for EA? That seems unusual.

@jmek15 Yes, I also noticed the Preview of Common App (only for Colorado) white-outed the self reported test scores.
It removed SAT subject test and AP test scores completely. I suppose CU Boulder does NOT want to see them.
Colorado transcripts include the ACT scores, and that’s all that is needed.

My hard disk just died after a little over a year, so I cannot look at the downloads. :(( Lost this year’s photos. :((
Thank goodness most important stuff are already submitted and are inside the Common App, etc.

@payn4ward My Dd applied to almost all schools where acceptance isn’t really an issue with the exception of 1 reach that offers merit. Her real reaches are the scholarships at the schools accepting her. She has a long list of acceptances already, but the competitive scholarship notifications won’t come out until spring for the most part.

@payn4ward Like @Mom2aphysicsgeek’s D, S didn’t really have any reaches on his list – just one semi-reach with a long-reach scholarship; the rest are auto admits and many of those offer auto scholarships. Are you and your S OK with the matches on his list? If not, maybe it’s time to narrow the remaining schools and offer some sort of incentive to finish just one or two of those apps. Maybe it will help to just remove one of the remaining three? S was more motivated after we decided he could to do the scholarship app for just one of two very similar schools on his list and let the other one go.

@payn4ward --OH NO about the loss of photos. I don’t suppose any were still on the card in the camera? When the cards were much smaller, I deleted images regularly as the buffer speed (or whatever the speed is that wrote the files to the card) really suffered the more full the card was, but now that the cards are so large, I can leave thousands of images on the card w/o any apparent transfer speed loss. Granted, now that I am not photographing HS swimming, speed is of less concern. (Except when I accidentally hit something that causes every image to be saved as both JPF and RAW. I have a few XC meets like that and still haven’t taken the time to figure out what setting I need to change.)

Have used your misfortune as a reminder to BACK UP tonight, just in case that Time Capsule or Time Machine gizmo is not backing up as it is supposed to.

Perhaps I am misunderstanding what you are saying about downloads, but can’t you just view and save a PDF of each submitted app by logging into CA?

I am going to lose my mind if DS doesn’t hit “submit” on his ED application soon. It’s due tomorrow, and we’ve had a number of discussions about not waiting until the very last second. He assures me he agrees about not waiting, but apparently he and I must have a different definition of “the last second.” His Common App essay has been done for a month, and his supplemental essay for about a week, but he wants to submit a portfolio of some art work too, and that’s the hold up now. I’d like to just say “you’re not a good enough artist for it to actually make any difference, so just hit submit, for god’s sake!” But of course, I can’t actually say that. So instead I just keep checking the Common App portal to see if he’s submitted yet.

@itsgettingreal17 Babson wants 1st quarter grades. They also want 2nd quarter grades. I don’t know why, since EA results come out before the end of 2nd term in most cases.