Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@phoenixmomnof2 Very thoughtful of your DS to drop a school that he knows he won’t attend everyone’s DC will appreciate that. I will talk to my DS about doing the same!!


One unofficial drop, Ithaca College for price reasons. He has at least one other overpriced option he likes better. Sigh. 2 schools still to hear from, should hear from both by 2/15 (and both are high on his list) though we may not have all the financial packages by then. We also need to tour all of the OOS schools, which will be done by early march and then will compare all. It is possible one more of the schools gets dropped between now and then, depending on if we see their financial offer or not, it is very much on the bubble at the moment. Hoping for at least one more decent offer, at the moment it’s really the financial safety and one other school and the gap between those is large. Livable but large. Everything else is a tad outside my comfort zone at the moment. Pending other scholarships though at 3 so it’s really hard to say and he may try to leverage the better offer at other schools. Again, hard to say.

No plans to notify any time soon though, you never know, there could be a fire sale. We won’t request additional merit at Ithaca but may see if they try to come back with anything else.

** QQTD ** One unofficial drop, his safety school… At this point my son has two acceptances. And while the safety school is much less expensive than his other option. If it came down to just the two I’d send him to UofO over Humboldt State without a question. Tons of reasons why… but basically because of the level of rigor of Humboldt & the lack of depth of it’s program and the schools overall inaccessibility.

@Dave_N did your D apply to Elizabethtown College? They have a 5 yr BS/MS OT program. And a Stamps scholarship.

And Duquesne has a 6 yr OTD program. They used to give a maximum merit amount of $20k, if your D got merit from Pitt she might be in line for that.

"Dear BigMACHunter,

Considering Carolina? You have a few more days to apply. The first-year final deadline has been extended through the holiday weekend to provide you with additional time to submit your application. If you haven’t yet applied, be sure to submit your application on the Common App website by Monday, January 16, 2017 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time.

Only your portion of the online application must be submitted by the deadline. Other materials, including your transcripts, school reports, teacher recommendation, and test scores, may arrive after the deadline. Learn more about The First-Year Application. "

Dd has officially dropped 4 from consideration:
Temple (not enough merit and I didn’t want her to apply in the first place),
UKy (the Russian dept is very small and she decided she has better options)
University of Evansville (nothing against the school, good merit, just doesn’t seem interested), and
Truman (unenthusiastic responses from professors and just a long way away, so she lost interest).


Nothing dropped!

7 applied, 2 accepted with one full tuition. Waiting on 5!!!

Question. Except for being accepted ED and needing to official remind applications. Why officially drop any EA/RD acceptance? When my D did this we just waited till late April, accepted the school she wanted to attend and didn’t respond to everywhere else. (I think she did send a email to the second runner up… where she charmed the Ad Com) I don’t see a reason not to keep even a safety that’s unlikely in the hand until the last minute. I guess don’t know what we would be holding onto it for… just in case my kid totally changes his mind at the last minute.

I guess it might help some other student get accepted who might otherwise be put on a waitlist.

@Dave_N Why do you prefer the Singletary at UKy over the Patterson? Isn’t the scholarship amount the same or a little more for the Patterson. D interviewed for the Singletary only because not NMSF. Also, decisions will be released re: Singletary by mid-February.

@curiositycat333 We plan to let the colleges know as soon as we are 100% sure it’s not an option. I think it is courteous to make room others. That said, we may hold on to the state safety a bit longer - you never know if financial circumstance might change. Kids on waiting lists often don’t find out until the summer and I would think by then, they’ve probably already moved on. So I figure if it might give another student a chance to attend a school higher on their list, prior to the typical deadlines, we will notify asap.

QOTD - Accept or Drop? S17 has 7 accepts and is waiting on 3 more.

Still in the running.
Colorado State - In State (In City) Safety that he applied to and got in with Merit and Honors. By far the cheapest option but he really wants to go OOS. We are keeping it on the plate.
Miami of Ohio - He got a good MAC scholarship which makes it #2 in affordability. We have never visited it and he was lukewarm to even apply. He has since gotten more excited about it and we scheduled a visit.
Butler - He got a good MAC there as well. Cost is higher than Miami or CSU but still possible.
San Diego State - No MAC yet. My alma mater. He is applying to the Honors College which may come with MAC. Otherwise it is $15k more than CSU per year.
Minnesota - Waiting on MAC. Without MAC, too expensive and Miami wins.
Ohio State - Waiting on MAC. Also, their Marching Band does not march woodwinds and he plays the Clarinet. This could be a deal breaker for him.

Unofficially dropped.
Baylor University - They gave him the largest MAC of any school but their COA is still high. With merit, it is still $85k more over 4 years.

Still waiting to hear.
Wisconsin - His favorite school but I have read that they are very stingy with MAC for OOS. Without MAC it is more than double CSU.
UConn - We won’t hear until March from them. Possible MAC but also very high COA.
Vabderbilt - Will need to come with LOTS of MAC. Their COA is >$62k per year.

D’17 prefers the Singletary because right now she in interested in its extra obligations. I believe the cohort participates in some service opportunities and classes that the Patterson cohort doesn’t.

I could be wrong, but I expect the packages to be roughly equal for a NMF who is selected as a Singletary winner.

@Fishnlines29 I guess that makes sense. I think for my D12 we just didn’t really know for certain until mid-April. Wanted to hold onto the in-state safety till after she visited her top choice again.

And I guess if my S17 did get into his other ‘low’ cost choice Cal Poly, it would feel OK to send his safety a official no. But my son is really saying he wants to wait until he gets all acceptances till he makes any decision for sure. And that won’t happen until at least late March.

@jpc763 Were you looking at Madison? U of WI in Madison was in D’s top list a few months ago, she still hasn’t applied and I don’t think she’s going to :frowning: Sad because they are top rated in the program she wants. I think she’s just so hung up of having to be in a large city. what a great college town Madison is though! Beautiful

@curiositycat333 And I think that’s perfectly fine. You need to be 100% certain!

We are in IL. You’d think UW-M would give us some reciprocity, but no. IL is in too dire of straights, financially, and UW-M is in a cool town, whereas UIUC is…not. :smiley: No merit likely from either, so we have looked entirely out of state.

@mommdc, no daughter didn’t apply to etown. She (and S’14) had an unofficial rule that they would not apply to any college smaller than their high school which has about 4000 students. I think it is silly, but that’s what they did. Conversely, they didn’t want to apply to a school where 100s of their classmates will attend.

Perhaps it is fodder for the “stupidest reason a college is crossed off the list” thread, but that is what they chose.

@jpc763 I called UW-M this summer and asked about merit.Dd was very interested bc they have a critical language flagship. They are commited to their instate students and need-based aid, not merit.

QOTD: No acceptances yet, so nothing to drop.

Invisibility: I’m guessing DS would get into that prompt.

@Dave_N wrote: “One of D’17’s best essays, in my opinion, was about a technology that should have never been invented.” Where was that for? Chicago had a similar prompt but removed it, though I guess they are pretty flexible with “use your own prompt.” DS had an essay about his hope that P=NP (a CS thing) would never be proved true. He couldn’t get it to the point where an adcom could understand it in 250 words, so that essay was abandoned.

Maybe I’d use my invisibility to travel the world for free ;:wink: