Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Future visits: This one is easy. D will visit any school that invites her for the bigMAC scholarship interview weekend or otherwise gives her the bigMAC outside of an on-campus interview weekend. She’s currently scheduled to visit one school at the end of January and revisit one on March or April. That’s it for now. We’re hoping for at least 3 others.

QOTD - DD has visited all but two schools on her list. She has been accepted at one of the two EA. A friend who attends invited her to visit for a weekend and DD will take her up on this offer in March. I am hoping DD has options in April so I am leaving the month wide open for visits.

Visits: We have a trip to Bama planned for MLK weekend in mid-January. I’ll be picking him up from his last test and heading straight to the airport. We should be hearing from his final school about that time too. We’re waiting to see how that weeked goes before we book anything else. He still has 3 he won’t have visited but I think he’s dropped them mentally.

I didn’t chime in earlier about number of apps and essays. He ended up applying to 10 schools and has been admitted to 9 with one pending. All 9 were expected admits, and I have no idea on the 10th. It’s a school that considers interest, and as far as I know his app is the only indication he’s given that he’s interested. I haven’t tallied up essays but the only duplicate was NM and CA. Only 3 apps were on CA and they all had supplements. Add in honors and scholarship apps, and it’s a high number. He just wrote 3 for a specific program a couple of days ago and sent them off while I was at work. I had no chance to see them, but what’s done is done. I’m sure they were authentic and the committee will know it’s his voice anyway. :))

QOTD - Yes we are leaving April wide open as well. We have one visit scheduled in late Feb. to an EA school where she was accepted, however, if she finally gets her EDII school application done (today) and gets admitted, we will have to cancel. If she doesn’t get in, I will likely encourage her to also visit the other two schools she has acceptances from, though I’m not sure she’ll want to. Then we wait again until April 1 to see if one of her second choices come through and then visit again.

I have to say I almost regret not having her apply ED1 over ED2, she’s doing this last application at the last minute and it’s her first choice school, I think we both would’ve preferred knowing one way or the other by now. I just wanted her to be sure and we were still visiting schools including this one after the ED1 deadline (so I guess in that sense I don’t regret it) but she’s so stressed about this last application!!

BTW, Good morning and Happy New year’s Eve!

D17 is 18 today! She was supposed to show up on Jan 19, but decided she wanted fireworks on her birthday :)>-

We despised doing the CSS Profile. Straight up were really offended by the intrusiveness of the questions.

I’m thinking of starting a 2018 parents thread for the 3.0-3.4 kid. I may lurk over on the 2017 one to see how to do it right.

Happy Birthday to DaughterOfMotherOfDragons! <:-P

Happy Birthday to your DD @MotherOfDragons !!!

Like @itsgettingreal17’s DD, my DD wants to visit schools who invite her to compete for scholarships. During Spring break, we plan to visit the top contenders before making final decisions (hope we have some good options so that she won’t regret of not doing ED).

For upcoming known interviews and visits, DD will have the Jefferson regional interview in mid Jan, and then the UMich leadership weekend in late Jan.

QOTD: We will visit schools S17 is admitted to based on his level of interest in April. He applied to 7 and 2 were safeties. The two fall off the list because he has his EA acceptance which checked all his boxes. Of the remaining 5, he has visited 4 and would visit the 5th only if he is interested in going there. The 5th is a LAC in the wrong state so I could be wrong but I suspect we never get to that campus. My hope would be that if accepted, he at least visits before making any decisions but I won’t push the issue if he crosses it off the list based on location.

ETA: S17’s EA school has admitted students day at the end of Jan. We opted not to attend because all of the RD schools are in close enough proximity (even the one in the wrong state) that we will wait for all decisions to come in during the spring.

@MotherOfDragons Happy birthday to your D17!
@MACncheez Congrats on the acceptances!

Happy Birthday to DD of @MotherOfDragons – have a fun day with fireworks and celebrations.

Happy New Year’s Eve to all - wish I could honestly say I am going to resolve to stop focusing so much on all the college stuff but DS18 is in the “cue” and a totally different kid & search even while we are still in the thick of it with DS 17!

@CA1543 She has a couple alumni interviews coming up in the next week or two, then a scholarship weekend at the end of January (@itsgettingreal17 I thought you had to move yours?) and the next weekend at CofC. We’re hoping for another interview weekend in Feb, but it’s a lottery so keeping expectations way low for that one.

QOTD: We have one more school we have not heard from or visited (three we haven’t heard from overall). We will only visit if accepted with MAC, and it would be high on her list. I do have to start looking at all the accepted students dates and figure things out. Thanks for the reminder!

HBD to D of @MotherOfDragons! Boy, she’s got a party-waiting-to-happen-birthday!

We may go to Top Scholars weekend at Tulane in March but it depends on whether she gets the scholarship or more financial aid to make the school affordable. It is one of the few schools she never visited prior to applying. We’re leaving April open for other visits but we won’t know where until we know where she gets in.

@MACncheez The tickets were non-refundable and the change fee was practically the price of the tickets, so no go. They said it was fine. She’s missing the scholars breakfast and we’ll have to entertain ourselves during the exam, but those are the only changes to the schedule.

@MotherOfDragons Happy Birthday to your D! What a fun birthday.


She only applied to 4 schools (confident of acceptance at 3, confident of autoBigMAC at 1 of the 3 and good autoMAC at 2 others—yay for Language Flagships housed at large state flagships!)

She has 3 acceptances, all the auto merit type. She has visited 2 of the 3 and can see herself, in detail, at both.

She has visited the one outstanding. She will attend the scholarship weekend if invited (lol). The school is unaffordable without the Big money.


Nope, no more visits.

One total lottery scholarship interview weekend possible but we won’t even know if she is invited until late January.early Feb. Looks like the school has paid for some of the interview visits in the past and then also not paid for some of the interviews. Hard to know.


Plenty of visits left for us. It feels like we have done lots of college visits, but there are still 5 (out of 10) on S17’s list that he has not seen. He is visiting Alabama in mid-January and then Michigan State at the end of January. Then he will hope for invitations to more scholarship interview weekends. If he doesn’t get any more invitations he will probably visit the state flagship for an admitted students day, although he doesn’t think he wants to go there.

@carachel2 The way this season is going, I bet they don’t pay for the visits this year ~X( :(|)

@ilikesporks --for REALz.

They spent it all on “Create a Day” invites to lure OOS kids to the school so they can pay OOS tuition :((

Not to mention all the money they’re spending on cool marketing. D received another really cool piece yesterday.

We got something from Pitt over break, but D is kind of boycotting them now and did not open it. Was it made of $ @itsgettingreal17? :smiley:

@MotherOfDragons – birthdays should really be much more about the moms than the kids, so happy Birth day to you!

And wishing everyone here a very happy 2017! <:-P