Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

aw crap D just realized she forgot to schedule a skype interview with the olin alum, and she’s been sitting on that email for a month. I don’t know how you guys with kids who apply to 20 keep it all straight. Even with Google Keep and my college chat, we’re still missing things.

In other news, D18 crashed her car (and D17’s car) so H and I are on pickup and dropoff duty until it’s fixed. D is fine, poor car is not.

Lots of people are asking us about college-it’s like there’s a baby gestating and we’re just waiting, waiting, waiting…

oh my gosh @MotherOfDragons - glad to hear your daughter is ok! That must have been a scary call…

I’m sure I did my fair share of talking about colleges while we are looking, but now while the baby is brewing, I really wish people would stop asking me!! lol.

@MotherOfDragons Laughing so hard my water just broke.

@MotherOfDragons With a spreadsheet and a whole lot of nagging is how we do it. :))

Some good news during the lull, D was invited to the presidential scholarship weekend at Saint Louis U.

Onward and upward…

Nice news @Dave_N!

@Fishnlines29 My D’s BU Portal doesn’t show that. I’m guessing that once you have all items in it will not display for you either. She doesn’t have any items “missing” so now basically no information whatsoever is displayed.

It might not be the “Worse Portal Ever” but of the 15 schools that D has applied it’s the bottom of the barrel. Columbia is yet to be determined because it they will not show materials status until 2/8 but it seems much friendlier than BU’s and at least they give you a date of when you can see what materials have been received.

@Dave_N congrats! Is that a guarantee of some kind of scholarship with a chance for big MAC?

@Dave_N Super news! Good luck to her during the scholarship weekend!

Congrats to your D, @Dave_N! Which weekend do they hold the interviews at SLU?

Great News @Dave_N – good luck! @MotherOfDragons – hope Olin will still be ok - it is all a bit daunting even after the apps are in - a fair amount to monitor and follow up on. And many of our kids are very busy with that thing called “school”.

@Dolemite, no guarantee of any new merit, but she’s been awarded the Vice Presidential Scholarship already. They also subsequently bumped that award up for all recipients.

The weekend also serves as kind of a general recruitment weekend. Many more invited than awards, 20:1 I think. But it will be useful to get a feel for the campus while in session. Our visit was during a break.

@our2girls, she is interviewing for the Presidential during President’s Day weekend. Karmic? We can only hope…

@CA1543 yeah, it just literally slipped her mind. Her first email back to the alum said “sorry for the late reply I was busy with school” and I said “probably not good to have excuses, just say sorry and is the interview still available” since everyone is busy (and I hate excuses). So we’ll see-it’s such a longshot anyway that she’s mad at herself for forgetting, but not heartbroken about it.

Third day back at school for me, this semester is looking to be insane for work. I should just put on a paint covered smock now and not take it off for the next five months. @-) I should be working now-no more procrastinating…

@Dolemite it’s now the same as yours. I guess I would find it frustrating if I was trying to send in supplemental stuff to BU and not knowing if they were received or not. Fortunately my son17 is a pretty cookie cutter applicant and we didn’t have to send much in.

At this point, I’m not really expecting him to get in, although he has legacy status there so that might help a bit. He might get in at full freight and I’m not sure BU is worth it TBH. Son17 did like it a lot though, but I could see him getting run over by a train or cab because he’s so oblivious. I’d rather send him to the burbs or sticks vs city.

@RightCoaster My basic point is that you can’t really give too much information and I don’t see the benefit of withholding information that can easily be displayed.

@Dolemite The only portal I’ve seen that lists the college transcripts we had sent (officially) is USCal. Others typically say on the portal page something about only the required items being in the checklist. We’ve sent 4 college transcripts to each of 19 colleges. Ouch! I guess I didn’t even think of the possibility of colleges accepting unofficial transcript uploads.

@Dolemite, yes I see your point. Quite frankly none of the portals make me feel totally confident about the info they’ve received. D even had one school with no portal, no email, no nothing! Crazy. I forgot to tell you that D decided NOT to apply to Columbia after visiting - she didn’t like the vibe, which is unfortunate because she wanted to go there since she was 10 and has legacy status! TBSS It would be a long shot for her anyway.

@Dolemite I agree with your thoughts on the “why not show exactly what you got”; we found Brown to have the same issue…it was never clear that they had received the SAT2 scores in addition to the ACT…S17 was early to complete his stuff so he even emailed to verify he was looking at portal correctly and to verify receipt. They emailed back “too busy to verify receipt given the volume of applicants”…nice ^:)^

CMU’s portal said they were missing his scores sent in September. He called them this morning, and they just emailed to say that they had found the scores and linked them to his application. I agree that we’d like to see which scores they have, not just a checkmark on most portals, because we sent SAT, SAT IIs, and an ACT.