Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Yes, welcome @QueensMom. I hope my S can score a 34 on the ACT. He’d be golden then.

Welcome to the group @QueensMom! Her ACT score is great - but as @carachel2 mentioned, if she is going for NM then she’ll have to take the SAT. Does her school offer it for free in April like a bunch of schools do? It doesn’t hurt to take it for free just to see.

@greeny8 QueensMom is in NY so her D will not make NMSF. Thus, no Need to take SAT.
Only SAT subject tests, if she hasn’t taken them

Is she sure her D didn’t make the cut off? What was her SI because even with a 1440 her reading and writing could be higher than her math which would bump up her SI. Do you know what the predictions are for NY? I think I saw a 217 SI somewhere but it’s a lot of speculation.

I agree @greeny8 Test masters’s prediction prediction for NY is 217.

Hope y’all are having a great week! My d14 is home this week so I’ve had the best week spending time with both d14 and s17. It does a mother’s heart good! We even squeezed in two college visits!

Just wanted to make mention of two things we use when looking at prospective colleges. First - is the common data set. This is available on almost every college website and gives a great amount of data like mid 50% scores, number of applicants, number of acceptances, gender distribution, what is very important, important or not important at all in the application, etc. It is a wealth of information and looks the same for every university. Just google a college name and “common data set” or sometimes “institutional research” if cds doesn’t work. We use it alot.

The second thing is prepscholar information. If you google, for example, “prepscholar university of michigan”, it takes you to a page about um that gives lots of stats. You can also put in your gpa and sat/act score and it “chances” you. Another fun thing (to us at least) is at the very bottom of the page, it shows you “reach” schools “same level” and “safety” schools in relation to the school’s page you are investigating. Check it out. Its informative…

Welcome to the group @QueensMom! and congratulations on great score!

If my S gets 34, I’ll do __________ (some crazy inappropriate) thing. LoL I will have him take a few times, starting April, June, October until he reaches 32.

Hey QueensMom, we have practically the same name.

Why would University of Alabama invite DD and us to a special reception in the fanciest hotel in our city?

Again we are new at this and clueless!

@greeny8, @2muchquan, @Ynotgo

Thanks for explaining the Lor process. Now I realize the letters have to be written to specific schools and we don’t have our list compiled yet, so we are not ready for this.

Really jealous of those of you that have GCs that actually discuss college applications with Juniors!

@SincererLove A lot of colleges have local receptions to introduce their schools to students they are interested in. It is an especially nice opportunity when it’s a school you don’t live close enough to visit easily. My son 16 went to a number of them and enjoyed them but my daughter 17 isn’t interested.

@nw2this I think usually teachers write LoR so that they can be used for almost all colleges. That is, they don’t mention the college name or specifics about the college. (Otherwise, they’d have to write a ton of letters!)

However, some colleges might want only 1 recommendation, while others might allow up to 3. Or, some might want a science LoR and a math LoR, while others might want any STEM LoR plus any humanities LoR. So, that’s where the assigning letters to colleges in Naviance part comes in, as I understand it.

Sometimes a kid will plan to apply for different majors at different schools, so that can be tricky if the teacher might a specific major.

So, your kid can ask teachers if they will write a LoR before school is out and maybe even give them a resume or fill out the Brag Sheet in Naviance. Organized teachers might then write letters over the summer. But, you can’t assign teachers to specific colleges in Naviance until you have that list next fall.

@Ynotgo it looks like this year the common app is open now to new registrations and you might even be able to send out the LOR email request to your teachers now if you know what colleges your kid might apply to. Unlike the previous years, the common app wasn’t open until August. I just might have my D start the process now.

@greeny8 Yes, I noticed the other day the CA is ‘open’. I would be a little careful about responding to any specific school supplements until after July 1 (I think?). I don’t believe the individual schools are necessarily ready for 2017 applicants, but juniors can create CA accounts and they will roll over to the next year, as you pointed out. Plus, the CA essay prompts are remaining the same as last year (this year), so those can be worked on as well.

Wow, finally finished all the reservations for flight/car/hotels/campus tours/honors program sessions for spring break. 7 schools in 6 days. I’m already tired.

@2muchquan I agree that the supplements from colleges may not even be available yet, but it’s nice that the CA essay prompts are so our kids can start thinking about it.

And holy cow…7 schools in 6 days! You are on a mission to get in as much as you can! Make sure you take nots so you remember one from the other! I would start jumbling them all together. We are only seeing 2 school in 2 days. We have already in the past year seen 5 so I think my D has a good idea of what she’s looking for.

I would not fill out anything on the common app itself before they announce that it is officially open for 2017. I know people who filled it out early and then lost everything when the system made the switch over to next yr’s class. I do not know if they have changed the system in the last 3 yrs, but that is the way it was then. (At that point, I think Aug 1st was the official “open” date.)

I think they have made some changes to be more prepared this year:

@SincererLove - My S also got invitation from University of Alabama, but I forgot to RSVP and didn’t go. BTW, my S’s PSAT score is 220 (CA).

Re: Common App, I do think it’s enough to know that the essay prompts are the same as last year. That’s enough to work on for now. Probably a good idea to wait.

Hi all…reading through the thread trying to catch up. Just coming from PSAT thread.

S16 is at school, and I am anxiously waiting to see what his first SAT score is. He has a 217 in TN… Praying he can back that up with a decent score. CB says scores will be out today but so far nada.