Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@STEM2017 OMG!!!

At least 7 injured. Let’s hope all their physical and emotional wounds heal. So scary for everyone.

A friend works in Graduate Affairs and is locked in her office.

I just saw that on Facebook. Horrifying.

Washington Post is reporting that 8 people have been taken to the hospital.

The message from the school’s Emergency Management: Run Hide Fight. So unsettling

Horrible. And this keeps happening. (Resisting writing a political rant here.) The information UCLA was putting out during their emergency last spring, was equally bad. (I work with people who were in the middle of that one.) Students/staff were getting conflicting advice, and the advice over the school social media was less than helpful.

Crisis over at OSU. Suspect is dead. Campus is secure. Horrible tragedy

These things keep happening and appears no one has a solution. It appears no fatalities (besides shooter).

In our day we had school drills for fires and natural disasters. Now schools have active shooter drills. Unbelievable.

My H, a former Army Ranger, told our kids in certain cases not to follow school procedure, due to his own real worry about what could happen even in our safe little city.

Originally I wrote some of the details of his advice, but my real point is how sad it is that in addition to instructions for credit card use and roommate relations we now have to go over what to do when a bad guy is trying to kill our children. It’s effing painful. Thank goodness all the victims are alive (last I heard, though one in critical condition) and I hope they all make a full recovery.

Whenever D looks up Virginia Tech, “Virginia Tech shooting” is the first result suggested on google. What’s wrong with us?

Also last week, an unarmed black teenager was gunned down by a white man due to an argument about “who bumped into who.” I can’t imagine the worry parents of black teens (and adult children) must feel. If I had a black son instead of a white daughter I would be very careful about choosing a school where he had the least chance of being gunned down. That’s so wrong.

This violence makes everything in me hurt.

It wasn’t a shooting. He drove a car into a group of people and then attacked people with a knife.

It turned out that this one was not a shooter, but there have been far too many.

One new site says there were 2 guys, one with a gun and another one with a machete

I read through most of this thread this morning (I skipped a little of the middle). It really has a happy ending and shows what a good influence College Confidential (not to confuse with recent Credit Card discussions) can have on a high schooler’s life. It’s also a reality check for those kids, and parents, just hoping that financial and/or merit aid will drop in their lap, as well as the power of a safety or three.

I loved reading that thread @showmetheMAC and I really love that the student came back a few years later to update everyone.

It’s also proof that a lot of the readers and users are just kids who are trying to learn and we all (myself included) need to tone it down a knotch or two and assume good intent when responding to someone who posts.

I loved that thread!

Fat envelope from College of Wooster came today. D17 is on a school field trip so I texted her asking if I could open it, lol. Accepted with $27K/year merit :smiley:

Congrats to all with acceptances, completed apps, and scholarship essay completions! (I’m woefully behind on this thread and need to spend some quality time catching up!)

Thinking of those affected by the shooting at OSU. Peace.

And my D19’s dream school (utterly a reach for her, but that’s another story) is TOSU, and materials science is one of the directions she might go in if she opts for the more science side of her science+design interests.

Struck a bit too close, this one did.

I remember when my D17 was a few months old, the Columbine shooting happened - probably many of you had a baby then too. She was my first child. I remember sitting in my car nursing her because we’d gone out and she needed to eat, and listening to the news on the radio and crying thinking “what kind of a world have I just brought a baby into?” And then these things have become so commonplace that even my kids in elementary school had active shooter drills and both of them while in middle school had separate incidents where they had to go into actual crisis mode, doors locked, shades down, lights out, shelter in place. There wasn’t an actual active shooter on campus in either case but it was things like an inmate had escaped and was thought to be in the area or a burglary had just happened at a nearby house and cops were trying to find the guy. Nothing actually happened to them or anyone at their school thank goodness and we actually live in what’s considered a very safe suburban area, but it’s just unbelievable that this is the world we live in now. Hoping everyone injured today recovers fully.

Gentle reminder to check those Spam folders. Not sure if some of you have filters set up for certain schools, but I am finding that emails from alumna/ae/us (people who graduated from said school :smiley: ) asking for interviews (found one today) escape the filter. In this case, it didn’t go to Spam, but made me think to look there.

Oh, and D got a request for an interview at one of her reaches. I somehow wasn’t expecting the request. I must be slipping up and getting complacent!