Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

QOTD: No idea. He/we switch every day. It’s kind of a game here. “What’s your college of the day?” We ask. The answer is always different.

BTW, this could be the strangest day in the history of our country.

Not saying it’s good or bad…just surreal.

D saved every submitted essay by school name. So, e.g., she has one doc for IU that is saved as IU SSA Essays, another for IU Fry Essays, and another for IU Wells Essays. These are separate from her google docs. We have a folder where we keep all submitted materials, including applications (if saving was an option).

QOTD–S only applied to 3 schools, and is down to 2 that he’s still interested in, both are acceptances. One is instate, and will be VERY affordable with existing merit $. He’s applying to the Honors College and the 3+3 law program there, and those results could sway his decision. The other is my school, and presently it’s a bit of a financial reach because it’s OOS. He has some merit $ there, and there are other potential private scholarships he’s up for that could make it feasible. I think he likes the program there better than the instate program, but they’re close.

He still hasn’t heard from the other instate school he applied to even though he applied EA, and it was basically a match/safety. I’ve never had him check their portal because after he was accepted by the other 2, he had no interest in school #3 anymore, although I’d be shocked if he’s not accepted there. But anyway, there are way more pressing things (like Calculus!) for him to do than stress over and bug a school that he has no intention of attending.

Thanks all for the kind wishes. I didn’t know the boy at all, but his suicide has left the whole community feeling rattled. There is a big banner at the HS now with photos of him in his scout uniform and it’s all just terribly sad. Certainly has made me stop stressing about where D is going to school next year, that’s for sure. I just want to hug her and enjoy the time we still have at home together.

QOTD: D has no idea where she’s going. She was denied at lottery ED school, which was expected. She has 1 acceptance in hand to Stony Brook, which is a good option, especially if she can do their Women in Science & Engineering program. She’s really waiting on her 9 RD apps though. 5 of those are pretty selective LACs but she doesn’t have anything at the lottery level her ED school was. The other 4 are safeties of varying degrees with MAC possibilities, but she didn’t apply anywhere that she has zero interest in. She just has to see what happens!


QOTD: No idea. D17 has 7 acceptances so far, 1 has been cut for financial reasons, awaiting 3 additional decisions. She has a top contender among the 6 acceptances still in play, and has strong interest in at least 2 of the 3 schools she’s still waiting to hear from. I have strong interest in the third, lol. I’d say that she’s definitely eliminated 1 of the 6 acceptances she currently has (and it was among the priciest of the bunch, so no regrets there), and is probably not seriously considering 2 others. April will be a very interesting month in our household!


D has a top contender and has had since almost day 1 and we’ve told her it is in the budget. Barely. She would love to hit “accept” but we aren’t quite ready. Her second choice has a dorm deposit already paid.

@thermom. News like this make my heart ache. Hope time heals…

Congratulations to @Mom2aphysicsgeek’s and @itsgettingreal17!!! Your girls are so awesome!!!

DD didn’t make it to GaTech’s stamp presidential semifinalist. But she doesn’t seem too disappointed. GaTech stands pretty low on her list now. On the positive side, DD received the presidential scholarship from Rutgers NB engineering and business school. As an instate, this pretty much makes it a full ride!!!

@whataboutcollege --CONGRATS!!! NICE!! Is it high on the list?

@whataboutcollege Congrats on the presidential! Full rides are such a blessing.

QOTD: No idea!

Son has not made a final decision, but is leaning to picking one of the 2 schools that offered him a spot on their lax team should he commit. They’ve been calling and checking on him, but son doesn’t want to commit to either until he gets his acceptance offer. He got deferred from 2 schools in EA round, but would consider 1 of them if they accept him. The other one, he has decided to pass on. He has a few other schools he is waiting on decisions and I’'m not sure if he’ll get in or not truthfully. I would’ve thought he would be a good candidate for most of the schools on his list according to Naviance and Common Data info, but the 2 deferrals kind of have him worried now.

He has 3 acceptances from some safeties, but is really only interested in one. So, I think he will probably end up going to one of the schools to play lax- unless his top deferral school comes through in the end.

@carachel2 Rutgers has been very nice. When DD was deferred from her SCEA, Rutgers’ acceptance came in a couple of hours later. Now, after passed up by GaTech’s presidential, Rutgers’ presidential comes a couple of days apart. She isn’t crazy about Rutgers simply because it is instate and DH is a grad there (and he can’t stop talking about it, lol). But it has certainly moved up the list!!!.

@whataboutcollege --a parent talking incessantly about their alma mater is most assuredly the KOD (kiss of death) for that school! Or for anything for that matter!

I had a friend call me yesterday to tell me her freshman’s PSAT scores (200 SI by the way!). So I started telling her what this means, etc. that it is a fantastic score for a freshman and she wants to know what she can do to get him on the way towards being NMF. I said “right now, for the time being—SAY NOTHING.” lol (kind of kidding…we will talk to him in a few months)

Congrats @whataboutcollege !

Sorry for the pain your community is suffering right now @thermom. S’s school is at the one year anniversary of two suicides. The school is walking a tightrope between remembering the boys we lost and trying not to stir up the emotions. It is a sad time.

Congrata @whataboutcollege ! thats nice

No clue where DD will end up here as she applied to like 10 schools. 3 Acceptances from 2 safety state schools. Also accepted to GA Tech but no merit $, she was passed on as well for the presidential scholarship. Proust seems like really a long shot as they do 40 total between ED and RD
She was also invited to interview for GEAR at U or Rochester, But trying to decide if should go for the interview etc. No merit info etc from U or R. Are they known for good merit? Any advice? U of R sticker is 68k and GA tech OOS is around 50k. both would involve some travel.

We have a lot more RD applications we are waiting on…

@whataboutcollege Awesome! Congrats!!!

@TearsnJoy – what is GEAR @ Rochester? A google search reveals graduate engineering but not sure why graduate is in the title. Son applied to Rochester but I don’t know what program. (He has applied as a CS & Math double major everywhere. Arts & Science at some schools, but Engineering at others.) Needless to say, he hasn’t heard from Rochester about interviewing for a scholarship, so I probably should not worry about the ones he does not hear from!

QOTD: NO idea where he will be admitted or end up. Decisions outstanding from twelve schools, most of which report end of March. Assume there will be some last-minute travel required in April in order to make a decision.

@CT1417 At U of R GEAR is 5 year combined Bachelors and masters degree, no GRE required plus for 5th year they cover 50% of tuition by making DC TA. You have to apply separately for this and if asked go for interview etc. I guess you are on a fast track to do this in 5 year

I beleive DD applied for EECS. We have not heard from them about scholarship either, But we have to go down there mid feb if DD wants to do this

@TearsnJoy – thanks so much for the info! I know he didn’t apply for a five year program but maybe he should have! Too late now…

We have not visited Rochester either. Ended up not applying to several of the schools we did tour, but has now been admitted to a couple we have never seen. April may be busy…