Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Shifting from blue lights for a moment - As DS17 prepares to send his last app in – I am starting to think about DS 18th college search hearing up. Do you all mind if I ask a question -(hope not - I trust you all) - that relates to our next college process - for DS18? He is a strong B student at a competitive private school (NY suburb). So far a 31 ACT composite - will try to improve some. Totally different than DS17 . DS18 is a writer, like hip hop/rap music, takes film/video making classes - has 3 APs this year and solid math (will at least get to AB Calc). He says he prefers cities and not really small classes - 15-25 or 35 could be good for him. Smart but not really competitive. Could do well in marketing - natural salesperson and pretty funny too. NYU might be a possibility and I am wondering where else to look - he seems not to want to be across the county from home. Boston U maybe? Would love help with a few suggestions. He is not a “grind out” work type – thrives on interacting with others. Eats healthy - no drugs or alcohol (so far thank God!)

Thanks in advance!

oops - sorry for the typos above!

@CA1543 - Your DS18 sounds a lot like my D17 very good friend — He is attending PITT next year and is so excited. Might be a good match for your son??? D applied and has been accepted but will likely not attend due to location (she no longer wants a city campus) – but it is a great school in a livable, walkable, friendly city.

@CA1543 How about GW? The location and campus vibe are both very nice!

@CA1543 Yes, NYU, BU, Emerson College all have good film depts. You said no cross county, but there’s LA and lots there too!

I was going to suggest Pitt as well.

Thanks for suggestions so far – DS17 got into Pitt but we have not yet visited - will try to get there soon. It is not too big and classes not huge? GW - friend’s daughter is there --I’ll ask her about it!! I lived in DC and really liked it - DC, Boston, NY, NJ, CT & Philly area all easy commutes.

@CA1543 Philly is also a very fun artsy city and not too far, I guess just depends what he’s leaning toward… if he’s not sure, I guess a school with lots of options!

@CA1543 for film studies Temple might also be an option


Pratt Institute for being artsy urban medium sized and on the east coast.

Temple, RIT, U Rochester, SUNY, CUNY, Syracuse, U Miami, George Mason, UCF, FSU, and American U have film studies.

@CA1543 I did a rough road map for D for Pitt and many of the classes are surprisingly very small (business, linguistics-Arabic, Spanish). There were only a few large classes, and those were 120 students (intro business classes). Most classes were around 10-30 students.

@itsgettingreal17 – thanks - that’s better than I would have thought for sure. appreciate the info.

Regarding DS18 – I should mention - he could be comfortable in Cal - LA or Northern - family is there, New Orleans (family & friends) and Miami - we have a home nearby – but otherwise a 3-5 hr drive from NY will appeal to him the most.

@CA1543 – in NE corridor, NYU really jumps out as you know. Depending on where stats end up, maybe check RISD/Brown? And if willing to go to SoCal, lots of programs there (USC, UCLA). Also Tulane has some kind of joint program with USC, I think, in case he would be into that combo.

@CA1543 Tulane?

@What!!! – Tulane is a real possibility – I would look forward to taking him to see it - as a New Orleans native and law school grad from Tulane!! Thanks much!

D found out she was accepted to Gonzaga a bit unusually. The day after we got home she checked her college email and opened an “invitation to apply to Gonzaga honors.” She’s been getting these from several schools that haven’t sent decisions, so didn’t think too much of it. But the email started “Congratulations on your admission to Gonzaga University!..” The portal didn’t show anything new, so I drove up the road to get our mail and there was indeed a big, fancy Gonzaga acceptance packet! It was especially nice to see after the two deferrals.

Regarding Bama,

I love your take on GT and UGA and Alabama (the state as well as the school)! H and I met at GT (wasn’t a good fit for me either) and it sounds like things have not changed. I think I was almost abducted on campus one time (don’t worry, I’m sure they have one of those crime-fighting blue-light systems now…)

I co-op’ed in Huntsville and the drive from there to Atlanta definitely went through Deliverance country (a few scary and creepy moments).

H’s brother went to UGA where there is a long family history. He is a loyal alum and gloats whenever UGA beats GT in various sports, but H doesn’t care – we were both just glad to get out of that place.

(No offense intended to those looking at Tech – it’s a great school for the right kid. Plus, as an alum I feel I have a right to mock them!)

@stencils, a few years ago a bear wandered onto CU-Boulder’s campus, climbed a tree and wouldn’t come down, so he had to be tranquilized. A picture of the bear falling from the tree became an internet meme for a while (he was safely released into the wild). Kind of a cool story and pic:

All of you talking about “Deliverance” country–you need to watch “Tucker and Dale vs. Evil.” Sooo funny!

@snoozn Congratulations on your D’s acceptance to Gonzaga!! Good start for the new year!

@CA1543 I would add Wesleyan University if S18 is willing to look in CT. It’s not an urban campus but my S17 liked it there and was going to apply up until EA decisions came out and he cut it based purely on location.

Someone mentioned RISD/Brown. My understanding is it is highly selective with only 15 students accepted each year.