Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

A school that D has already been accepted to emailed her to say there is package on its way to her. I’m impatient!

Stepped away from the forum for a while and found myself 20 pages behind. S just got most apps in this past weekend, so a bit of a break before the last one. Kind of a different place than so many posters here in that we don’t expect to hear much until mid-March. Maybe one at the end of Jan and another expected in late Feb, but primarily March. So now we wait. Back to the Black Friday deal sites for a while.

D just got email notification of acceptance at Western Washington! Packet to follow.

Two down, seven to go…

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Congrats @mamaedefamilia!

@mamaedefamilia, you prompted me to look at S’s college e-mail and he also received his admission notice to WWU! Two down here also.

@Mom2aphysicsgeek Those are awesome (OK, the first one more so than the last one)!

Did you give your D a bunch of homework to do on her trip? I may have missed it, but is she gone now? Or is it later?

@itsgettingreal17 Same here. Afraid it will be after Thanksgiving before it arrives.

S17 also received email acceptance notification from WWU :slight_smile: our mail isn’t here yet so we will see if the packet arrives later today or not since it doesn’t have far to travel lol.

One down, 6 to go. Ok 3 to go, I can’t count the other 3 until he hits submit!!

@eandesmom @mamaedefamilia @mtrosemom Congrats on WWU!

Congrats on all the new acceptances! Happy Thanksgiving all!

Congratulations to all the WWU acceptances!! D is ready to hit the submit button to WWU if her ED doens’t work out.

Congrats on the WWU acceptances!!!

@HiToWaMom it’s a fabulous backup! Definitely his financial and admissions safety but I’m super happy to have it in the bag and I know he is too. He’d be happy to attend. I think it’s so cool so many on this thread applied there. But I hope your D’s ED works out!!!

Congratulations to all! Wonderful to have acceptances right before the holiday!!

I just went on Naviance for the first time since they changed the design and I have a question. Well, two.

First question: does the acceptance rate listed in the scattergrams section refer just to applications from my school, or the total applications received by the school? (and if the answer to this question is displayed prominently somewhere on the page, I apologize.)

Second question: when you are looking at a school’s data in the scattergrams section, is it possible to switch to another school directly from that page? It seems you should be able to, but I can’t find a way to do it. I end up clicking the Colleges tab, then I have to click scattergrams again and scroll through the entire list of schools again. What a pain! Again, apologies if I am missing something obvious. I am getting old, and these are new tricks

I hadn’t heard of Western Washington until a couple of years ago when a kid we knew enrolled there, but it looks like a beautiful campus and a great location.

Chiming in with a “that’s great news and congrats” to @eandesmom @mamaedefamilia @mtrosemom on WWU!

Quick Question - Anyone voluntarily sending first quarter grades if they are good? DS did well & counselor uploaded to CA optional report (no idea if the EA schools check back for that info on the CA after applying or if we/she should email them??) and plans to send them to the 2 EA nonCA schools. I hope that makes sense & schools don’t get annoyed.

@showmetheMAC She is there right now. Here is a link of a youtube Moscow news report covering the event: https://www. youtube .com/watch?v=aWaMPa1qDSg Around 2:40 you can see the American team and my dd for about 1 sec. (The fair one wearing glasses, a cream scarf, and with her hood up :slight_smile: ) She is having a great time. She is super proud of herself b/c 1 -2 kids per team had the option of doing a speech and she opted to do it. She was scared to death, but she did it today and said it went well even though she felt like she was going to throw up.

@CA1543 – my son sent his 1st Q grades to his SCEA school. Did not bother trying to figure out how to send to the three state schools, and now I am wondering if he should.

SCEA school did not have a clear option for uploading grades via portal, so he emailed someone at the school, who directed him to have his GC submit via fax or email.

Back to complaining about UMD. They sent an email stating that our Maryland Billing Statement is now available. I am used to receiving these from older son’s school, but he is enrolled there!!!

@CT1417 :)) That beats D’s letter congratulating her on enrolling.

Never thought to send quarter grades. I guess it depends on the ‘tier’ of schools, but we’ve talked up close and personal to about 7 schools so far, and none have even intimated they would look or want quarter grades. Maybe to show an improvement it would make sense?