Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Does anyone know, does the school Naviance update automatically when colleges offer admittance or do the students self report? Just curious.

@eandesmom ā€¦ Around here some of the kids tweet about it :wink:

@SincererLove I would actually think in some cases, it may help her as her stats are so high for her school historically, it makes her stand out more.

@carachel2 I am sure they doā€¦but that only works if you follow (know) the kidā€¦or your own kidā€¦versus looking at your entire schools senior class success rate. :slight_smile:

Stupid question butā€¦Iā€™m gong to ask it anyway :slight_smile: In the UC and Cal State systems, do the various schools have visibility to which ones you apply to? Wondering if applying to a lower tiered option as well as a higher would be an influencing factor in some way.

Just curious.

@eandesmomā€¦very rare that a kid is on private so itā€™s very easy to hunt down the tweets. You donā€™t even need to have a Twitter account.

If you know the kid in questionā€¦I was more curious about our overall senior class success rate.

@eandesmom I would assume that whether Naviance updates automatically depends on the school. Since my Dā€™s school submits all transcripts and recommendations through Naviance, counselors make sure that is immediately up to date with acceptances.

Iā€™m not sure if it is really ā€œautomaticā€ since I donā€™t fully understand the program (yet!), but at least for the ivies, I checked right before and after the decisions were released and the numbers of accepted students had changed. Not sure if any of this was helpful, but it is the little that I know.

It only occurred to me a few days ago that Naviance bases its ā€œmatchesā€ and ā€œscattergramsā€ on weighted gpa. But colleges want the UW gpa. Iā€™m wondering how accurate it really is.

ETA: Iā€™m pretty sure I posted this same question on a forum, just canā€™t remember which one. :))

I donā€™t think our Naviance is updated yet. The results are still up to 2015.

Thank you @carachel2 and @eandesmom! @Agentninetynine , our Naviance still shows DD sophomore PSAT in scatter gram since our system is comparing to 240 or 2400. Very misleading!

@Tgirlfriend, I live in Lubbock, home of Texas Tech, I received a masterā€™s degree from Tech.

@3scoutsmom went on a campus tour of UTDallas with her S2018. I believe they were impressed.

Tech has a full ride for NMF and I believe UT Dallas is almost full ride
Tech is a rah, rah, B12 sports, Greek school. Lubbock is flat and windy and 5 hours away form DFW, but a kid would get a full college experience
Tech is a large school with enrollment around 36,000
Lubbock population is around 245,000
Also I believe Tech has a strong engineering school.
Best of luck to your Son

@Tgirlfriend you S has great scores and stats, there will be lots of wonderful opportunities for him. .my D16 is a NM scholar and she was recruited by a bunch of colleges offering her the world. Alabama and UCF sent her mailings that they have a spot for her in their class and itā€™s a free ride. She wasnā€™t interested in those schools but it was nice to feel the love.

@jedwards70 glad to know we are not alone. D17 has calmed down a bit and is just trying to be proactive about her future. Thanks for asking about D16. She found out tonight she was accepted into the honors program at her state school so that was happy news. She is currently on the waiting list for one school and she isnā€™t sure she wants to stay on it because it is preventing herself from immersing completely in the state school that accepted her. The state school is free which she is realizing the wonderful perks of me spending lots more money on frivolous things because now I can afford it, or if she does get off the waitlist, she loves the thought of the prestige but then no money left for grad school. I thought Iā€™d be done by now but itā€™s still not over. Oy vey!

@greeny8 I think not having that financial pressure of the more prestigious school would be a huge benefit to going to the state school. Imagine the vacations you could take or studying abroad or double majoring she could do. I would dangle that carrot as much as I could. My S has to take the ACT next Saturday before he will Be able to come up with a real list. Our state schools are definitely on the list, we just have to find a few more that have what he wants and what his cheap mom is willing to spend.

Canā€™t wait to hear what your D decides. Iā€™ll have to keep up with the 2016 thread.

@Agentninetynine ā€“ I think it is OK that your Naviance bases matches & reaches on WGPA b/c it is operating within a closed system. I think it is using the data of your childā€™s classmates, so I donā€™t believe it should matter if the college in question wants to see UW GPA. In other words, the advice offered should be based on historical admit patterns of your childā€™s classmates.

My HUGE caveat is that ED admits can really skew the outcomes. We have a LOT of athletic recruits, who, to be honest, often have lower stats than the academic admits. Relying on Naviance data can be misleading if the HS has a significant # of hooked admits.

@SincererLove ā€“ I am guessing that this varies from school to school. Our HS has the seniors attend a homeroom in May to update their college admission info. That info is then entered in Naviance, but not released until the following fall.

Like all else, garbage in, garbage out. I knew the admit specifics for the school my son attends. The Naviance updates after his year were incorrect. Also, since he was admitted ED, his responses to the homeroom survey did not accurately capture the schools where he pulled his apps.\

As I started, I imagine this varies across high schools.

As to the scattergram still showing soph year test scores, you can ask your childā€™s GC to update that manually if it will help you in using Naviance. I have seen a significant lag between test date and uploading scores to Naviance.

@jedwards70 it is a lot to think about but I just want her to be the happiest and have the most opportunity to be the best she can be. Iā€™ll let you know how it pans out, I donā€™t post on the 2016 thread because I didnā€™t find it until recently and I felt they were a close knit group so I just enjoy reading their posts.

My D17 is taking the ACT next weekend too. Sheā€™s barely done any practice tests so itā€™s all on her as I have backed off (per her request). She had take down it in October to get a baseline so she has an idea of her score. Iā€™m just hoping she can raise it 1-2 points and then she can be done and focus on school.

@Agentninetynine The Naviance in our school will show the ā€œscattergramsā€ using either weighted or unweighted gpa using pull-down box.
I understand the Naviance feature and service is different for each school.

I donā€™t know how often or when Naviance data is updated but ours show most of 2016 applications and some acceptances.

We are home from our tour of NC and SC. Yea!

We finished our tour with USCā€¦the one in Columbia, SC. Columbia is a really nice cityā€¦although we didnā€™t see a ton of it we did drive around after our tour and it has a trendy area off campus where the kids tend to go, and another more high-scale area with restaurants where the parents take the kids when they visit. :wink:

We started the morning in driving rain (first rain of the trip) and threat of tornadoes. The presenter was a former student in the HCollege, which, honestly, I donā€™t think is something that you want to tout. Thatā€™s just me. She did a good job though, and brought in the HCollege dean, who was really good and spoke for a while. In comparing to Calhoun HC at Clemson, it just seemed like Calhoun was more snooty, while USC HC was more ā€˜confidentā€™. They didnā€™t brag about things, just laid them out. Their students seem to get a lot of awards, like Hollingsworth, Rhodes, Goldwaters (2 this yearā€¦only behind Harvard with 3).

Stats: 50% OOS (student presenters from FL and OH); more H classes than any other program; 2700 applied/1100 admitted/488 accepted (need minimum GPA/Score to apply); 100% received some scholarship, usually an OOS tuition waiver; several other FT/FR competitive scholarships; 2-3 H classes per semesterā€¦usually students take about 50% of their classes as Honors (about twice as many as Calhoun); 84% end up graduating with Honors designation; Graduate thesis based on research required.

The rain was done by the time we finished the HC presentation, and held off until we were eventually walking back to the car at the end of the day.

We did not get a tour of the Honors dorm, so walked over there in between other appointments. It was build in 2009 and is gorgeous. We didnā€™t get to see the rooms, but looked at the classroomsā€¦and people were milling all about. First floor is public space, and there was a conference going on. Lotā€™s of space to hang out and study, and a large courtyard for activities. Has one of the few ā€˜all you can eatā€™ dining halls. Right off main campus, and 1 block from library. About 3/4 mile from football stadium. Talked to the RM (like an RAā€¦forget what ā€˜Mā€™ is for)ā€¦super nice and helpful. Good recruiter.

USC itself is also beautiful. The Horseshoe is gorgeousā€¦and we saw a dorm right on it. Apt. style with 2 single bedrooms and shared bathā€¦for upperclassmen. Just renovated recently, so not sure they are all like thisā€¦sure theyā€™re not. The campus is right in the city of Columbia, although itā€™s very hard to tell. Itā€™s a self-contained campus, with 1 or 2 streets running through itā€¦the rest is all sidewalks and greenery and beautiful old buildings, with some newer ugly buildings mixed in, but not many.

The USC Wi-Fi covers the entire campus, so you can sit out under a tree on the Horseshoe and still get Wi-Fi; The library is 24x7 and has 7 floors (bottom is most quiet, with no cell service); Career center will loan you a suit for interviews, and then have them dry-cleaned when you are done; Maymesters; lots of study abroad; Carolina Core is the gen-ed requirements, but sounds very flexible; lots of LLCs based on major availableā€¦do not have to live in Honors dorm; freshman can have cars, but may need to park far away.

The biggest negative they discussed was the meal plan. Different numbers of meals (10/13/21?), but it is not ā€˜unlimitedā€™ except at certain spots. Usually, itā€™s a main dish, side dish, and drink. So, Iā€™m not sure what happens, for instance, if you donā€™t WANT a drink? Do you miss out? Also, the meals donā€™t roll overā€¦I think you lose extra meals every week. Sounded very complicated. Boo!

USC ā€˜showsā€™ much better than Clemson, in my opinion. Which school is better for your C will really matter on the major they choose. My D expected it to be too big for her, but it didnā€™t feel big. She really liked the students she met from the HC a lot. Not sure about the choice of majors for her yet, so we will see. Sports was talked about a lot, and I think she would like football Saturdays a great deal. Weā€™ll see! At any rate, it will be staying on the list.

Hereā€™s how she ranked the schools we saw this trip:

1 - Elon
2 - Furman, Duke, USC
5 - UNC
6 - Clemson
7 - Davidson

The intention of the trip was to get her involved with the process more than she has been, and determine what size/type of school she wanted. All the schools had a major I thought she would enjoy (Bio of some sort, most with a Neuroscience major/minor), and the support and departmental rigor to get her into a good grad school. I think it not only got her into the process, but she actually REALLY liked some of these schools. Several of her friends were also on trips visiting ā€˜the Iviesā€™, but I think she had a good time looking at some of the other awesome schools that are out there, that have lots and lots of things to offer in their own right.

@2muchquan love your descriptions!

@2muchquan , enjoy your tour reports. Thank you for taking the time! Glad Duke still gives out water bottle. FYI, the people we bought our current house, all three of their daughters went to Elon.

Lastly, hope you had some nice bonding time with your DD. Before we know it, they will be leaving the house. Up to last week, DD said she wants to go to school within 400 miles radius of the house. Now she starts to think about schools in CA.