Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@jmek15 Congrats!!!

@theshadow he submitted on 10/12 but his second rec letter didnā€™t arrive until the 26th.

@Aida Answer to your questions about Naviance.

The Naviance data in itā€™s scattergrams & information are usually only information from your H.S. Although Iā€™ve heard they can be from a larger set, such as district or other group of schools. Itā€™s how your school set it up & what information they have access to. If you look at the size of the data set it will give you an idea. And it probably does say somewhere.

This is where Naviance is useful because many universityā€™s do base acceptances on the rigor of the H.S. And itā€™s nice to see how students from your H.S. or area do. And GPAā€™s are consistently calculated between different schools or districts.

Aidaā€¦ nope no way to switch between scattergrams without going back to the Colleges tab. And I think in the new version there isnā€™t either.

As to quarter gradesā€¦ I donā€™t think believe our school automatically send out quarter grades. The most common universities to apply to are CA state schools, which donā€™t act for transcripts unless you get admitted.

Most transcripts are handled through Parchment. Iā€™m not sure maybe there is a way to have quarter grades sent through Parchment. Or maybe you have to get GCā€™s involved, I know there must be a way but it doesnā€™t really apply to us. GPA isnā€™t recalculated on quarter grades, only semester grades count.

Congrats @jmek15!

Who knew about quarter grades?!!! Gonna remain happily oblivious on those. I know our HS automatically sends midyear reports to any school for which D ordered a transcript, regardless of whether she ended up applying or not.

Happy Thanksgiving to all the CC 2017ers, posters and lurkers alike.

Q: What did the turkey say to the computer?
A: Google, google, google

A: What did the turkey eat on thanksgiving?
Q: Nothing, he was already stuffed!

A man buys a parrot, only to have it constantly insult him. He tries everything to make the parrot stop, but nothing works. Frustrated, the man puts the parrot in the freezer. After a few minutes the insults stop. The man thinks he might have killed the parrot, so he opens the freezer and takes the parrot out. The parrot is shivering. It stammers, ā€œS-s-sorry for being r-r-rude. Please f-f-forgive me.ā€ Then, after a moment, the parrot softly asks, ā€œW-w-what exactly d-d-did the turkey do?ā€

Q: What does Miley Cyrus eat at Thanksgiving?
A: Twerk-ey!

@thshadow No Purdue decision here yet, either. S17ā€™s application was complete on 10/27. My guess is that they get a huge number of applications at the end of October, and it takes time to get through them all.

Congrats to all on WWU! Sounds like a great option/destination.

brown yes

harvard yes

oxford yes

dartmouth no

yale yes

vandy no

cornell no

mit yes

u of penn no

@euve69 -Welcome! I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen you here before? Did you pop in to chance someone?

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope no one feels like this guy at the end of the day --> :-&

Weā€™re just having the immediate family over. This includes oldest Dā€™s fiance whoā€™s been celebrating all the holidays with us for years now because his mother is an eccentric homeless nomad (in a good way ā€“ sheā€™s a great lady and chose her lifestyle). We have various combinations of omnivore, vegetarian, vegan and gluten free people, so dinner is always wide-ranging and doesnā€™t include turkey or pie.

Iā€™m really confused about these ā€œfirst quarter grades.ā€ Maybe Dā€™s school is odd or maybe Iā€™m clueless. When I look at her grades (through Infinite Campus) They are divided thusly:
Progress report 1
Progress report 2
Progress report 3

If I were to divide her school year into quarters (itā€™s on a semester system, which I think is the norm), then progress report 2 would be equivalent to ā€œfirst quarter.ā€ Progress report 3 is now out and one of her grades rose from a B to an A. I think Iā€™ll email the GC to find out if they send new progress reports to schools by default, or if itā€™s a good idea to have them sent. But I still donā€™t get the ā€œfirst quarterā€ thing and I must know!

Congrats on all the WWU acceptances! D got in as well, but sadly they have dropped off her list. There were two big issues with the EE department. On our visit she really loved everything else about the school, so this was sort of a bittersweet acceptance.

@jmek15, congrats on Purdue! That is my parentsā€™ alma mater (Dad in EE and Mom in Home Economics aka ā€œthe MRS degreeā€).

Okay, time to peel some potatoes.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

@snoozn, our school does semesters (midterm exams at end of first semester, final exams at end of second semester). But each semester has two quarters, at the end of which report cards are distributed. We also have progress reports midway through the quarter, but grades are not mandatory unless the grade at that point is a C- or worse. Report cards at each quarter show the quarter grade and the cumulative grade to that point in the year.

GPA/class rank is is not shown on paper report cards, but, at least as of last year, it was shown on the online report card. We just changed our online grade system and the report card feature isnā€™t enabled yet, so we donā€™t have GPA/class rank info this year. I donā€™t really understand how GPA is calculated at this school-I have tried every permutation I can think of, Iā€™m accounting for full credit vs half and quarter credit classes, weighting for honors and AP, and none of my results are the same as what the school shows. When I asked the GC how it is calculated, she gave me a non-answer that basically told me she didnā€™t really know. Itā€™s the only strike against herā€“sheā€™s been incredibly responsive and helpful in all other ways, especially this year.

Thankful for all of my friends here on CC.

Have a blessed day!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Turkey Day to all!! I made gluten free pecan pie bars & cornbread ā€” DH developed a gluten sensitivity so I am trying to make sure he can eat some of his favorites.Next up roast root vegetables with balsamic vinegar and garlic green beans. Inlaws make the turkey and live close by. Only 12 of us gathering so we should get to eat dinner while it is still warm! :slight_smile:

Re: ā€œquarter gradesā€: DDā€™s ED school sent the following request:

ā€œWashington University needs to see your progress in your senior year. If your school issues quarter or trimester grades, please have your school send them. If not, we will accept a progress report from your school that includes each class in which you are currently enrolled and your current grade in that class. If you have not already sent these grades, please ask your guidance counselor to fax them to us at (314) 935-4747 no later than Thursday, December 1.ā€

Neither of our other two EA schools requested/needed them and sheā€™s already been accepted, granted not nearly as competitive!

Happy Thanksgiving all!!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! Iā€™m thankful to have this group.

Congrats to all the folks with recent acceptances!! <:-P <:-P

DS17 is making a braided apple pie crust instead of working on his UC essays, but Iā€™m not complaining too much. It looks yummy. Grandma went to visit her other two kids in Texas, so itā€™s just the 4 of us for dinner here.

Iā€™m pretty sure our school doesnā€™t send out quarter grades, which is a good thing because the teachers donā€™t focus on getting things accurate until the semester. The grading portal is different software than the transcript software, and I think they only talk to each other after the semester is over. (DS only has one EA college, and they donā€™t ask for grades until February.)

DS had a B+ in AP US Govt at the quarter, because the teacher entered the wrong denominator for the essay portion of the only test 1st quarter. That grade has since disappeared for everyone because they were ā€œlostā€ when the teacher tried to fix it. Weird class because the teacher was out for 4 weeks for knee surgery, and the class had a series of substitutes. DS is enjoying the class anyway, because each day a student presents one significant supreme court case, and heā€™s finding that really interesting.

No clue on what his UCSB grades will be, because the curve will be determined at the end. He knows heā€™s above the median, but not how far above he needs to be to get an A. Only 2 weeks left until the end of the 10-week session. They had class yesterday, and only 7 students showed up for his CS class, so the professor talked about his quantum computing research.

@jmek15 Congrats, happy for your sion!!

I am thankful to all of you who have offered and provided some great tips this year! I appreciate it!!

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all. May we have much to be thankful for in the coming year. Many acceptances, merit aid, and choices for allā€¦

Mashed potatoes with blue cheese and thyme in the oven, sweet potatoes with rosemary, cottage bacon, and hot-pepper marinated olives alongside, green bean casserole from a can just slid into the other oven, and about to start the lemon- and star anise-scented cranberry sauce on the stove, after which we head over to our friendsā€™ house (where theyā€™re providing the turkey and the rolls).

Thankful for being welcome at the house of friends where we have diametrically opposing political positions but donā€™t let that keep us from liking each other, and for being well-off enough that I can experiment with flavors of food that I didnā€™t have to do any heavy lifting to acquire.