Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@payn4ward so happy for you that things are going better. Modern health science is amazing!

Games: Exploding Kittens is the new house favorite. Set is another classic card game. Ticket To Ride and Quoridor are also popular right now. The card version of the classic computer game Oregon Trail wasn’t a hit in our house though. Game play was kind of slow and I always die of dysentery or snake bite. :slight_smile:

When DD has lots of friends over, Telestrations always comes out. It’s a cross between Pictionary and old-fashioned telephone tag, and the results are always hysterical.

Just dropped DD15 at the airport for her trip across country, back to school. Going through Atlanta. First flight on-time… 2nd flight already 90 minutes delayed. I told her that’s always better than cancelled. :slight_smile:

DS17 is one week into Senior year and the Senioritis is in full swing! Every morning this week was a challenge to get him out the door. UGH, this will be a long semester. Semester 1 grades came out yesterday and his were terrific! This is great news for him since he was deferred from his 1st choice school. He had a group of friends over and I heard them chatting about 2nd Semester grades. “Oh, colleges don’t see those.” “Yes, they do.” I stepped in and said that they COULD be rescinded based on final grades depending on the school. They seemed surprised. I used the CC mantra - No Ds, No Fs, No Felonies. I don’t think any of those will happen to this group who were comparing As and A-s in Physics C and Calc BC. (One kid an MIT admit.) But, I AM expecting a couple of Bs on DS’s report card come June.

Not to mention that 2nd flight delayed is way better than 1st flight delayed, especially with the tight connection times at least my itineraries always seem to have!

@BigMACLovin Just learned that, in addition to checking spam folder, I should be regularly checking “Trash” folder. S has a habit of speed trashing emails without actually reading them. Grrr.

@STEM2017, D deletes from her trash, double grrr.

@Ynotgo some of those old Illuminati cards are very valuable today :slight_smile:

@DMV301 if you have an xbox, you can play illuminati on it. D17 actually prefers that to the card game when she doesn’t have enough humans around her. I’ll watch her play occasionally against the AI, it’s fascinating.

Oh, and if you have a Steam account, there’s a new one called Tabletop, which simulates just about every board game out there from the past up to now. Including really expensive ones like Zombicide. D17 asked us to get it because she wants to continue to be able to play board games with us when she’s at college. I nearly burst into tears when she asked me to buy it but kept it together and now we all have it. She was playing Battleship with H a few days ago just to test it out. :slight_smile:

We’re iced in here this morning-they pushed the Smite World Championship off to 1 pm today, but D17 doesn’t think she’s going to risk driving down there to see it. Which is good that she decided this because there’s no way we’d let her drive on black ice, anyway. FIRST Robotics kickoff at Tech was also cancelled, and D18 is super bummed that they won’t get the robot parts until tomorrow at the earliest.

@dfbdfb wrote

Have you seen the Seth MacFarlane movie “A Million Ways To Die In The Old West” ? If you haven’t you need to. You’d dig it.

Tomorrow morning, if the weather cooperates, all four of us are going to try and see Hidden Figures for the sunday morning matinee (cheap and usually empty).

@OCNYmom wrote

I am so relieved you didn’t do that!

@STEM2017 D17 speed reads through her emails and I get so mad! I’m like, your poor mother likes to read each line carefully!

I can’t wait for school to start again for me-I’m SO restless! I’m working on a few art pieces right now, but I miss the interaction with other artists. I’m going to have to remember that I need that when I get my degree and I’m out job hunting…

@MotherOfDragons oh man, I just let D out the door on her way to work (after a long debate on whether I should drive her)- it’s 20 degrees and snowing arrgh


Just played a game of “The Awful Green Things from Outer Space” >-) with DS17. It’s a new edition of a classic Tom Wham game from the early 80’s. Hmmm…time for a new picture!

Pandemic is a very popular cooperative board game, with the players working together to keep 4 deadly diseases at bay. The kids liked it, and it’s simply enough for kids 8+ or older to play.

@dfbdfb wrote:

Please join me in the “five letters game” thread. You would slay us all.

@OCNYmom , since your daughter prefers urban areas and co-ops, she will probably be happier at a Drexel or Northeastern than at Cornell anyway. Silver linings…

Email: I think I shared months ago that some of dd’s colleges switched her email acct from the one that she registered with to her CB email when they received her scores. No idea why and she just left it them that way. Well, with Yahoo!'s big debacle mid-Dec, that email acct became inaccessible. Her password stopped working. It was autolog in on her laptop and on our desktop. Yahoo wouldn’t help her reclaim it (no access to the cell phone she had as a verification). So, any email from schools going to that acct is gone. Good thing they are schools she has dropped from her list.

@dfbdfb Rail Baron is excellent!

Loving the board game suggestions. We haven’t played many but D is planning on taking some popular ones to college.

@phoenixmomof2 I’ve learned that senioritis isn’t a bad thing for intense kids. S17 wanted to give me a heads up the week before Christmas break that he was suffering from severe senioritis. He was letting me know this because it was a heavy test week and a major chinese presentation was due. I gave him the speech about how slacking can come back to haunt him but also told him he did have some wiggle room (all A+ and As will be appearing on the mid-year report) and I’ve already done the math and know just how far he can push it before those averages would fall from their current grade. He took those exams, did his presentation and has since taken additional exams and each exam has come back with a 97 or 98. I realized that for intense kids senioritis equals less stress which means he is going into these exams very relaxed and acing them. I hope your son and his friends enjoy the same version of senioritis.

I am hopeful for a bit of senioritis here. No more grinding it to get a 97-98 when a 90 or heck even an 85 will do fine. D’s schedule conflicted so much that she couldn’t take AP Gov or DC gov so she’s taking a regular online high school gov and just has to take the test.I’m worried about the procrastination side of senioritis and have had to kind of create a swear jar to stop bugging her just to get it done. But other than that…so far so good.

@paveyourpath That’s funny, D also gave me a “heads up” she was having a severe case of senioritis. I handled it same as you and can’t blame her.

@carachel2 Are they exempting the online class from GPA?

@itsgettingreal17 --YES! It’s a win/win. Anything taken outside of school walls does not help or hurt GPA. That includes DC classes also.

Once she takes the test she will officially have an off period so she’s pumped about that also.

Top rank was never crazy important to her but now that it’s down to the wire it would be crazy to let one class keep her out!

Our semester won’t end until next week. Then it’s time to learn more about some of the schools D17 has been accepted to. For her. She’s relying on ‘feel’ or ‘vibe’ right now, which I think is valid. Going through opportunities and class descriptions wouldn’t hurt.

VCU extending deadline from Jan 15 to Jan 17 due to weekend and holiday.

I’m sending them a 2018 calendar for future planning.