Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@Mom2aphysicsgeek congratulations that is wonderful!

@showmetheMAC I’d go with the mission trip leader unless there is a school one (band director maybe?) that can speak to in school leadership even in small ways. I agree, they’ve already heard from the GC.

@Mom2aphysicsgeek , congrats to your daughter to getting out of her comfort zone and excelling! Congrats to all the others getting merit awards and acceptances.

Deep, deep essay fatigue here. 6 more to complete by the end of the month and then 3 more the week after that.

D received her scholarship letter from UMinn today. As she said: ‘good but not great’. Would end up slightly more expensive than our flagship (UIUC), only because I believe UIUC tuition stays the same all 4 years. UMinn is estimate to go up 7.5%/yr. Great school…we’ll keep it on the list, but definitely requires pants, pants, and more pants.

QOTD: I haven’t seen Dr. Strange yet, but my brother said 3D (if this isn’t too late to post).
Happy post Thanksgiving to everyone. We are relaxing today after a Dim Sum lunch.

Has anyone else noticed the uptick in threads of panic (Help! Typo in my essay or Help I submitted the wrong essay!!) I guess kids are now rushing to get the apps done they are making the type of mistakes one makes when under pressure to hit submit. Seeing so many of these the past few days it really had me wondering if S17 had made an egregious errors that slipped past my or the GCs radar. I have now gone back and re-read all essays for the 4 he has hit submit on. Fortunately, all was good. We’ve come to far and started too early for us (here on cc) to have this happen so let’s continue to pester our kids to have a reviewer take a look at those essays before they hit submit.

Congratulations @Mom2aphysicsgeek ! <:-P <:-P You need to change name to Mom2aRussiangeek =))

Well, definitely see Mr. Dr. Strange in 3D. It was not bad, just not my cup of tea. D17 liked it, D20 REALLY liked it.

Congrats to D17 on the UMinn scholarship @showmetheMAC.

@paveyourpath I noticed the same thrash of panic as well as the “Ask the Dean” activity on application errors and did the same thing. I think you are right, starting early and finishing before the deadline is a huge advantage to an error-free applications. In fact, maybe the ‘anti-climactic’ feeling we had after hitting ‘submit’ was a result of living and breathing these applications for so long!

Most of our son’s apps are due by Nov 30/Dec 1, but we set a mid-month deadline for them to get done. We had a difference of opinion on the “definition of done”, but otherwise came very close to the deadline. I think he was very happy to have a worry-free Thanksgiving week. Not waiting until the last minute gave GCs and teachers no excuses to not have letters of rec in on time.

@BlueAFMom All the panic threads started to stress me out so I am trying to skip over them. Seems many kids are spending the weekend either drafting essays or posted “chance me” threads. The “chance me” threads drive me crazy. These kids need to get back to school before they drive themselves crazy.

@Mom2aphysicsgeek WOW! Congrats to your dd! That’s amazing! Is she having an incredible time?

2 more essays down, 2 + a short answer question to go. She’s really struggling with the short answer question. It’s a hard one and one that many kids won’t have had experience with. She’s going to sleep on that one. She’s on track to really finish up this weekend. Then I can stop nagging. :slight_smile:

D17 had his alum interview for his ED school today…met over coffee at Starbucks and chatted for an hour and 15 minutes. DS17 said he learned some things about the school which was nice…I think it has only made his feelings stronger for the school, another good thing I suppose …next stop…elation or heartbreak hotel…or perhaps even worse…the dull numbness of deferral…a couple more weeks of increasing angst no doubt…feeling ok for now…just don’t like the prospect of dealing with post-decision blues and trying to do the holidays…and RD apps [-(

@vandyeyes – sounds like it went well!! Rooting for all of you with kids doing ED!!

@vandyeyes I would take that as a very good sign. Interviews generally don’t last that long.

Big thick envelope from Babson in the mailbox today.
Opened it up and it was just a bunch of financial aid info for which we don’t qualify.

Damn, that’s harsh!! Son was excited to open it up. Oh well, the long wait continues…

Ouch! That’s cruel. These poor kids. And so the wait continues…

@RightCoaster that is just so wrong!!!

This stuff is getting real!! Very exciting for all your EDers and Interviewees. Seems like it’s been ages since D’s last interview. 2 out of 3 of her interviews were for schools she decided not to apply to. :smiley: