Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@Dolemite The WUSL merit package came by letter.

@Mom2aphysicsgeek USC (S car) This was also a letter. It’s based on NM. If you D is a NMSF, I’d call the school. I know when he got the U of Central FL letter, they were sending out the other merit awards in the spring. Not sure why.

BU offers NMF $20K/yr and that is not nearly as sweet but it’s the only school that offers NM scholarships that he is looking at.

@carachel2 Thanks! I’ll have to make my way over to the Pitt thread. They offered $10K/yr.

@thshadow I know you can relate! You caved though…

I may get an accidental out. S19 got his first post PSAT result college email today. Sure enough, UVM. Which he finds hysterical and plans to mention to S17. We will see if that triggers anything. H thinks we should wait too. It will be a week. Or more if weather hits! Seriously, if he doesn’t know by christmas I’ll wrap a screen shot of the portal, that will kill me.

@RightCoaster I think it’s a very good fit for him. It’s a nice size. Maybe a bit bigger than ideal but I think he’d really need to tour to see. It’s pretty high on his list conceptually and a very strong program for his area of interest so it will come down to money, compared to all of the other options.

I am looking forward to his reaction, I think this is the first one he will be truly excited about.

@paveyourpath what did the letter say? Dd received a letter saying she received IS tuition and Lieber scholarship, but that further award information would be coming later. IS+$6000 is only 1/2 tuition. I just wondered bc you were saying what great deals they were. 1/2 tuition is 1/2 too little for our budget, so not so great a deal. Just different perspectives. :slight_smile:

@paveyourpath - I’m a bit confused (and I think @Dolemite may be too) - If your C17 didn’t apply ED to Wash U St. Louis. how is it that s/he received a Merit offer from them? I thought that they don’t have EA, only ED. Was it a letter telling him/her about their scholarships or about a scholarship nomination or was your kiddo actually offered admission with a scholarship? If the latter, CONGRATS!! (I know that WUSTLL has several scholarships that you can apply for, but the apps aren’t due until Jan. and I thought that their RD decisions weren’t out until spring, hence my confusion.)

@Mom2aphysicsgeek Will have to let you know tomorrow as I don’t have access to the letter right now. If I remember correctly I heard last spring or earlier this fall that Uof SCar offers full tuition for ACT scores of 34 or higher. I learned this when trying to understand why a girl at my son’s school kept retaking the ACT over and over again. Poor girl kept getting a 33 but she eventually nailed it on her last attempt. This may also be part of reciprocity so it’s only information that anyone interested in would have to check out.

@LoveTheBard My initial post was: “S17 has come close. He has received specific big mac offers contingent upon 1) being accepted and 2) being named a NM finalist.”

He has not applied to these schools. He is not interested in the schools so we never looked into what Merit aid they were offering. The letters that have been sent were specific dollar amounts which listed the two contingencies. Some, if not all, of the letters were addressed to my husband and I. One came UPS (smart move not to get lumped in a pile when $ is concerned). One mentioned that it was based on being named NMSF and NHR. The letters were specific dollar amounts and not ranges or “up to x amount”. They did require he submit his application by a specific deadline which was earlier than the RD deadline and a couple offered tuition fee waivers. Hope the information helps clarify and wishing everyone waiting for merit scholarships get the good news when merit decisions are determined.

@paveyourpath - thanks for the clarification. D17 submitted her application a while ago (RD) and was nominated for one of their scholarships, so when I misread your post and saw @Dolemite’s post, I thought I was missing something.

Still have a loooong wait for everything except her SCEA decision tomorrow…I keep reminding myself that patience is a virtue.

Wishing all the best for all the SCEA decisions tomorrow! That last 24 hours is brutal. And, personally, well worth it in the case of Kid 2 … and well, a good time to reposition in the case of Kid 1. All of your wonderful kids are going to be great somewhere!

Good luck tomorrow @LoveTheBard! We’re waiting for something. Anything!

@CA1543 That last holiday concert must have been hard. S had his last Nutcracker performance a couple of weeks ago and my DH was tearing up throughout the show. I’m just trying to remind myself that there will be new concerts to attend once they start school. A new chapter not the end of the story. Good luck on the news tomorrow!

So it was 9:00p here in Alaska, but I figured that’s after midnight on the east coast, and even though D17 hasn’t gotten an email about it yet, it wouldn’t hurt to check her George Mason portal for kicks (especially since she was sitting next to me on the couch at the time), and…she’s in! Admission to the honors college, too. Also fun: Upon logging in to the portal, as the notification appeared the George Mason fight song started playing automagically. The only downside is a big one, though: The merit scholarship announced in the letter is decent, but not enough to make it properly affordable. Still all good, though—I don’t know that she really wants to go there, but she really wanted to get in, you know?

@dfbdfb congrats!! Sometimes it really is just about knowing you could get in. Sorry the merit offer isn’t what was hoped for.

@dfbdfb, Congrats. All admits are nice. Some just come with more MAC…enjoy the moment, more to come

@dfbdfb Congrats!!!

@dfbdfb Congrats! How exciting!!

woke up at 5 am this morning, stared at the ceiling for a bit. @-)

Decided there was no way I was getting back to sleep so now I’m in the family room with a cup of tea and my history of graphics design textbook (the final is at 10 am). Yeah, what am I doing on CC? Bad me!

I may try to stay off social media today until they post results, then I’ll come back and talk, good or bad…

@dfbdfb congrats on the happy surprise. I love how the music “automagically” played. Is that a new word?

Good vibes for everyone waiting to hear on decisions today. May you all get the news you want. We have quite a roll going here, although I’m sorry about the not-so-bigMAC and those who didn’t get outright acceptances.

And good luck on your remaining final(s) @MotherOfDragons!

Just waiting on one RD here, so today’s concern is for the other kid. Contagiously sick and having car trouble in another state and being held up by potential weather issues. She’ll be fine soon enough but will likely miss the gathering at her grandparents’ for all of those reasons. But at least she’ll also miss the drama and can relax when she gets home. :stuck_out_tongue:

@dfbdfb Congrats! Sorry about the merit though. Man, it’s cold here in NY this morning; it feels like Alaska.

Good luck to everyone else today!

Today is going to be the longest day of my life. D hears from her ED and it’s either yes or no. They don’t defer. I don’t know how much more my heart can take. Plus she has a school function tonight and she doesn’t want to check until she gets home 3 hours after decisions are released! Are you kidding me?! ~X( 8-}

@stencils—and I think it will be even colder tonight! Finally prompted me to shut off & drain the outside faucet. Now to hope none of the pipes freeze. Probably too early in the season.

Best of luck to all throughout the day. Still amazed at all the offers, including $$, rolling in for these students. SO exciting and rewarding.