Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

** Self-plagiarism: ** So let me ask a question, if I may… When S stumbles upon a, “How do you contribute to diversity at our college?” essay prompt for the fifth (plagiarized) time, should he re-write his original work due to moral code? Hell no! He wrote the essay once and used it five times. The same is true for the, “What about your background makes you who you are today?” essays. I’m ok with it and I encourage it. JMHO

I think the real irony is that the colleges all use the same plagiarized prompts, then hope for truly original work.

May I share here since I never joined the parents group for ds? He worked super hard this semester and made As in his 2 grad level physics classes, electro mag and dynamics. Electro mag kicked him in the rear and made him really work. Now that he is on this side of the semester, he is grinning and saying, “I think he is one of the profs I am going to ask for a LOR.” So glad for him that the semester is over and he gets a break. (And it looks like he has still preserved his red cap at graduation.)

We decorated our Christmas tree last yesterday. It was a wonderful day. Looking forward to having him home for a few weeks. We have to get through this week of school before we are off, though.

@Mom2aphysicsgeek I’m tearing up right now. So awesome! Congratulations. He owes much of his special-ness to you.

@Mom2aphysicsgeek Congrats to your son! Getting a good grade is a hard class is the best feeling. What’s the red cap?

@dfbdfb and @LoveTheBard interesting discussion around self-plagiarism - I would’ve never thought to recycle one paper for another in college, but the entire college app process is certainly different. Of course you can use the same essays and modify them a bit if needed! I’m fairly certain this is known/expected. Anyone think otherwise? Quite frankly, we were annoyed more of the prompts were NOT the same, it’s exhaustive.

@Fishnlines29 I agree that it is expected. It never occurred to me either to reuse an essay in college. I doubt any could have been reused.

Music–S15 listens on headphones most of the time, but he’s ok with Imagine Dragons, Bastille, Aloe Blacc, and then Linkin Park, All American Rejects, etc. S17 isn’t really into music. I’m all over the map–classical, 80s Rock, 90s grunge, some alternative, and then whatever is on XM Pulse and/or Lithium.

Break–S17 has school through the 22nd. He goes back on the 3rd. Midterms are late January (and Regents exams, but he has no Regents left to take). This week is Middle of the quarter (if that makes sense), so progress reports come out next week–not grades that go on transcripts, but just a check up to see how the quarter is going which gives time to fix any issues. Hopefully he turns in all his AP Calc & IB Bio that he’s senioritis-ed…

S15 has his last college final on Wed, and will be home until the weekend of Jan 20. It will be nice to have him around for a bit, but I’m hoping he tries to get back in to his summer Walmart job so he has SOMETHING to do.

Thanks, @stem2017. When I look at where he is today, it makes me want to cry for all the LD kids out there like him who don’t have someone advocating for them and recognizing their unique path to learning,

^ Helpful = Hugs

Personally I think the idea of self plagiarism is a little ridiculous. If I wrote it, I should be able to use pieces of it if it works in a paper I later write. It’s still my work and my thoughts. I don’t think student’s should be using the exact same essays for different courses but if something you previously wrote works within another piece of work, using it is smart. Just like using the same essay several times, or tweaked for college applications.

Holiday break D goes through 12/21 & returns 1/3. She has a final tomorrow for one of her community college classes, but her other CC class ended last week. High school finals are Jan. 25-27. She is taking 2 classes at CC - they start up 1/9 & go through end of April. Then with the 3 APs, really she is done by mid-May, but still has to show up to school - ugh! Schools start here after Labor Day. She used to get a week in February, but that is now down to just 2 days - I miss that week!
But she does get a snow day today, so she’s happily sleeping in. I’m waiting for the road to be plowed so I can actually get to work today.

On another note, she is finally happy with her AP lit teacher. This will be the 4th teacher since school started! She didn’t get along with the last long-term sub, but she has had the current sub before & this teacher has control of the classroom & is actually looking at what is needed for the AP exam. The last sub had her own agenda & it didn’t fit with the AP curriculum.

@itsgettingreal17 Thanks! It sounds like your Dd deserves her own major kudos. :slight_smile:

The red cap is a Bama reference. Kids who maintain straight As get to wear a red cap at graduation.

@Mom2aphysicsgeek --so awesome to read about your son! Isn’t that what it is all about?

Belated congrats to all those with exciting news and acceptances! =D>

D got the expected denial from ED school on Friday, but she was so well prepared for the no that it genuinely doesn’t seem to have fazed her (thank goodness!) We hit submit that very night on her state school apps, requested a few interviews, and she’s got a couple more supplements to finish to be completely done. She definitely seems to have gone into ‘business is business’ mode at this point. I think she’s decided that she’ll bloom wherever she’s planted and that she’s actually looking forward to having a couple of different options to choose from.

QOTD: Music - D tends towards kind of offbeat stuff she finds online rather than mainstream pop (though she does enjoy some of that if she hears it at dance.) She’s also a big fan of the webcomic Homestuck and likes a lot of the music (chiptunes, etc.) generated by that fan community.

Jumping in here about Billy Joel. Grew up listening to his music through Jr High & HS. His bassist lived locally, and I still recall the excitement watching their sea plane land while down at the beach one evening. Billy Joel moved to the area while I was away at college, and locals would go trick or treating to his house, but never saw him.

I would have to go back further to find my favorites: Piano Man (title track); The Stranger (Only the Good Die Young and Scenes from an Italian Restaurant); and Streetlife Serenade (The Entertainer). Didn’t love Glass Houses, and have not loved the music since but still love the old songs. The remastered version of Cold Spring Harbor has some gems also.

@thshadow – if you decide to buy a turntable, you may want to ask first how serious she is. I had to return the first one I bought for my son (Technics) b/c the arm weight was not adjustable. U Turn Audio sells decent ones that are not crazy expensive. And, if you happen to have an old receiver around the house, you can still connect it to the new TT. I am still using my Onkyo that I brought home in pieces in a taxi in NYC in 1988.

On the topic of self-plagiarism–I come in where @LoveTheBard does. I see @dfbdfb’s point, but I had not thought of it that way. Will have to raise this topic at the dinner table once college son is home and see what the boys think.

Is it too late in the game to email teachers with a concern over grades? I know they are seniors but there was a policy change for the calculus class this nine weeks that I think had negative effects on grades. There was a weekly assignment that necessitated the kids to stay after school and work with the teacher, essentially getting tutored. Well now that the assignment isn’t given the kids skip out on staying after. It was a a high grade to get recorded that boosted the grades but more importantly they worked on Calc outside of the class time. My sons Clac grade has dropped 12 points!
I am freaking out because that is a huge drop but he seems to be nonplussed. He still has one of the stronger grades but seriously an 80 is not good at all. He says the AP teacher don’t think a 70 on a test is bad??!
Would you contact the teacher against your child wishes?

Jumping in one more time on self-plagiarism to say that i agree with @dfbdfb 110% about re-using work multiple times for different professors. That type of self-plagiarism seems disingenuous, goes against the grain of learning, and would be grounds for an F in my class (if I were a professor.).

@twoforone99 No. Let your child handle grades. That’s where I draw the line. I never, ever talk to teachers/admins about grades. I will advocate for D where course selection/special exemption to take a class/scheduling is concerned (and only after they’ve given her the run-around), but actually dealing with teachers is her responsibility. I do advise her on how to approach a teacher and discuss her grades when necessary, and she’s become a pro. I always tell her, if you think the teacher graded something too harshly, go talk to the teacher and get an explanation and find out what you can do to improve; don’t complain to me, as that changes nothing. Don’t be that parent. It’s good practice for college.

@STEM2017 – Re: self-plagiarism. Agree with your post about reusing for other classes.

Also agree with @itsgettingreal17 about not intervening with teacher regarding grades.

@Mom2aphysicsgeek – that is such wonderful news! I also agree with your point about kids who learn differently or who have some differences needing (deserving) advocates to help them reach their potential. Bravo for your son - and you!