Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

On Star Wars,

I went to see the Star Wars Costume exhibit at the Dever Art Museum with visiting friends. It was a lot of fun.
@Motiv8tedmom23 You can visit the Denver Art Museum during your Colorado visit if the weather is not good for outdoors.
My friend only watched one episode of SW, probably episode V, and her daughter surprisingly never watched any. Shouldn’t this count as child abuse, deprivation of sort? =))

She thought me knowing all the characters and battle ship names was influence of my boys. Definitely not. I’m a SF fan and she is not. Her daughter afterward said she is going to watch all the SW episodes. :smiley:
There were stormtrooper costumes from 70s and 2015. Similar but different.
I’m planning to go there again as a family. I cannot decide which one to do first, the movie or the museum.


Old disliked version: “I voted for Trump.”
New preferred version: “I voted for Hillary.”

Kidding, kidding.

@STEM2017 …you are TOO FUNNY…I think this qualifies as JOTD…well done =D>

@mommdc I think it’s best known for engineering and nursing, but probably pretty good at CS as well. I’m just not sure if D2 would even stay in STEM. Ah well, it’s her decision.

@vandyeyes That is indeed a gift and highly unusual. If he needs essay help, PM me.

@STEM2017 =))

@RightCoaster I would write to the top choice school that they are his top choice school and to the other they are one of his top 2 choices.
I think since a lot of students in the area apply there, the area kids are disadvantaged when private schools consider geographic and other diversity.
Good luck in the RD round! :-bd

@RightCoaster Write the letter. I think it should be a stronger why X letter, but more importantly, include what amounts to a commitment to attend. The real purpose of the letter for the school is to assist with yield protection, imo.


@vandyeyes make sure the essay is typed in the school’s colorway. :smiley:

ha. @STEM2017

@RightCoaster I agree - write the letter. They want to read his own words that they are Number 1. I think it would go a long way.

I agree it is yield protection and it’s kind of a bull crap way to sift through the kids that write the letter or not.
Just not psyched about having to “play the game”. I mean he visited multiple times, once for a 1/2 day session, talked with the coach, submitted a decent app and why xyz essay already, so if they don’t get the hint we’d like him to attend then I don’t know what else to do.
I guess " Please let me in. I like it there. It has things I would like to study. I want to be part of this “club/group” and do some cool stuff when I’m there. Oh, my parents don’t qualify for any financial aid, and you probably already noticed that, but yeah they are cool with spending $68k per year. I just double checked with them again, so if you let me in that would be swell and I will commit to attending asap."

@payn4ward - Thank you for the suggestion - interesting timing. On Saturday, DH, S12, S17 and I were planning to go see Rogue One. I commented that D16 would be upset that we went without her - she is coming home tonight after a 6PM final. S17 stated that she was going to see it over the weekend with friends at school - so we decided not to wait for her. She called last night to finalize pick up plans and was upset that we saw it without her because her friends at school did not follow-through and see it. Needless to say - our family members are all SF and SW fans - so this would definitely be up our alley if the weather does not cooperate. :smiley:

@Mom2aphysicsgeek that is so tragic, my heart goes out to you and your family/community. HUGS

@RightCoaster there are some really good threads about what to say to get off the waitlist. I would hunt around on those. If I were in your position, I would have your son tell them what you told us-that the school is your first choice, why this acceptance matters, and how he sees himself contributing to the school. I am by no means an expert, but this is my gut instinct-they (for whatever reason) want to see more love from your son, so he needs to show them the why.

I’d also contact the coach again and appraise him of the situation. Ask the coach for suggestions.

I had to take a day to be really mad at UMD for their stupid application gateway. Then I had to get over it and found out what D needed to do to make it ok. I’d send out feelers to all your contacts there and ask them for their input.

@RightCoaster Is there a possibility admissions doesn’t know about the discussions with the coach? I have no idea how all that works, but that might be something new you could include. As well as the other colorful stuff you mentioned. =))

@vandyeyes Would that still be an ED admittance you think? That’s an awesome twist, and one I’ve not heard of before! You mean, they really DO read essays?

@Mom2aphysicsgeek - So sorry about the boy. Sending hugs. =((


These are tough times and tough choices. I know a DC that had a dream school since 7 yrs. old. This school served as a great inspiration throughout the years. The DC wanted strongly a 2nd choice school, should the first not work out. The parents, feeling the 1st choice % wise was too much a true lottery, urged DC to ED 2nd school- which also isn’t a sure thing for anyone, but a truly great fit for DC. DC gets in ED. Now DC will never know if 1st school would have been possible. This process is so very complicated. Some go for it, some hedge, sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t.

Second guessing is so easy to do in this process. Parents (especially everyone on this thread) and children are working together to realize dreams, find great fits, and keep to their budgets - its emotion packed. But everyone has their best intentions for their DC (and even everyone else DC), and that’s what really counts. So many have poured in time, thought, effort, etc. Sometimes the results aren’t what we hoped for, but they will be our new reality. And we’ll get behind out DC, and behind this newly defined challenge, and it will be a bright new day. :smiley:

@RightCoaster I agree with @MACncheez on this one. It is very possible admissions doesn’t know about the coach chats. A kid that they want to offer a spot, versus one they are just talking to, can be a very different thing. We saw that in our soccer recruiting with one school, team wanted her but no official offer and she was denied despite being solidly in their middle 50, very possibly higher. She did not have the rigor in math and science that I think would have tipped the scales for that particular school(hers was just ok, not horrible but not great either) and so sometimes it can be stuff like that. I would have him mention/reinforce the sport but also reinforce that the school is atop choice regardless of getting to play or not. They may need to know that as well. And frankly that might also have been a large factor in D’s denial as it may well not have been a top choice were it not for the soccer opportunity.

@Mom2aphysicsgeek very very sorry about the little boy, so tragic. Hugs to you and your community.