Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@LoveTheBard All apps submitted on time. She did get a bit of a jolt when she went to submit the Honary Scholars Program last night. She had never selected the area she was applying and didn’t know a prompt would pop up when she selected it. Fortunately it was about the easiest prompt she’s had and cranked out the essay today.

Does anyone really think that today’s ‘Last Day to Apply’ email from Case is the last we will hear from them?

From ‘Grown and Flown’ on FB,
"My fantasy: colleges apply to parents for the privilege of having a student attend their school.

Colleges send me essays, transcripts, financials and even come to my home for an interview all trying to sell me on why I should spend money at their institution. I charge each one $100 dollars for the privilege.

My husband and I are the admissions committee chaired by my son and we review their applications and make a decision……

We notify them by mail in 3 months.

And if they put a new kitchen or bathroom in my home I will give them extra consideration.

From a Reader."

Sleepovers- my house is the gathering house, and I love that! My daughter always has a houseful of teenaged girls here, my teens both have their boyfriend/girlfriend here all the time, I love knowing where they are and keeping track of everyone.

We still need to do the honor college application for Drexel, I think that’s my last thing to fill out… oh wait no, a local scholarship I still need my daughter to write an essay for too.

@Mom2aphysicsgeek thanks for the reminder! Two of the three schools are auto-merit, so additional merit shouldn’t change things, but at the third school it might be affected. I’ll check.

@payn4ward Seriously, I have advocated for this to be the way we look at the entire college admissions process! Our children are the commodities, and THEY should be coming to US for consideration. It’s a business, after all, so why aren’t families allowed to treat this as a business transaction? It oils take all the emotion and drama out of the equation.

DS17 has no date nor the desire to ask any. He might just go alone. His usual friend has got a date. Uh oh.
We do after prom at YMCA until 5AM. I will volunteer if DS goes. He may not go after prom as I’ve never seen him awake past midnight or past 1AM last 17.5 years. :))

@stencils We love to host the overnights as well! S17 is an only child and we have plenty of room so his friends are happy to come here. My husband is a good sport and takes dinner/ breakfast orders upon their arrival. He has forms with the menu ready to go and is literally grilling dinner or making breakfast for hours but loves every minute of it. The boys get a kick out of it and are very appreciative. It’s only going to make them heading off to college that much harder on us. We are hopeful that at least one of the boys will end up in the same city as S17. They really look out for each other.

On another note, two of S17s friends were deferred from Georgia Tech yesterday. The apps submitted by these two kids were highly competitive. Apparently, from checking in on the cc decisions thread, the competition at GT was off the charts. This feels like a roller coaster ride. I hate roller coaster rides.

Another comment about the sleepovers. In less than a year, they’re going to be on their own, and they’re going to have to make their own decisions. We have friends who are perfectly happy for their D to make mistakes while they’re home. They think it’s better for her to make mistakes now, as opposed to later when she’s away at college.

Now, I’m not sure I agree with them completely - but I do see their point of view.

I was gone a couple of days and wow! Congrats to those with good news. Hug to those without.

Prom - S may go this year, but they do not have an after anything. And their “prom” is called the spring formal. So no pressure.

S has not joined any group me/FB groups for schools he’s been accepted to. He may when he chooses or may not. He’s not a social media kid.

He still has a couple more honors college apps left, but mostly were just waiting to hear now for his RD apps.

Happy Blue Monday! Don’t think too much college admissions today :slight_smile:

No blues here today! It’s a holiday! Although, I have to catch up on work today before my business trip tomorrow.

@payn4ward Love your dream!

@socalmom007 I’m also waiting for D to fill out the Honors App for Drexel. I was hoping she’d get to it this weekend. Apparently not!

@thshadow Yep, me too, but I told her she’s still under 18, when she goes to college she’ll ‘just’ be 18.


From Case this morning…

Very nice of them.

Long time lurker - first time poster - using daughter’s account since she doesn’t.

D17 is middle child, S15 is at Miami Univ (Oh), S19 - I swear he will be the one that does things the way they should!

D17 initially had a list of schools based on her desire for size, warmth, small town, academics, school spirit. We toured Villanova, Delaware, Maryland, Richmond, Virginia Tech, Gettysburg, James Madison, Lehigh last year. Knocked some off for preppiness - she does NOT like preppy. She started dating, still is - same guy. September all of our college plans got tossed aside because suddenly she didn’t want to go far - we are in CT. We had to revamp the entire college list and it got difficult because it seems there are TONS of tiny colleges around us and she didn’t want the small school and no sports thing that many of them offer. Kids go to a private HS of about 400 kids and have always been in small, Catholic schools, she’s tired of the ‘family’ environment and wanted larger - she doesn’t want to know everyone amd is tired of the constant drama involved in a smaller environment!

She ended up applying to and was accepted to UVM, UNH, Indiana Bloomington (far away but has the town environment and sports she wants), Delaware, Scranton (doesn’t have the town but she could play Volleyball here - 2 hrs away), SUNY Binghamton and Qunnipiac (BF goes here) - she is waiting to hear on Lehigh, Northeastern, Pittsburgh. In the Fall, I attempted to get her to visit since out of the schools applied to and accepted to, she has only seen Delaware, QU and Lehigh. No go - she’s been flaky (thankful she doesn’t use this account), indecisive, nervous about the whole college thing so she’s just avoided it.Oh, and she has been flaky on majors; was Psychology, then Neuroscience, back to Psychology but on a forensics track which is where she started out at and has always been a passion.

Now she has these acceptances in, I want her to visit, each was chosen because they fit something with her wish list - she loves art, museums, small towns, adventure, wandering around, concerts, football, basketball, wants to rush. She has been invited to get involved with group-me and Facebook, etc - but is only chatting with Delaware kids. She won’t admit to me, but everything she says and does it seems she has decided Delaware is ‘the one’.

Here’s my quandary - I can’t get passed that you can’t make an informed decision without knowing all of the facts. Right now, she feels Delaware is #1 - but she saw it. She loved Lehigh, but it was a financial reach so… My worry is that after Freshman year and the excited of a few parties and all, what does she do the next 3 years? There are no art museums in Newark, it’s not a town she can go wander around through, it will be all about how involved she becomes in campus, but knowing her, will that one street in Delaware be enough for her for 4 years? It might, but I would like to see her put the effort into at least 2 or 3 other schools so she can compare what’s available.

We had given up our Spring Break plans to ensure she stepped foot on all the major campuses and did the accepted student days prior to making her choice due May 01 - but watching her, seeing what she’s doing, I feel she has made a decision already and is showing that with the time and attention she is giving to getting to know the kids from Delaware while not making any effort elsewhere.

Not sure what to do with her. Glad she is finally really, really interested and doing things without being asked, but wish she would spread the attention around. I’ve asked her to check out each of the schools, give 30 minutes to an hour to reading, looking, watching you tube videos and give me 2 or 3 other schools that could be options that we can visit so at least she can make an informed choice. The flip side of that is I don’t want to expend the time, energy and money to visit places if she has her mind made up and won’t budge. I know my daughter, know how she works so I feel she has already made a choice, albeit a very ill-informed one. But then I also am quite concerned that knowing my daughter, things offered at some of these other school, reasons why they were included in the mix, while not seeming important now, are going to become quite important after the fact.

Advice? BTW, close to the finish line with D17 and S19 got his first 4 pieces of college junk mail on Saturday. Yeah!

@thshadow wrote

One of the reasons that I would keep the sleepover girls-only is that while I know the Ds’ friends who are guys well (and would trust them to sleep over), I don’t know the female friends’ boyfriends-if I had a house full of girls that I knew who brought their BF’s who I didn’t know, that would be an issue for me, because I can’t assume that those other girls will behave appropriately with their boyfriends, or that their boyfriends would behave.

Congratulations @CA1543 and @thermom and also others who have good news :slight_smile:
Welcome @VBhitter21
Good news at our house as well, DC got into GA tech engineering. No scholarship info yet so not sure if we can pull it . But its really good for DC morale.

Not a holiday for us just for kids

Not sure what happens here after prom; but after graduation here they have the overnight lockdown event at local bowling alley.It is chaperoned by parents who are not senior parents. Hoping DC will actually go to prom this year

I don’t have access to my DS17’s email (unless I get on his computer when he’s not home), so I don’t see his emails. With all of the talk about emails from colleges and extensions, I asked him. He told me Case is annoying with emails and “some college called Kenyon”. Haha! Shows you how much research he did into colleges (reminder, 2 schools on his list - one is my and H’s alma mater). Had never even heard of Kenyon (in AZ so no regional knowledge).

Prom - he’ll go. Not sure if he’ll ask anyone or go with a group of friends. I’ll offer to have people over after but we are a no underage drinking house, so I don’t know if they’ll take us up on it. My DS doesn’t drink, none of his friends do much either. But it’s prom, so I expect there will be parties. Maybe they’ll take me up on breakfast at 2am. I would allow an overnight for my DS but that’s because I’d rather that than on the road on prom night. But, I also my DS and his friends. Not big partiers.

Working on deferral, letter of continued interest. GC has already sent mid-year report.

Nothing else going on besides waiting…

@VBhitter21 Welcome.

@phoenixmomof2 Oh, I like that suggestion, an offer of breakfast after the party. I’m pretty sure D will just be going with girlfriends, but not sure just yet. Either way, I’d like her home after so that’s a good idea. Though I’d have to drink a quad espresso to stay up that late!

Welcome @VBhitter21

That’s completely normal. The whole college thing fills kids with anxiety. Focusing on one choice and getting enthusiastic about that college is one way to cope with the insecurities. Then again, maybe she just really, really likes Delaware. :slight_smile:

All you can do is try to get her to consider the other schools, but at the end of the day, you do want her excited about her choice. Otherwise be prepared for 4 years of “I coulda, I shoulda, I woulda…”.

I wouldn’t worry too much about major. Most kids do switch their major at least once, while in college. Psychology is one kids switch into or out of all of the time…

Good Luck!

@VBhitter21 I think some of us have struggled with the same issue, but ultimately it’s their decision and sometimes it’s based on a gut feeling. It sounds like she has some great options, but all you can do is encourage her and talk through some of your concerns about DE but it sounds like she really liked it there. My D left two campus tours within the first 10 minutes of our visit. One she hated and one she loved and applied to.