Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Winter plans S15 finally got his co-op for winter/spring lined up, so we will be moving him there. Other than that, we are looking forward to doing nothing over the holiday break. And here’s hoping DH’s work is finally under control again. He’s works as account manager for an automotive supplier, so while not always a Monday - Friday job due to traveling, he’s been working every single day (he did get the actual Thanksgiving day off) for the last month! Here’s hoping that the situation is under control & he will actually be able to take the Christmas holiday week off. He’s been a bit stressed lately. :-<

The List D17 applied to 5 schools. One has already dropped off - was unable to make the scholarship competition day & just doesn’t care enough about it to look at it further. The other 4 are changing spots constantly. She has a scholarship competition this Saturday & we’ll see how that one goes. Then the other scholarship competitions won’t be until mid-January. I am so looking forward to traveling 5 hours away during the snowiest time of the year! ~X(

Tonight is S’s annual end of season soccer dinner. Last year, in the middle of one of the coach speeches, one of my S’s Senior teammates stood up and screamed with a giant fist pump. We were all stunned. He looked around, sat back down, and the coach went back to his speech. After the dinner I asked my son, “what the hell was that???” He told me, “He got an email that he was accepted to Villanova.”

Good times.

DS continues to think he would be happy at any of the schools applied to. However, the travel factor creeps into play. At first distance wasn’t an issue, in fact “the further the better”. DS’s current wisdom is he would travel for his #1 or #2 choice, but would prefer closest to home after that. So DS moved a school up based (less)travel.

QOTD1: For DS, pretty simple list. One of the top 5 (applied 5). Order is not changed at all!

Ok, D just got her acceptance to WWU. Yay! That’s her true safety, I think. She’s been admitted to our two state flagships (U of M and MSU) but I think she’d prefer to go out of state. Plus there’s the “life-changing waffles” she had in Bellingham when we visited in August. She actually wrote about them in her WWU honors college application.

Now we wait to hear about the honors college, and WUE.

So, three acceptances, nine total applications in and …(sigh) several more to go. We’re chasing merit money all over the place, so casting our net far and wide.

Winter plans: napping, napping, binge-watching netflix, playing cards with the family (new favorites are Coup and Joking Hazard) and going for long walks with the chubby chihuahua and the hubby. Kids: napping, napping, binge-watching netflix, being forced to play card games with their parents, and videogames. Probably some socializing in there, too.

SIL is doing Christmas eve at her house where everyone but me and the 2 kids drink (or H-we decide ahead of time who gets to be designated driver), and we do Christmas day. The kids and H and I do stockings in the morning, I start cooking, the rest of the family gets here around 10, we open presents, eat at noon, and they’re gone by 2. SIL is blowing us off again this year-she and her husband travel on christmas day instead. She has issues with gift giving (don’t get me started), and I’m good with her not being there for christmas day, except MIL sulks about it and brings everyone down.

She did this when SIL skipped H’s birthday last month, and actually left halfway through the birthday. Which was actually fine because everyone got a lot happier once grandma stopped sitting in stony silence in the corner, refusing to eat or participate. Sheesh. Drama. Not looking forward to it happening over christmas, but it should be less of an issue because everyone will be unwrapping stuff and excited.

It’s why we travel for Thanksgiving now…

Order of schools-nah, pretty fuzzy until the admits/rejects/money comes in.

@MotherOfDragons – not to encourage drinking, but couldn’t one of your girls drive you and H home?

@CT1417 yes, technically they could, but I feel like it sets a bad example, and there are so many drunk drivers out on Christmas Eve that I want either me or H behind the wheel in case something wicked this way comes-experience is essential with some emergency situations behind the wheel…

Mostly I’m just grousing about it because they always do wine or whisky tastings when they have stuff at their house, which really obligates you to do more than just sit there warming a glass of wine with your hands. You’re either wasted or you opt out. Since the girls are the only two grandkids, they just sit on the couch all night and play on their phones because nobody talks to them (except their parents, of course). D18 may bail and spend Christmas eve at her Bff’s house, and we’re fine with that.

New to these boards and discussions. D has all her applications in. One school was rolling and she got in (IU). we hear EA from Elon Dec 15th. All her reach schools are RD (emory 1/100 chance, American, GW) as well as safety of C of Charleston. She was going to apply to more safety schools, but since she got into IU , there is no need. She would be happy going to IU. I know her dream school is GW, but the cost :(. We almost went ED. Her 2nd choice is Elon, and then IU. Unfortunately in our state, the only real good options are UGA and GT, and they are near impossible to get in; she would not go to any other state school. need money tree in backyard. She wants to major in “change the world” .

Added to this , is that due to a LD, she has not taken that many AP classes. This was indicated on her apps. She has worked really hard and we are hoping that it shows that she has overcome her LD and can succeed. She took a semester abroad, which included college credit for Hebrew and History. this semester she is only taking classes at GPC as dual enrollment. Her Achilles heal has been math her entire life, and we took a chance having her take college algebra, which has been a poor idea. We are hoping she will pass the class and even if she does, it will be a C. That will definitely derail all her chances. All other college classes she is taking now are high B or A.

Its mom here who has been the most stressed . Up until recently I had nightmares on this whole thing. Even if she gets into her dream school, can she succeed there. ? would that be a good choice.? the waiting now until March. She is retaking the ACT one more time. since the Oct score was not great, so we are keeping her June score.

The silver lining is that during the application process I hired a college consultant. This way D was accountable to someone other than I. Also, she is a former English teacher so she made sure the essays were all good to go. Having to meet someone once a week got everything done before Nov 1st. (our target deadline).

grateful for finding this board.

@picklesarenice Where were the life-changing waffles? I want to know! We had some life-changing artisan bread rolls with fresh figs and other stuff at the Farmers Market, but no waffles…

Congrats to your daughter! We are waiting on WUE and Honors too. Maybe I can ask D how to access her portal…

Welcome @sdl0625!

@sdl0625 Welcome!!

This was a great strategy!!

@mamaedefamilia They were at the Mount Bakery Cafe on Champion Street. To be honest, I don’t know if they were that good, or if she was just really hungry. It was just a couple of days before her surgery left her unable to eat any solid food for four weeks, and she really latched onto the memory of those waffles :slight_smile: We may have to revisit WWU just to try them again!

** QQTD2 ** Have no idea. None. The most I’ve though about it is I need to spend some time thinking about it. (I was buried all Nov & it’s not letting up.) Everyone in my family assumes we will travel to see all the relatives over the Holidays. This is normal as most relatives live in one fairly central location and we live 500 miles away. What I want to do is take a break, go to Hawaii or to the Mountains or even more preferable somewhere my cell phone & internet won’t work.

Probably going to sit down with my daughter & make her do all the holiday shopping. (Give her a budget and a list) I’m so busy at work, i have little time to think about it. While I like giving gifts, I hate buying gifts, I am a bit OCD about it. Gifts have to have meaning & be something some one really wants, ideally something they hadn’t thought they wanted. I love seeing family but the whole gift exchange drives me nuts.

** The list ** S17 has declared that he isn’t going to worry about his top school till he see’s where he gets in. I think it’s a healthy way to think of it. We spend a lot of time building his list to places he is likely to get in & would enjoy. Hopefully he will have a few good choices come spring.

@STEM2017 that’s funny, I can only hope we have some similar excitement around here!

@MotherOfDragons Ya know, that actually sounds like a good plan, relax, binge netflix, hang with family and have a cocktail. I have no idea what D will be doing - maybe hang with her boyfriend some. Hopefully not applications!! I expect those to be done this weekend but that’s what I’ve been saying for the past 4 weekends :open_mouth: Hopefully my nieces come to visit - they’re adorable.

@sdl0625 Welcome! it sounds like your D is in great shape and will be just fine!

@picklesarenice congrats on the acceptance! <:-P

@curiositycat333 I say go with your gut and go somewhere you can shut things off! I know the feeling of being buried and the best way to truly get away is to go somewhere where the cell service doesn’t work!! It sounds like you’re just dreaming, but I say go for it!!

@sdl0625 Welcome! @picklesarenice Congratulations!!

@Stem2017 I immediately jumped over to check the Villanova portal when I saw your post, even though I am pretty sure they don’t release decisions for another two weeks!! Nothing yet!

Envious of those traveling over the holidays - I would love to go someplace tropical, but the kids are reluctant to leave friends for more than a couple of days. Plus there’s that budget thing. I have painting projects and after-Christmas sales to keep me busy, but I plan to spoil D rotten during the 3.5 weeks that she’ll be home. She’ll be here in less than two weeks and I haven’t seen her since mid-August!

@Fishnlines29 I don’t get it, maybe as she gets to know DD better she is shifting her opinions about a good fit. Anyway, unlike my experience with DD14 I think I will direct DD17 to do what the counselor tells her and see what happens.

I’m too old for this crap. :smiley:

welcome @sdl0625 !! Good luck during this application season.

Congrats @picklesarenice

Holidays: Xmas at our house, have relatives over. It’s usually a pretty decent time. Depending on the weather we might leave Xmas night to head up to the mountains for the rest of the week. The week consists of snowboarding, xc skiing, snowshoeing, hot tubs, board games, naps, eating out, fires in the wood stove. We usually have fun, although weather factors into it.

Son came home today and said that basically his entire social circle group are all applying to the same handful of schools. They are a bit concerned about that, because none of them stand out much from each other, ha.

Congratulations @picklesarenice ! <:-P <:-P

Welcome @sdl0625 you have an amazing kid!

@RightCoaster Your Christmas plans sound amazing!