Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

My daughter wants to double-major in neuroscience and peace & global studies. We’ve gone over curricula and it’s possible to do with the AP/DE credits she’s currently got, but it’s tight and who knows what will be scheduled against other stuff. We’ll see how it goes.

I took my boys to doctor’s office for shots.

Their 3rd and final shot for HPV and 2nd shot for Trumenba Meningitis b.
One more Trumenba in 4 months, and they are good for dorm life. :smiley:
Both boys were pretty sore after the last dose so I expect them to be sore for a couple days.

We watched Rogue One yesterday. RIP Carrie and Debbie :(( :((

@payn4ward – Hmmm - not sure our guys have gotten those all shots yet.

Still 1 more app to finish!! He has drafts of a few of the supps but more to go it seems!!

Got an important one done over break though. And had a telephone interview as well for a college he’s very interested in. Hope everyone is hanging in there!

DS18 going with DH to see Rogue One tonight - so sad about Carrie Fisher & Debbie Reynolds.

@CA1543 --and everyone else: the Meningitis B shots are starting to be required by schools. They are a series of vaccines so don’t wait until spring to start them!

Thank you for the reminder. I need to schedule the menegitis shot for S. He had the HPV series already.

thanks @carachel2 – I’ll check with the doctor next week.

Just wondering – do colleges “discount” applications submitted close to the deadline - seems DS is headed for that with the last one!

Stressing out with the 1/1 deadline here. No more apps, just stressed out about the deadline. :-?? :smiley:

@CA1543 I don’t think so. D sent a couple just before the deadlines and was still accepted with competitive merit. Quality matters more than timing.

@Dave_N @nocturne21 DD was not given an invite to compete for the Gabelli either so it’s off our list too.

Testing. Is this thing on?

Yes, it’s on :slight_smile:

Pretty quiet while we all WAIT…

Yeah, I’m back on I Swear Not To Talk About College Swear Jar (*tm) duty. Not much to report here until the end of the month.

I’m busy planning next semester’s courses. Ugh! We just realized that Dd is scheduled to be out of town on college campus in completely different directions of the country for 3 weekends in a row. I’m not sure how we didn’t realize the dates before today, but, yuck, just yuck. I have got to dig in and get on the ball with so many things going on simultaneously and I have volunteered to do a college workshop for parents during an ACT prep class for 3 public and 2 private high schools. (I am a little intimidated!)

At least I am distracted from focusing on dd’s life!

While anxiously waiting for uMich’s official acceptance package via mail, DD received an invitation to attend CoE’s leadership weekend. We had planned to book tickets for a February campus day. It is nice she can go with an arranged event instead!

Happy New Year!!!

D is still procrastinating on the last essay. She now promises that she’ll do it on Monday. She also has 2 interviews in the next week and a half.

@MotherOfDragons, the end of the month is tomorrow!

lol @mtrosemom I’m already mentally in January!

ha ha @mtrosemom I was thinking the same thing but I knew @MotherOfDragons probably meant end of January! I think many of us are ready for this year to end for various reasons - bring on January!

@whataboutcollege What is in an ‘official acceptance package’ have besides FA that you don’t know about? Anything? We haven’t gotten any yet, so just wondering.

@itsgettingreal17 ‘we’ have 2 interviews in the next 10 days too!