Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Thanks for answering my question regarding merit awards being noted along with acceptance letters!

@klinska son did not get anything noted in the letter from UNH which is kind of weird I thought. He meets all of the bare minimums for merit consideration. His ACT is well above the bare minimum now and his grades should be good enough. He has participated and done well in DECA , National Biz Honor Society, and earned a separate business certificate from our school for completing and doing well in a biz focused curriculum. I thought heā€™d at least get 6k. Oh well, no worries really, itā€™s not really high on the list, but this bumps it to the bottom for certain. I was hoping heā€™d heā€™d get at least a little bit of merit at some schools so we could compare/contrast those with the full freight schools.
Maybe itā€™s going to be full pay everywhere!

Some of the competitive scholarships go to kids from states that they may not already have. That is when location diversity is a plus. States like Wyoming, the Dakotas, Alaska, and Nevada, to name a few, do not have large populations to begin with and typically do not send kids to schools in the eastern US. That alone gives them extra points in competitions.

@STEM2017 - but now you have a great thing to write about on ā€œwhy Princetonā€.

ā€œI was able to remember its name after only 2 visits!ā€

I was thinking about the increased posts re: ED decisions, and the stress related to the upcoming decision release dates. And, I was thinking that most non-ED kids (though, not mine that I know of) also have a #1 school in in mind, and will be disappointed if they donā€™t get in. Is all the angst around ED dates because of:

  1. If they get in, no more apps! Yea!
  2. If they get in I can start planning the rest of my life! Yea!
  3. There is a definite release date, whereas both Rolling and EA schools can be unpredictable?
  4. Something else? Yea?

I think thereā€™s plenty of angst around college decisions, no matter what the release date is! But as to ED in particular, I think itā€™s because it feels like ā€œall my eggs are in one basket.ā€ Theyā€™re not really, because the kids who donā€™t get accepted ED will then just apply to a whole bunch of schools RD. But once youā€™ve done the work to figure out what your first choice is, and youā€™ve applied (at least for now) only to the one school, then getting that decision becomes a big deal. My son had a really hard time deciding what school was his first choice, so now heā€™ll be more disappointed if he doesnā€™t get into that school than if heā€™d just applied to that school among 10 or so other schools RD.

This is a great ā€œthreadā€, with a great supportive group of people.

As decisions start rolling in, there will be lots of joy, but also some disappointment. And some people / kids might be extremely disappointed.

In addition to posting good news - which is of course awesome - I would encourage people to post bad news too. This is mainly because no one wants to feel like theyā€™re the only one with bad news. Thereā€™s comfort in company.

Finally, I would like to suggest that anyone who posts bad news, Helpful is for Hugs. IOW, click the Helpful button on their post as a show of compassion.

Thanks, and good luck everyone, though above all, remember that these are not life-or-death decisions, and everything will work out fine regardless of what happens.

Thatā€™s a lovely thought. @theshadow

Thatā€™s a nice post @thshadow !

Iā€™m beginning to think my wallet will have the most hurt feelings in our family.

@theshadow Bravo!

@thshadow If we need some levity as decisions arrive, you and I could always mosey over to this yearā€™s NM cutoff thread and start posting completely contradictory info, calling ourselves Bill and Michael. No reason for them to miss out on all the fun we had, right?

@DoyleB - LOL!!!

Well said @thshadow!

Do PSAT scores really get delivered to the kids in the next week? I heard a rumor about this but didnā€™t know if it was trueā€¦so early!

@dfbdfb - somehow ā€œhappy agingā€ sounds a bit oxymoronic to meā€¦ :wink:

Then again, as my dearly departed mother used to say, ā€œitā€™s better than the alternative!ā€ L-)

Ok trying not to get too excited but DS got a big envelope in the mail from VCU. We havenā€™t heard back from any of the colleges yet so this is exciting. Iā€™m hoping it is an admission. This is his safety school but the honors college has a guaranteed admit to the medical school. Hopefully a scholarship as well!
Of course having twins makes it a little awkward because his twin sister didnā€™t get anything in the mail today. Iā€™m sure she will get in too as they both are above the criteria for admittance. Just had to share with people who are in the same boat!

Good luck @twoforone99 !!!

@vandyeyes Is it Vanderbilt i just wondered because of your screen name When does it say it is coming out?

Still no admissions news (and not expecting any until Dec. 15th), but there has been both good news and bad news on the scholarship front (thanks for the reminder @theshadow):

The good: D17 is a Coca-Cola scholarship semifinalist; the bad: she did not move up the next round for the really big (full ride - anywhere!) Cameron Impact Scholarship.

@on Rice fee waiver, all Dā€™s friends and D who had subject tests got fee waivers from Rice around September time frame.

I will be joining your on 2020 board for DS20. Had to beg D17 to read his essay last night when he asked me last minute to give him critique.

Call us practical ā€”instead of absolute prestige, we looked at the ranking in Dā€™s major in the school, intern and job opportunities and most importantly starting salaries. Also is it reasonable to assume that D can graduate from the school with good GPA?

Still have 4-5 paged to read for today. Your guys are too fast!!

@theshadow =D> =D> =D>